Bodrai Thanda
Bodrai Thanda is a village in Dornakal Mandal, Warangal district. It is near to Khammam town (about 20 km) and Dornakal Railway Junction also (30 km).
The population is nearly about 2000. The thanda itself consists of 7 more small sub-thanda's. From these 7 Thanda's "SOMLA NAYAK THANDA", "BANDAM KOMMU THANDA", "GUGULOTHU THANDA", "JOGYA THANDA", "CHATRU THANDA", "AZMEERA THANDA", "MEDICHETTU THANDA",. These thandas are established by MANGTHI NAYAK. He also participated in the independence movement in 1940–1947 for India.SOMLA NAYAK WHOM WAS THE SON OF THE MANGTHI NAYAK was the oldest person who has participated in establishment of "BODRAI" (central stone of the village). NOW, the Village youth are Formed the Association with the Name of Lord Sree Ram i.e, "SREE RAM YOUTH ASSOCIATION" and establishment in 2006 with reg:No.265 the association is participating in the village development activities the temple have been constructing under the Team work of Youth Association,SREE RAMAANJANEYA TEMPLE IN THE PLACE OF THE BODRAI CENTER beside the road from Khammam to Mahabubabad.
the temple land is pursued from the village land owner..