
BoyStyle is a Swiss boy band that has the distinction of both being the first boy band Switzerland has ever had (consisting of members who are all under 18 years old), as well as being formed from current Swiss Champions in gymnastics, dance, and singing. Their first CD singles were "Heartbreaker" and "Hand to Switzerland" .

BoyStyle Biography

Boystyle was founded in 2009 by the trio Big G from Blue Visual Media, Marc Colin, the audio engineer who was responsible for Stephanie Berger's Albums an Ex Miss Switzerland and Sarah Angelsberger of the Tanz Fabrik in Urdorf. The band consists of 4 members, Mika, Flavio, Max and Vincent, who are between 12 and 13 years old. BoyStyle is the first boy band that Switzerland has ever known. There have previously been Swiss bands that have been made of boys, but never one with members all under the age of 15 that achieved recognition so quickly.

Mika - Swiss national champion in gymnastics[1] in 2007

Flavio - Swiss national dance champion for his age group in 2007 [2]

Max - An accomplished guitarist who has appeared in commercials

Vincent - A vocalist who has recorded his own songs

On September 14, 2009 they released their debut singles "Heartbreaker" and "Hand to Switzerland", the former of which reached the number one played song on the Swiss Music Portal within a day .

BoyStyle in the Press

The newspaper 20 Minutes reported:[3]

Die Schweiz hat eine neue Boyband: Die süsse Truppe mit dem Namen Boystyle will mit poppigen Sommerklängen und Tanzeinlagen die Charts erobern – am liebsten auch im Ausland.

Irgendwo zwischen Backstreet Boys und Tokio Hotel: Flavio, Vincent Mika und Max als neue Schweizer Teenie-Band Boystyle. (Gerald Farrell) Sie heissen Mika, Flavio, Vincent und Max, sind zwischen 12 und 14 Jahre alt und dürften so manches Mädchenherz erobern. Das Ziel ist klar: Die Teenie-Truppe Boystyle soll die nächste Schweizer Musiksensation werden. Nach mehreren Castings stehen vier von fünf Mitgliedern fest, der letzte Nachwuchs-Entertainer wird am Samstag im Zürcher Club Acqua gekürt.

Im Juli erscheint die erste Single «Girlfriend», Ende Jahr folgt das Album. Bei den Liedern handelt es sich ausschliesslich um englische Songs – so könnte auch eine internationale Karriere lanciert werden. Der 12-jährige Mika freut sich: «Schliesslich stehe ich gern im Mittelpunkt.» Soundtechnisch bewegt sich Boystyle «zwischen den Backstreet Boys und Tokio Hotel», meint Tanz-Choreographin Sarah Angelsberger. Ob das bei den Mädchen von heute ankommt? Mika fände es jedenfalls «schon noch cool, wenn sich ein paar Mädchen in mich verlieben würden».

Switzerland has a new boy band: This cool group, named "Boystyle," wants to conquer the summer-sound with pop and dance numbers - preferably abroad. Somewhere between the Backstreet Boys and Tokio Hotel: Flavio, Vincent, Mika, and Max make up the new teen band Boystyle. (Gerald Farrell) They are named Mika, Flavio, Vincent, and Max, are between 12 and 14 years old, and will likely conquer many a young woman's heart. The goal is clear: The teen sensation known as Boystyle will be the next Swiss music sensation. After several cast calls, they have announced four of their five members; their last young entertainer will be announced on Saturday at the Zurich Club Acqua. In July they released their first single "Girlfriend," which was followed with a year-end album. All the songs they have released are in English - they might be launching an international career. The 12-year-old Mika is excited: "Finally, I like to stand in the center." The Boystyle sound ranges "between the Backstreet Boys and Tokio Hotel," according to dance choreographer Sarah Angelsberger. Is this becoming to young women? Mika would find it in any case "even cooler if a few girls fell in love with me."

On June 14, Energy Zurich conducted an interview with Max and Boystyle.[4]

The Limmattaler Zeitung also relates Boystyle interview details:

"Kein Wunder, denn die beiden sind keine Neulinge im Rampenlicht: Mika ist Schweizer Meister im Kunstturnen, Flavio ist Schweizer Meister im Latintanz. Zuvor war er kantonaler Meister im Karate. An Publikum sind sie sich also durchaus gewöhnt. «Vor einer grossen Menschenmenge aufzutreten, ist kein Problem für mich», sagt denn auch Flavio. Auch Mika steht gerne im Mittelpunkt, obwohl er zugibt, dass er vor Kunstturnwettkämpfen doch jedes Mal ein bisschen nervös ist."

"It is no surprise, because they are not new at being in the spotlight: Mika is the Swiss master in gymnastics, and Flavio is the Swiss master in Latin Dancing. He was previously the cantonal master in Karate. They are quite comfortable in front of audiences. 'Appearing before a large crowd is not a problem for me,' Flavio also said. Mika is also happy to be the center of attention, though he admits being a bit nervous before his gymnastics competitions."

'BoyStyle' appeared on page 3 of Freundin Magazine on August 18, 2009.

Boystyle Music

Their first music single was "Heartbreaker," followed by "Hand to Switzerland". Each song has a music video on YouTube

  1. Swiss National Championships for his age group in 2007
  2. Swiss National Championships in 2007 in Dance
  3. 20 Minuten Zurich 10.06.09
  4. Radio Energy Zurich 14.06.09
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