Buck Stanton (Jesuit)
Fr. William A. "Buck" Stanton (1870–1909) was a naturalist and a Jesuit missionary to Belize.

"Buck" Stanton was the first young Jesuit to go from St. Louis to the Belize mission, in 1897. He was a celebrated naturalist, contributing specimens of the country’s flora to the Smithsonian Institution, and himself discovering the Asplenium Stantonii Copeland, a fern plant.[1] The Smithsonian also credits him with discovering 67 new varieties of hymenopterous insects, of which one genus and eight species are named after him.[2] While teaching biology at St. John’s College he organized the first field day, beginning a long tradition of sporting events in the Belizean community.[3]

After two years in Belize, Stanton left for priestly studies and was ordained in the Philippines, during this time helping at the Manila Observatory which was a part of the Jesuit Ateneo de Manila University. He returned to Belize in 1904 to establish the church at Benque Viejo del Carmen on Belize’s Western border with Guatemala. Benque had been a mission station in the heart of Maya lands, but beginning with Stanton took on permanency. He described the parish in his letters home. “I have eight hundred people here at Benque Viejo. ... Some talk a little Spanish, but most of them Mayan. My district comprises over 30 parishes and I am the only priest.”[2] He writes of battling his way for 40 miles through the bush, about 10 of it on foot with a 50-pound saddle bag after his horse slipped its halter.[2] In the picture he is shown with Fr. Joe Meuffels after whom the Junior College in Orange Walk District is named. Stanton contracted terminal cancer and returned to the States in 1909, where he died at the age of 40.
- ↑ "Smithsonian flora". Retrieved June 2, 2015.
- 1 2 3 Carrabine, M. William Stanton of Belize, Mission Series #14, (1932) pp. 25-34. "Jesuit Archives Central United States, St. Louis, MO.". Retrieved May 11, 2015.
- ↑ Woods, Charles M. Sr., et al. Years of Grace: The History of Roman Catholic Evangelization in Belize: 1524-2014. (Belize: Roman Catholic Diocese of Belize City-Belmopan, 2015) p. 113.
- Kane, William Terrence. A Memoir of William A. Stanton, SJ. (St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1918). "Stanton Memoir". Retrieved June 2, 2015.
- Kane, William, and Stanton, John. A Jesuit In Belize: The Life And Adventures Of Father Buck Stanton In Nineteenth Century Central America, (Nov 21, 2008). "Stanton Life". Retrieved June 2, 2015.