Conservation and restoration of books, manuscripts, documents and ephemera

A conservation technician examining an artwork under a microscope at the Indianapolis Museum of Art

The conservation and restoration of books, manuscripts, documents and ephemera is an activity dedicated to the preservation and protection of objects of historical and personal value made primarily from paper, parchment, and leather. When applied to cultural heritage conservation activities are generally undertaken by a conservator-restorer.

Paper based items, such as books, scrapbooks, manuscripts, maps, deeds, newspapers, drawings, water colors, miniatures,and postcards present distinctive concerns when it comes to care and conservation. Unlike works of art on paper, these items are often handled directly and repeatedly to access information.[1] Even paper ephemera like newspapers and letters can be considered important historical records or family mementos.[2]

Agents of deterioration

Inherent vice

Inherent vice is "the quality of a material or an object to self-destruct or to be unusually difficult to maintain".[3] Paper, books, manuscripts, and ephemera are prime examples of this. Early paper was handmade from plant fibers such as flax, hemp, and cotton: it is generally durable and can last for centuries.[4] However, in the mid-19th century, machine-made paper was introduced, and wood became the most common, least expensive ingredient, especially in newspapers. The presence of lignin in wood pulp paper causes acid to degrade the cellulose, which causes the paper to become unstable and discolored over time.[5] In addition, paper has the natural ability to absorb and retain moisture from the atmosphere, making it prone to the growth of mold, fungi, and bacteria.[6]

Books are inherently complex; they are often made of mixed materials ranging from parchment, leather, fabric, adhesives and thread. Some inks used in old books and manuscripts are harmful to paper. Iron gall ink, most commonly used from the 8th century through the end of the 19th century, contains acid and can corrode the paper in humid conditions.[7]

Ephemera, as the name implies, was never made to survive. Flyers, postcards, programs are often printed on poor quality paper, carelessly handled, and likely to be haphazardly displayed or stored.[8]


Insects and vermin are naturally attracted to paper because paper is made of cellulose, starch and protein, materials that provide plenty of nourishment for pests to thrive on.[6] The most common pests are roaches, silverfish, and various types of beetles.[9] Book lice feed on mold spores found on paper and cardboard, and although they do not cause visible damage, their decomposition and excretions can stain paper and may also nourish other pests, continuing the cycle of damage.[4] To prevent infestation, a clean environment is necessary; dust often and keep food and drink away from the objects and storage areas. If you discover pests, they should first be identified so that appropriate measures can be taken.[6] Freezing the objects is an option for pest mitigation, and a good rule of thumb for most insects is to freeze to the center of the object within four hours at a temperature of -20°C (about -4 degrees Fahrenheit) for at least 72 hours, then to thaw the materials over a 24-hour period.[9] However, some materials should not be frozen, such as books made with leather, because the cold temperatures may cause the fat to rise to the surface of the leather resulting in a white or yellow area called a bloom.[9] A professional conservator should be able to identify what materials can be frozen. The use of insecticides directly on collection materials is not recommended, however if the infestation is severe and fumigation is the best option, the affected objects should be separated from the rest of the collection for treatment.[6]

Environmental conditions

Extremes of temperature or relative humidity are damaging from either end of the spectrum (low or high).[10] High heat and low relative humidity can cause paper to become brittle and leather book bindings to crack.[10] High temperatures and high relative humidity accelerates mold growth, foxing, staining, blooming, and disintegration. Fluctuations in temperatures and humidity may also cause cockling: a wrinkling or puckering preventing the surface from laying flat.[11] Exact figures for optimal preservation conditions depend on if the collection is for use, storage, or a combination; in general, a cool environment (below 70 degrees Fahrenheit) and relatively dry air (between 30-50% relative humidity) is recommended.[12]

Air quality must also be taken into consideration. Dust tends to absorb moisture, providing a suitable environment to attract mold growth and insects.[13] Dust can also become acidic when combined with skin oils and the surface of paper.[6]

All kinds of light (sunlight, artificial light, spotlights) can be harmful.[7] Light can result in fading, darkening, bleaching, and cellulose breakdown. Some inks and other pigments will fade if exposed to light, especially ultraviolet (UV) light present in normal daylight and from fluorescent bulbs.[13] Any exposure to light can cause damage, as the effects are cumulative and cannot be reversed.[10] Minimal or no exposure to light is ideal.


A paper conservator handling a book.

Other than a poor environment, handling is the primary cause of deterioration for books, manuscripts, and ephemera.[8] Fortunately, there are many ways to properly handle these items to prevent damage:

Proper storage methods and materials

A paper conservator surveying a collection of materials in storage.

Good storage can extend the life of an object and is an important aspect of preventative conservation. As mentioned above, storage should be cool, dry, clean, and stable (room temperature or below and relative humidity between 30-50% is acceptable). Avoid exposure to any kind of light, especially direct or intense light.[15] Keep objects away from radiators or vents, which can cause fluctuations.[15]

Manuscripts and paper documents should be stored in protective archival-quality boxes and folders. It is essential that storage enclosures be made of acid-free and lignin-free materials.[22] Storing or encapsulating a paper artifact in a polyester (Mylar) film sleeves or folders is also a good choice for documents that might be handled often, as polyester film is clear. As added protection acid formation, paper-based storage materials may have a buffer, such as calcium carbonate, which can neutralize acids as they form in the storage materials.[22] When filling storage boxes, interleave with acid/lignin-free paper and do not overstuff them.[13] If the containers are partially full, use spacers or store the container horizontally.[4] Large format material is best stored in a plan cabinet with shallow drawers.[13] Avoid rolling large items (e.g. maps); but if flat storage is impossible, it is safer to roll around a large diameter archival quality tube.[23] Once the map or large document is rerolled in its original direction, cover the outside with archival quality paper.[23]

Books require proper shelving. The most desirable is baked enamel steel shelving that stands away from exterior walls (icc, books). Average size books should be shelved vertically, side-by-side so they can support each other.[18] If a book is removed from the shelf, replace it with a foam block to maintain verticality (MRM5, 215). Do not overstock the shelves. Oversized books or fragile books should be stored horizontally and completely flat, but keep stacking to a minimum.[7] Books should be placed in supportive and protective enclosures. Book boxes prevent soiling and abrasion as well as provide structural support. Book boxes can range from simple four-flap enclosures made of archival safe paper or cardboard to custom clamshell or drop-spine boxes covered in book cloth.[18]

Consulting a conservator

In general, the cleaning and repair of paper documents and books should be left to a professional conservator.[4] Conservators combine in-depth knowledge of science and art with extensive practical experience to care for objects of cultural and historic value.[24] Many paper or book conservators are members of a professional body, such as the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) or the Guild of Bookworkers (both in the United States), or the Archives and Records Association (in the United Kingdom and Ireland). Some condition problems will require more cautious treatment and/or immediate attention of a conservator:

Reformatting options

Reformatting options include photocopying, digitization, and microfilming. Many libraries and universities have book copiers where the book can be supported at an angle, avoiding the damage to its structure that can be caused by forcing it flat.[8][7]

In spite of the digital revolution, preservation microfilming is still used. Microfilm can have a life expectancy of 500 or more years, and only needs light and magnification to read.[28]


The first substantial work on the subject of book restoration was Alfred Bonnardot's Essai sur l'art de Restaurer les Estampes et les Livres: which was first published in Paris in 1846. The first book of restoration, published by Ferdinand Petrov fine art restorer conservator Vancouver Canada. Title: The Art of Painting and The Art of Restoration. 484-pages, hard cover. See: on Google:"art restoration books" or "fine art restoration book-manual for restoration paintings, covers paper borne art restoration in details.


See also


  1. Landrey et al. (2000), p.31.
  2. Library of Congress, "Preservation Measures for Newspapers", Accessed 13 April 2014, .
  3. National Postal Museum, "Inherent Vice," Smithsonian, Accessed on 13 April 2014, .
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "How to Care for Paper Documents and Newspaper Clippings". Canadian Conservation Institute. 4 January 2002. Archived from the original on 12 March 2014. Retrieved 13 April 2014.
  5. Dava Tobey, "Preserving History," Minnesota Historical Society, Accessed on 13 April 2014, .
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 Shelley (1992), p.30.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "How to Care for Books". Canadian Conservation Institute. 4 January 2002. Archived from the original on 12 March 2014. Retrieved 13 April 2014.
  8. 1 2 3 4 Landrey et al. (2000), p.33.
  9. 1 2 3 Mary C. Baughman, “Approaches to Insect Problems in Paper and Books,” Harry Ransom Center, Accessed 13 April 2014, .
  10. 1 2 3 Shelley (1992), p.29.
  11. Cameo, "Cockling," Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Accessed 22 April 2014, .
  12. Sherelyn Ogden, "Temperature, Relative Humidity, Light, and Air Quality: Basic Guidelines for Preservation," Northeast Document Conservation Center, Accessed 22 April 2014, .
  13. 1 2 3 4 State Library of Victoria, "Caring for Works on Paper," State Library of Victoria, Accessed 13 April 2014, .
  14. 1 2 Harry Ransom Center, “Ransom Center Guidelines: Safe Handling of Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts,” The University of Texas at Austin, Accessed 22 April 2014, .
  15. 1 2 3 4 Library of Congress, "Care, Handling, and Storage of Works on Paper," Library of Congress, Accessed 13 April 2014, .
  16. 1 2 Library of Congress, "Care, Handling, and Storage of Books," Library of Congress, Accessed 13 April 2014, .
  17. Landrey et al. (2000), p.35.
  18. 1 2 3 Landrey et al. (2000), p.36.
  19. Dixie Nielson, "Object Handling," in MRM5: Museum Registration Methods, eds. Rebecca Buck and Jean Allman Gilmore. (Washington, DC: AAM Press, 2010), 214.
  20. Landrey et al. (2000), p.39.
  21. Landrey et al. (2000), p.41.
  22. 1 2 Sherelyn Ogden, “Storage Enclosures for Books and Artifacts on Paper,” Northeast Document Conservation Center, Accessed 22 April 2014, .
  23. 1 2 Landrey et al. (2000), p. 42.
  24. 1 2 3 AIC, "Caring for Your Treasures," American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works, Accessed 26 April 2014, .
  25. 1 2 3 4 5 NEDCC, "Conservation Treatment for Works of Art and Unbound Artifacts on Paper," Northeast Document Conservation Center, Accessed 26 April 2014,
  26. Landrey et al. (2000), p. 45.
  27. 1 2 NEDCC, "Conservation Treatment for Bound Materials of Value," Northeast Document Conservation Center, Accessed 26 April 2014,
  28. Steve Dalton. "Microfilm and Microfiche". Northeast Document Conservation Center. Accessed 22 April 2014.


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