Botryotinia fuckeliana

Botryotinia fuckeliana
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Leotiomycetes
Subclass: Leotiomycetidae
Order: Helotiales
Family: Sclerotiniaceae
Genus: Botryotinia
Species: B. fuckeliana
Binomial name
Botryotinia fuckeliana
(de Bary) Whetzel, (1945)

Botrytis fuckeliana N.F. Buchw., (1949)
Botrytis gemella (Bonord.) Sacc., (1881)
Botrytis grisea (Schwein.) Fr., (1832)
Botrytis vulgaris (Pers.) Fr., (1832)
Haplaria grisea Link, (1809)
fuckeliana de Bary
Phymatotrichum gemellum Bonord., (1851)
Polyactis vulgaris Pers., (1809)
Sclerotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Fuckel, (1870)

Botryotinia fuckeliana is a plant pathogen, and the causal agent of gray mold disease.

The specific epithet was named by mycologist Heinrich Anton de Bary in honor of another mycologist, Karl Wilhelm Gottlieb Leopold Fuckel.

This species is better known as its anamorph, Botrytis cinerea.



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