Bomilcar (suffete)

For other people of the same name, see Bomilcar (disambiguation).

Bomilcar (3rd century BC) was a Carthaginian nobleman and commander in the Second Punic War.

He was the father of the Hanno who commanded a portion of Hannibal's army at the passage of the Rhone, 218 BC. This Bomilcar seems to have been one of the Carthaginian suffetes [1] and to have presided in that assembly of the senate in which the second Punic war was resolved on.[2]



  1. see Gottling, Excurs, iii. ad Arist. Polit. p. 484 (cited by Smith)
  2. Polyb. iii. 33, 42 ; Liv. xxi. 18, 27, 28.) (cited by Smith)
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