Braided Hopf algebra

In mathematics, a braided Hopf algebra is a Hopf algebra in a braided monoidal category. The most common braided Hopf algebras are objects in a Yetter–Drinfeld category of a Hopf algebra H, particularly the Nichols algebra of a braided vectorspace in that category.

The notion should not be confused with quasitriangular Hopf algebra.


Let H be a Hopf algebra over a field k, and assume that the antipode of H is bijective. A Yetter–Drinfeld module R over H is called a braided bialgebra in the Yetter–Drinfeld category  {}^H_H\mathcal{YD} if

 (R\otimes R)\times (R\otimes R)\to R\otimes R,\quad (r\otimes s,t\otimes u) \mapsto \sum _i rt_i\otimes s_i u, \quad \text{and}\quad c(s\otimes t)=\sum _i t_i\otimes s_i.
Here c is the canonical braiding in the Yetter–Drinfeld category  {}^H_H\mathcal{YD}.

A braided bialgebra in  {}^H_H\mathcal{YD} is called a braided Hopf algebra, if there is a morphism  S:R\to R of Yetter–Drinfeld modules such that

 S(r^{(1)})r^{(2)}=r^{(1)}S(r^{(2)})=\eta(\varepsilon (r)) for all  r\in R,

where \Delta _R(r)=r^{(1)}\otimes r^{(2)} in slightly modified Sweedler notation – a change of notation is performed in order to avoid confusion in Radford's biproduct below.


 \Delta (v)=1\otimes v+v\otimes 1 \quad \text{for all}\quad v\in V.
The counit \varepsilon :TV\to k then satisfies the equation  \varepsilon (v)=0 for all  v\in V .

Radford's biproduct

For any braided Hopf algebra R in  {}^H_H\mathcal{YD} there exists a natural Hopf algebra  R\# H which contains R as a subalgebra and H as a Hopf subalgebra. It is called Radford's biproduct, named after its discoverer, the Hopf algebraist David Radford. It was rediscovered by Shahn Majid, who called it bosonization.

As a vector space,  R\# H is just  R\otimes H . The algebra structure of  R\# H is given by

 (r\# h)(r'\#h')=r(h_{(1)}\boldsymbol{.}r')\#h_{(2)}h',

where  r,r'\in R,\quad h,h'\in H,  \Delta (h)=h_{(1)}\otimes h_{(2)} (Sweedler notation) is the coproduct of  h\in H , and  \boldsymbol{.}:H\otimes R\to R is the left action of H on R. Further, the coproduct of  R\# H is determined by the formula

 \Delta (r\#h)=(r^{(1)}\#r^{(2)}{}_{(-1)}h_{(1)})\otimes (r^{(2)}{}_{(0)}\#h_{(2)}), \quad r\in R,h\in H.

Here \Delta _R(r)=r^{(1)}\otimes r^{(2)} denotes the coproduct of r in R, and  \delta (r^{(2)})=r^{(2)}{}_{(-1)}\otimes r^{(2)}{}_{(0)} is the left coaction of H on  r^{(2)}\in R.


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