Bochner identity

In mathematics specifically, differential geometry the Bochner identity is an identity concerning harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds. The identity is named after the American mathematician Salomon Bochner.

Statement of the result

Let M and N be Riemannian manifolds and let u : M  N be a harmonic map. Let du denote the derivative (pushforward) of u, ∇ the gradient, Δ the Laplace–Beltrami operator, RiemN the Riemann curvature tensor on N and RicM the Ricci curvature tensor on M. Then

\frac12 \Delta \big( | \nabla u |^{2} \big) = \big| \nabla ( \mathrm{d} u ) \big|^{2} + \big\langle \mathrm{Ric}_{M} \nabla u, \nabla u \big\rangle - \big\langle \mathrm{Riem}_{N} (u) (\nabla u, \nabla u) \nabla u, \nabla u \big\rangle.

See also


External links

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