Bogra Polytechnic Institute
Bogra Polytechnic Institute (Bengali: বগুড়া পলিটেকনিক ইনস্টিটিউট) or BPI is a Government Technical Institute in Bogra, Bangladesh. It is one of the largest polytechnic institutes in Bangladesh.
In early 1955, Ford Foundation established Bogra Polytechnic Institute, with a duration of 3 years long courses, based on the syllabus of Oklahoma State University, Still Water, USA. The certificate issued by the then Technical Board Education was "Associated in Engineering" having provision to undergo B.S course in USA and also in U.K. Its formation and academic course history details goes back to the birth of Ahsanullah Engineering College, which is now known as BUET.
Bogra Polytechnic Institute General Information
Institute Name : Bogra Polytechnic Institute, Bogra
Principal : Khandaker Golam Mostofa Village Road : Sherpur Road Post Office : Bogra Union Word : Ward No-12 Thana Upazila : Bogra Sadar Establish Date : 17/09/1962 Reg Date : 17/09/1962 Class Room : 45 Male Student : 971 Female Student : 309 Total Teacher : N/A Male Hostel Seat : N/A Female Hostel Seat : N/A Website:
Bogra Polytechnic Institute is located at Colony in the southern part of the Bogra city in Bangladesh. It is near the Police Line and Vocational Teachers Training Institute (VTTI).
Academic programs
It offers Diploma Level Programmes for Diploma-in-Engineering in many different technological areas, each required to study for a 4-year-long curriculum.
Students can participate in:
- Refrigeration & air-condition Department. --96
- Mining & Mine Survey Technology.--96
- Electronics Technology.--96
- Electrical Technology.--96
- Mechanical Technology.--96
- Civil Technology.--192
- Computer Technology.--96
- Power Technology.--96
Comparison and opportunity
After completing SSC level (10th grade, also known as 'O' level, SSC Vocational or 'Dakhil' level) a student can pursue his or her educational career for obtaining a "Diploma-in-Engineering" diploma degree which falls in "Technical Education System" from Polytechnic Institutes, or they can obtain HSC (12th grade, also known as 'A' level, or 'Intermediate' level, or 'Alim' level) certificate degree, which falls in "General Education System", from various other academic colleges, and HSC being the mainstream study line in South-Asian countries. HSC courses focus mainly on various Science, Arts, Commerce, Business, Law, Medical, in various areas, whereas Diploma-in-Engineering courses in Polytechnic Institutes focus mostly on Technology (Applied & Practical Science) areas.
The "Diploma-in-Engineering" diploma degree level is rated higher than the HSC certificate degree level, and both are lesser than a formal Baccalaureate or BSc (Bachelor in Science) degree, and both are also the entry level for enrolling into any B.Sc Engineering degrees. Students when complete the Diploma-in-Engineering (4 years long curriculum) courses, they acquire educational level equivalent to grade XIV (14th grade),[1] and students who complete HSC level (exactly 2 years long curriculum), they acquire educational level equivalent to grade XII (12th grade). Most of the diploma-in-engineering curriculum were extended from a 3 years study period to a 4 years long study period. In "Madrasah Education System", the 14th grade is also known as 'Fazil' level.
"Diploma-in-Engineering", a diploma degree should not to be confused with a European, American "Diploma", which usually has only 1 year or less long educational curriculum for obtaining a (Diploma) "certificate", not a Degree. In those geographical areas, various Science & other Academic & Technical field subjects are offered for obtaining an "Associate" degree which includes a minimum of 2 years long curriculum, and also transferable toward obtaining a bachelor's degree, comes closest to a South-Asian "Diploma-in-Engineering" degree, where such "Associate" degree is still 2 years less than a South-Asian degree. Even though there are few other type of "Associate" degrees (1 yr, or, 2 yr) are offered in some Occupational or Vocational or various Trade Training areas, but since those are (usually) nontransferable,[2] so such "Associate" degrees are also much lesser than and not equivalent to a South-Asian "Diploma-in-Engineering" degree.
After completing Diploma-in-Engineering from Polytechnic Institutes or HSC from other colleges (in South-Asian countries), students from both side can further pursue their educational carrier for obtaining a formal Engineering, Medical, Education, Business or Commerce etc., Bachelor's degree in one of the following two categories, "Pass" (3 years) or "Honours" (Hons) (4 years) category, from various Public or Private Universities. Diploma Engineers can also enroll in Technology Universities for obtaining the BSc (Tech.Edn) or BSc.Eng (Engineering) degree, which includes 2 and a half years to 3 years long shorter curriculum, because students have already completed various required subjects in Diploma-in-Engineering level during their 4 years long courses, then after completing this BSc level, students reach at grade XVI (16th grade). Diploma students, if wants to, can also enroll in any other Public or Private Universities. Likewise, when HSC degree holders complete a formal Bachelor(Hons), BSc.Eng (Engineering), BSc.Agr (Agriculture), BSc.Text (Textile), BSc.Leat (Leather) or LLB(Hons), etc., then they reach at the Grade XVI (16th grade) level, which have at least 4 years long curriculum. Many HSC degree holders decides to obtain a formal BSc or bachelor's degree with "Pass" only, in available various subject areas, which are actually 3 years long courses (15th grade). In "Madrasah Education System", the 16th grade is also known as 'Kamil' level.
One of the professional society of engineers, the Institution Of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), conduct a specially designed engineering course, upon completion of which trainees can appear at Associate Membership Examinations Part A and Part B. And after qualifying in these examinations one becomes an Associate Member of Institution Engineers (AMIE). The certificate awarded to those who pass this examination, is recognized by public and private sector organizations in the country as equivalent to a formal degree in Engineering. With an AMIE degree one can get the same type of job as the engineers holding bachelor's degrees. Other engineering associations and societies are the Institute of Diploma Engineers, Bangladesh (IDEB), the Association of Consulting Engineers, Association of Self-Employed Engineers, Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society of Geotechnical Engineers. These are options for Diploma-in-Engineering degree holders, beside other public and private universities.
Halls of residence
There are two Boy's and one Girl's dormitories. About 1 thousand residential students stay here.
- North Hostel
- South Hostel
- Korotoa Girls Hostel
The Institute operates under the executive control of the Ministry of Education(MOE) acting through the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE).[3] The academic programmes, curriculums are maintained under the regulation of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB).[4] BTEB functions under Directorate of Inspection and Audit (DIA), which in turn functions under Chief Accounts Office (CAO), and it functions under MOE.