Bioconjugate Chemistry (journal)

Bioconjugate Chemistry  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
'Bioconjugate Chem.'
Discipline Chemistry Molecular Biology
Language English
Edited by Vincent M. Rotello
Publication details
Publication history
Frequency Monthly
ISSN 1043-1802 (print)
1520-4812 (web)
CODEN bcces

Bioconjugate Chemistry is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published since 1990 by the American Chemical Society. Bioconjugate Chemistry is currently indexed in the following archives: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), SCOPUS, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, British Library, PubMed, and Web of Science.

The current Editor-in-Chief is Professor Vincent M. Rotello[1] succeeding Professor Claude F. Meares.

Bioconjugate Chemistry is indexed in Biochemical Research Methods, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Multidisciplinary Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, and the journal received an impact factor of 4.513 as reported in the 2014 Journal Citation Reports by Thomson Reuters.[2]


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