Bloemencorso Zundert

Winning float at Bloemencorso Zundert 2002

Bloemencorso Zundert is the largest flower parade in the world entirely made by volunteers. The parade takes place on the first Sunday of September. The floats are large artworks made of steel wire, cardboard, papier-mâché and flowers. In the Bloemencorso Zundert, only dahlias are used to decorate the objects and it takes thousands of them just to cover one float. It was founded in 1936.

The huge floats are made by twenty different hamlets and each of them consists of hundreds of builders, aged 1 to 100, who are all equally crazy about the bloemencorso. The older members of the hamlet are often responsible for planting and growing the dahlias, while the younger ones build the float in large temporary tents that are built exclusively for the event.

The bloemencorso is also a competition. A professional and independent jury decides which float is the most beautiful and which hamlet will be crowned the winner of that year.

Social element and hamlets

Building a float for the corso is mainly a social event. Builders of all ages work side by side for over three months to get the float of their hamlet ready on time. It has to be as perfect as possible in order to win the competition.

The Bloemencorso Zundert is mainly a social event. The photo shows a large group of people preparing the dahlias by putting pins through the flowers so they can be applied to the float.

The parade itself takes place on the first Sunday of September, but the members of the hamlets work on their floats all summer. The tents are put up in May or June and from then on the volunteers put all their effort in creating the giant artworks. The last three days before the actual parade are the most stressful. Because the flowers have to be fresh, the hamlets can only start applying the dahlias on the floats on the Thursday before the parade. If necessary, the builders will work day and night to have their float ready on Sunday.

Most people in Zundert will happily give up their days off to work on the float. The social cohesion that comes from building it is very important. A hamlet is like a family where everyone knows each other and everyone is welcome. After a long evening working on the float people drink a beer together and most hamlets organize all kinds of other activities like song contests and barbecues.

For years, seventeen hamlets participated in the corso. In recent years, three more decided to enter the competition. Building a float costs a lot of money-- Around 15.000 to 20.000 euros per float, and hundreds of people are needed. Now there are twenty hamlets competing in Bloemencorso Zundert. They are:

  • Achtmaal
  • De Berk
  • De Lent
  • Helpt Elkander
  • 't Kapelleke
  • Klein Zundert
  • Klein-Zundertse Heikant
  • Laarheide
  • Laer-Akkermolen
  • Markt
  • Molenstraat
  • Poteind
  • Raamberg
  • Stuivezand
  • 't Stuk
  • Rijsbergen
  • Schijf
  • Tiggelaar
  • Veldstraat
  • Wernhout

See also

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bloemencorso Zundert.
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