Boron trioxide (data page)

This page provides supplementary chemical data on boron trioxide.

Material Safety Data Sheet

Structure and properties

Structure and properties
Index of refraction, nD ?
Abbe number ?
Dielectric constant, εr ? ε0 at ? °C
Bond strength ?
Bond length ?
Bond angle ?
Magnetic susceptibility ?

Thermodynamic properties

Phase behavior
Triple point ? K (? °C), ? Pa
Critical point ? K (? °C), ? Pa
Std enthalpy change
of fusion
, ΔfusHo
? kJ/mol
Std entropy change
of fusion
, ΔfusSo
? J/(mol·K)
Std enthalpy change
of vaporization
, ΔvapHo
? kJ/mol
Std entropy change
of vaporization
, ΔvapSo
? J/(mol·K)
Solid properties
Std enthalpy change
of formation
, ΔfHosolid
-1273.5 kJ/mol
Standard molar entropy,
54.0 J/(mol K)
Heat capacity, cp 62.8 J/(mol K)
Liquid properties
Std enthalpy change
of formation
, ΔfHoliquid
? kJ/mol
Standard molar entropy,
? J/(mol K)
Heat capacity, cp ? J/(mol K)
Gas properties
Std enthalpy change
of formation
, ΔfHogas
-843.8 kJ/mol
Standard molar entropy,
242.5 J/(mol K)
Heat capacity, cp 57.3 J/(mol K)

Spectral data

λmax ? nm
Extinction coefficient, ε ?
Major absorption bands ? cm1
Proton NMR  
Carbon-13 NMR  
Other NMR data  
Masses of
main fragments


Except where noted otherwise, data relate to standard ambient temperature and pressure.

Disclaimer applies.

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