Boeun (Jeungsando)

For Boeun County in Korea, please see Boeun County.

報恩 (Offering Gratitude and Repaying)

Boeun is one of the main teachings of Jeungism. Bo (報) means "repay" and eun (恩) means "gratitude". Its literal meaning is repay other's gratitude to me.

Why Boeun is important?

It is recommended to understand the concept of Cosmic year in order to understand better the context of these type of teachings.

As a human being, the most important thing is its life. Without its life, nothing can be more important. Anything that we can think of in our daily life such as money, fame, power, etc. can not be more important because once my life is gone, everything is useless. How one can be rich, famous, and influential without having himself/herself?

Therefore, life is the most important thing for human being. Then, who gave its life? That must be parents. Without parents, one can not be born. For this reason, human being must offer respect to parents and ancestors. This concept is related with Wunshibanbon(Returning to the Origin).


One aspect of offering gratitude and repaying is to offer respect to parents, ancestors, and teachers to whom we are all indebted. Another is to avoid unnecessary indebtedness and dependence so that we can act freely. It also involves giving credit where credit is due.

Quote from Dojeon

It is difficult to serve heaven and earth if you do not respect your parents. Heaven and earth are the parents of humanity, and parents are the heaven and earth of their children. If descendants treat their ancestors badly, ancestors treat the descendants in the same way.
Dojeon 2:41:3-5
If you are given a bowl of rice, do not forget it. If you are given only half a bowl of rice, do not forget it. There is a saying, ‘Never fail to repay the benevolence of being given a meal.’ But I say, ‘never fail to repay the benevolence of even half a meal.
Dojeon 2:40:3-4
In the Early Heaven, being dependent on others has led people to ruin. You should not even lean on the walls of your own room. Do not wish for the benevolence of others. If you receive many favors, you will be indebted and kept from acting freely. The beast called failure is one-legged. Two of them must lean on each other to walk. When you depend on someone, you are bound to fail.
Dojeon 8:16:5-7
Enlightenment is the ultimate way of repaying heaven and earth.
Dojeon 6:82:5
You have to discover your own mind and do your own work.
Dojeon 11:96:8

See also

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