Block Busters

Block Busters
Directed by Wallace Fox
Produced by Jack Dietz (producer)
Sam Katzman (producer)
Barney A. Sarecky (associate producer)
Written by Houston Branch (writer)
Starring See below
Cinematography Marcel Le Picard
Edited by Carl Pierson
Release dates
July 22, 1944
Running time
60 minutes
Country United States
Language English

Block Busters is a 1944 American film directed by Wallace Fox.


After an afternoon of playing baseball, Muggs McGinnis (Leo Gorcey) and the East Side Kids gang arrive at the door of their clubhouse, where a man named Higgins (silent comedian Harry Langdon, in one of his last film appearances) is removing their "East Side Club" sign. Higgins explains that the owner of the place plans to rent it to some "respectable" tenants. When Muggs learns that the new tenants are due to examine the place at noon the following day, he plans to frighten them away by picking a fight with Butch (Billy Benedict) and the Five Pointers, a rival gang.

The next day, Glimpy (Huntz Hall) and Pinky (Gabriel Dell), scribble a challenge to the Five Pointers on the sidewalk. When Butch and his gang read the message, "The East Siders dare you to fight," they seek out their challengers. Meanwhile, Muggs and the gang see Higgins supervising the delivery of some window boxes that he ordered to replace the weather-beaten pots that are lining the street. Pretending to be helpful, the gang offers to dispose of the old pots, but instead, stack them against a nearby wall.

Soon, the prospective tenants, an elderly woman named Amelia Norton (Minerva Urecal) and her French-born grandson Jean (Fred Pressel) arrive, and Higgins greets them. Just then, Butch and his gang show up and take the bait, hurling the empty pots at Muggs and his gang, while a shocked Amelia looks on. When Jean critiques Muggs's fighting style, Muggs begins to brawl with him. After they are both arrested, the judge (Noah Berry, Sr. tells Muggs that he will hold each one accountable for the other's behavior.

Later, Jean goes to the clubhouse to make sure that Muggs is staying out of trouble, and the gang teaches him some American games. Afterward, Jean invites the gang over for tea, and they meet snobby Irma Treadwell (Kay Marvis) and her mother Virginia. When Muggs and Glimpy see a black sedan pick up Jean, who is dressed like Count Dracula, they decide to follow him. The car takes Jean to a costume party at a chic club, where Muggs wins best costume for being dressed as a Bowery tough.

Meanwhile Tobey Dunn (Bill Chaney), an ailing member of Muggs's baseball team, is told by his doctor (Robert F. Hill) that a stay in the country would cure him, but unfortunately, Tobey's family cannot afford the trip. Later, Danny (Jimmy Strand), sees his girl friend Jinx (Roberta Smith) dancing with Jean at a party, so the gang decides to crash it. When Glimpy tells Danny that he saw Jinx riding on the back of Jean's bicycle, Danny tries to fight with his rival, but Muggs intervenes.

The gang then goes to the field to play baseball, and Jean quickly learns the game. At the clubhouse, Amelia thanks the gang for allowing Jean to play with them. During the team's next game, Lippman (Bernard Gorcey), the team's sponsor, tells the gang that if they win, he will send them all to summer camp in the Catskill Mountains. With the bases loaded, Jean hits a home run and wins the game, and Tobey is awarded his much-needed trip to the country.


Cast and characters

The East Side Kids

Additional cast

See also

External links

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