Bukovinian State Medical University

Bukovinian State Medical University
Буковинський державний медичний університет
Motto in English
Salus populi – suprema lex
Type Public
Established 1944
Rector Professor Taras Mykolayovych Boychuk
Administrative staff
Students 4321
Location Chernivtsi,  Ukraine
48°17′29″N 25°55′56″E / 48.2914°N 25.9322°E / 48.2914; 25.9322Coordinates: 48°17′29″N 25°55′56″E / 48.2914°N 25.9322°E / 48.2914; 25.9322
Campus urban
Affiliations IAU
Bukovinian State Medical University

Bukovinian State Medical University Official Website www.bukovinamedicaluniversity.com.ua (abbreviated as BSMU) is one of the largest higher educational establishment in Chernivtsi. It has recently celebrated the 65th anniversary of its foundation. It is a modern multiprofile educational institution of the IV accreditation level, included into the general register of the WHO, Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna, Italy), the Association of the Carpathian Region Universities that provides qualified training according to the grade system of education. The University includes a medical lyceum, Chernivtsi, Vashkivtsi, Novoselytsia and Kovel’ (Volyn’) Medical Colleges, 4 medical faculties, stomatological and pharmaceutical faculties, the department of post-graduate education, preparatory department for foreign students.

The development of BSMU is associated with the names of famous scientists and founders. BSMU graduates work successfully in medical, pharmaceutical, economic, educational, scientific, social and cultural fields.

Post-graduate education of doctors is realized at the Internship and Mastership, and the Doctoring Departments, in Clinical Residency, at the post-residence courses, as well as via pre-attestation course, the course of improvement of medical knowledge, specialization and professional courses.

Brief historical information

In 2014 BSMU celebrated the 70th anniversary of its activities, and in 2011 – the 80th anniversary of its foundation as a higher school. Kyiv Productive Medical Institute (1931-1936) – 2nd Kyiv State Medical Institute (1936 -1944) – Chernivtsi Medical Institute (1944-1997) – Bukovinian State Medical Academy (1997-2005) – since 2005 - Bukovinian State Medical University – such is a brief history of the foundation and development of a newly formed higher school in 1931 and its transformation into the present BSMU. Under the influence of circumstances since the time of its foundation till nowadays the educational institution has changed both its name and location. But it has never changed the status of a higher school or interrupted its activities in training highly qualified specialists.

Administrative building of BSMU (Chernivtsi, Teatralna square)


The history of Bukovyna is closely associated with the names of the Rectors of the Medical University – the well-known professors D.S.Lovlia, M.B.Mankovskiy, M.M.Kovaliov, O.D.Yukhimets, V.K.Patratiy, V.P.Pishak, T.M.Boychuk.

Accreditation Level – the IVth

The accreditation level is as follows: Masters the IVth level, Specialists – the IIIrd level, Bachelors – the IInd level, Junior Specialists and Post-graduate education – the Ist level. License number: 041096, series AD of 13.07.2012

University Authority

Rector – Boychuk T.M., Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Pro-rector for Scientific-Pedagogical Affairs – Gerush I.V., Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor Pro-rector for Research – Ivashchuk O.I., Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Pro-rector for International Relations – Ivashchuk O.I., Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Pro-rector for Medical Affairs – Iftodiy A.G., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Pro-rector for Scientific-Pedagogical and Educational Affairs – Zoriy N.I., Candidate of Philosophical Science, Associate Professor

Teaching Staff

The teaching staff of the University is unique; it involves real professionals, who possess exceptional teaching skills: 75 Doctors of Medical Science and 321 Candidates of Medical Science, among them 1 Corresponding Member of Ukrainian Academy of Pedagogical Science, 8 Honoured Doctors of Ukraine, 2 Honoured Scientists, 2 Honoured Educationalists of Ukraine, 66 Professors, 203 Associate Professors. 166 members of the staff have been conferred the highest doctor’s grade, 54 of them –the first grade, 48- the second grade. 32 staff members from clinical departments of BMSU are regional out-of-staff members and consultants in the Health Department of Chernivtsi Regional State Authority.

Campuses and buildings

The University has 12 educational buildings, modern library, University dental centre, educational-productive chemist’s, sport complex, the Palace of culture and rest “Academichny”, summer camp “Zdorovya”. Clinical departments are located on the bases of 27 medical-preventive and pharmaceutical establishments of Chernivtsi, equipped with up-to-date devices. Educational laboratories and studies are equipped with modern apparatus, supplied with necessary furniture and technical aids in the quality and amount essential to ensure educational process, scientific and medical-preventive work.

Education of foreign citizens

4374 students study at the University now, 1675 of them are foreign citizens from 32 countries. They have been taught since 1994, and since 2004 English has been introduced as the language of instruction. The number of foreign students from India, Somali, Nigeria, Ghana, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, the USA and other countries has been increasing from year to year.

University Structure



DepartmentAcademic statusHead of the department
Obstetrics and Gynecology with the Course of Infantile and Adolescent Gynecology ProfessorAndriyets Oksana Anatoliyivna
Obstetrics, Gynecology and PerinatologyProfessorKravchenko Olena Viktorivna
Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Faculty of Post – Graduate EducationProfessorYuzko Oleksandr Mykhaylovych
Human AnatomyProfessorMakar Bogdan Grygorovych
Anatomy, Topographic Anatomy and Operative SurgeryProfessorAkhtemiychuk Yuriy Tanasovych
Anesthesiology and ReanimatologyProfessorKonovchuk Viktor Mykolayovych
Bioorganic and Biologic Chemistry and Clinical BiochemistryAssociate ProfessorGerush Igor Vasyliovych
Biologic Physics and Medical Information ScienceProfessorShaplavsky Mykola Volodymyrovych
Internal MedicineProfessorFediv Oleksandr Ivanovych
Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Occupational DiseasesProfessorKhukhlina Oksana Sviatoslavivna
Internal Medicine, Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical TrainingProfessorTashchuk Viktor Korniyovych
Hygiene and EcologyProfessorVlasyk Leonid Ivanovych
Histology, Cytology and EmbryologyProfessorBoychuk Taras Mykolayovych
DermatovenereologyProfessorDenysenko Olga Ivanivna
Pediatric Surgery and OtorhinolaryngologyProfessorBodnar Borys Mykolayovych
Care of Patients and Higher Nursing EducationDoctor of Medical SciencePlesh Igor Antonovych
General SurgeryDoctor of Medical SciencePoliovy Viktor Pavlovych
Foreign LanguagesAssociate ProfessorRak Oleksandr Mykhaylovych
Infectious DiseasesProfessorMoskaliuk Vasyl Deoniziyiovych
Clinical Immunology, Allergyology and EndocrinologyDoctor of Medical SciencePashkovska Nataliyia Viktorivna
Medical Biology, Genetics and Pharmaceutical BotanicsProfessorPishak Vasyl Pavlovych
Medical and Pharmaceutical ChemistryDoctor of Chemical SciencesBratenko Mykhaylo Kalininovych
Microbiology and VirologyProfessorDeineka Sviatoslav Yevgenovych
S.M.Savenko Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology ProfessorPashkovsky Valeriy Melentiyovych
Oncology and RadiologyProfessorIvashchuk Oleksandr Ivanovych
OphthalmologyDoctor of Medical SciencePenishkevich Yaroslav Ivanovych
Pathologic PhysiologyProfessorRohovy Yuriy Yevgenovych
PathomorphologyProfessorDavydenko Igor Sviatoslavovych
Pediatrics and Children’s Infections DiseasesProfessorKoloskova Olena Kostiantynivna
Pediatry and Medical GeneticsProfessorSorokman Tamila Vasylivna
Propedeutics of Internal DiseasesDoctor of Medical ScienceIlashchuk Tetiana Oleksandrivna
Propedeutics of Children’s DiseasesProfessorNechytaylo Yuriy Mykolayovych
Psychology and SociologyAssociate ProfessorZoriy Nina Ivanivna
Family MedicineProfessorBiletsky Semen Visarionovych
Social Medicine and OHPAssociate ProfessorKardash Vasyl Eduardovych
Forensic Medicine and Medical LawProfess Doctor of Medical Science orBachynsky Viktor Teodosiyovych
Social Sciences and Ukrainian StudiesProfessorCheban Vasyl Ivanovych
Therapeutic and Orthopedic StomatologyDoctor of Medical ScienceBielikov Oleksandr Borysovych
Traumatology, Orthopedics, and Neurosurgery and Medicine of Emergency SituationsDoctor of Medical ScienceVasiuk Volodymyr Leonidovych
PharmacologyProfessorZamorsky Igor Ivanovych
PharmacyAssociate ProfessorGerush Oleg Vasyliovych
PhysiologyProfessorTkachuk Svitlana Sergiyivna
Phthisiology and PulmonologyDoctor of Medical ScienceTodoriko Liliya Dmytrivna
SurgeryProfessorPoliansky Igor Yuliyovych
Surgery and UrologyProfessorIftodiy Andriyan Grygorovych
Surgical and Pediatric StomatologyAssociate ProfessorKuzniak Nataliya Bogdanivna

Educational-recreational complex in the village of Repuzhyntsi, Zastavna District

Sports camp for 250 students and University employees is constructed on the bank of the Dnister River near the village of Repuzhyntsi Zastavna district Chernivtsi region (70 km from the city of Chernivtsi). Recreation camp was founded in 1958 on the initiative of the head of the Department of Physical Education of that time Konstantin Volodymyrovych Mironov. For the first time the camp received the students and staff of Chernivtsi Medical Institute in 1958. The guests had only tents provided by the military unit with which the Medical Institute maintained close sponsorship ties. Only the dining room was situated in a wooden house. In the early 60s on the initiative of the rector of the Institute A .D .Yuhymets different types of brick and wooden houses, pavilions for board games, summer theater, sports grounds were built for tourists. In the 60s a well known satirist, People's Artist of the USSR Arkadiy Raykin used to have a vacation in the camp of the institute. Nowadays resort Zdorovya on the Dnister River, with well-preserved, thoroughly renovated, equipped with modern furniture cottages welcomes visitors, students and University employees. Traditionally trainings in psychological intensive aid are conducted by the Centre of Bukovinian State Medical University on the base of the camp “Zdorovya” which welcomes everyone. The best Ukrainian and foreign coaches, different trends of psychotherapy, trainings, psychological games, master-classes, a possibility to find friends, colleagues and partners, interesting and fun entertainments are at the disposal of visitors and those who come to learn. The website of the educational and recreational complex in the village of Repuzhyntsi.

Organization of educational process

The main purpose of educational-methodical work at the University is to create conditions promoting to raise the level of efficiency and quality of the educational process. The Educational Department of the University provides management of educational and methodical work. Methodical work of the University is a complex of measures aimed at: - providing educational process with educational-methodical documents; - improving educational skills of the teachers as well as students’ work during practical classes and after them independently; - improvement of all types and methods of training at the University considering the state and prospects of the development of medical organizations and institutions where the University grades are able to work. Courses and disciplines are taught at the University in accordance with the educational curriculum of the subjects. The content of working programs meets the requirements of educational and professional programs, and standard curriculum approved by the Central Methodical Board on higher medical education of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. The programs created provide a systematic approach, during which each subject is learnt not as a separate, independent one, but as a part of an integral system aimed at training specialists of a certain specialization. Programs of acquiring practical skills in the disciplines are introduced into the educational process. The system of training of specialists at the University complies with the requirements of the existing standards of higher education. Considering the professional and active principle of arrangement of the University studies, availability, compiling and publishing textbooks, guidelines and manuals play an important role. Methodical instructions for practical classes and self-training of students which include algorithms for sequential mastering of practical skills, knowledge and abilities, educational and educational-methodical training appliances are prepared and issued at the University departments. Training at Bukovinian State Medical University is realized according to the credit-module system and requirements of the Bologna process. The credit-module system of estimating knowledge and skills of students has been used for 7 years. The University operates a mandatory control system of training students and the quality of training (test certification of the initial and final levels, the rating control). It includes: current (test, oral, written, computer-based) testing of students’ knowledge of each academic group during each practical class (100%), thematic testing of mastering separate units of the curriculum, monthly certification of students since the beginning of each term defining medium (rating) marks in each discipline, the final credit test (exam) of the students’ progress. A compulsory element of training in clinical departments and conducting tests in them is the assessment of practical skills and situational tasks, which are regarded as an algorithm of a physician’s work for a specific, defined situation and for a certain patient. Packages of programmes, sets of tests and questions of different complexity are created at the departments of the University. They are used at different stages of students’ testing and are available for convenience of study at the distance learning system "MOODLE".

Medical-prophylactic work

All practicals are held in classrooms and labs of the University, in therapeutic-prophylactic establishments and in sanitary-epidemiological stations of the town and region. Powerful potential of the professional staff of clinical departments includes 42 Professors, 48 Doctors of Medical Science, 187 Associate Professors (with academic status) and 321 Candidates of Medical Science. 166 workers of the staff have higher medical qualifying degree, 54 of them have obtained I category, 48 – II category. 32 workers of the clinical departments of BSMU are non-staff specialists and work as consulting physicians of Chernivtsi Regional Executive Board. Clinical departments of BSMU are located in 27 clinical centers: 17[3] therapeutic establishments of a regional subordinate and 10[4] – of a municipal one. According to their schedules, Professors and Associate Professors make clinical ward rounds, consulting visits at polyclinics, examinations of patients in the inpatient departments of therapeutic-prophylactic establishments. A great deal of methodological organizing work is carried out: visit of therapeutic-prophylactic establishments, review of the patients’ histories, participation in the boards of experts and qualifying committee, conference conducting etc. Considerable therapeutic-prophylactic work is held by teachers during summer practice. Various and manifold therapeutic consulting activity in the system of Bukovyna practical health service is carried out by the assistants of clinical departments. Except consultations this activity includes arrangement of all qualifying means for physicians of practical health service in the following spheres – subject mastering, reevaluating courses, lectures on actual topics, arrangement and conducting of science-practical conferences, working out of methodological recommendations, and expert evaluation of patients’ management. The important part in cooperation of the University clinical workers and physicians of practical health service is devoted to consulting and science-methodological work in therapeutic-prophylactic establishments of health service.

More than 30 establishments are used for students’ medical practical work. Among them there are military hospital A1028, SES of Lviv railway, Chernivtsi regional clinical hospital, Chernivtsi regional children’s clinical hospital N1, Chernivtsi regional children’s clinical hospital N2, Emergency Rescue Clinical Municipal Hospital, Regional children’s clinical hospital, Maternity Home N1 and N2 of Chernivtsi. Some students have their practical training in the places of their residence.

In order to improve their knowledge in appropriate specialty, students are suggested to master their practical skills in specialized pediatric, therapeutic and surgical departments which are located in basic clinical establishments (casualty department, anesthesiology and resuscitation unit and traumatological, neurosurgical, endocrine, neurological departments). Modern methods of patient’s examination are mastered by students in Regional Medical Diagnostic Centre of Chernivtsi, rooms of endoscopy and ultrasonic investigation and in specialized X-ray departments.

International Activity

Bukovinian State Medical University ranks high on European Scene. At present BSMU is a recognized member of International University Association, the World Health Organization, the University Association of the Carpathian Region and the European University Association “The Magna Charta”. The department of international contacts, created in October 29, 2003, by the Rector’s order on the basis of corresponding documents of the Ministry of Public Health Service, is involved in international contacts. The work of international department is managed by the Pro-Rector on scientific work and international contacts Ivashchuk Aleksander Ivanovych. The activity of the University is directed to the development, extension and strengthening of international contacts and BSMU authority in the world cooperation. International cooperation constantly improves. Bukovinian State Medical University collaborates with: Klagenfurt Hospital (Austria), Belarusian State Medical University (Minsk), Grodno State Medical University, Vitebsk State Medical University (Belarus), Karlovy University, Prague(Check Republic), the University of Montpellier (France), University of Lubeck, Karl-Garus University of Technology, Dresden, Humboldt University, Berlin, University of Konstanz, University of Cologne, Kuilnsky University, Liverpool John Moores University(Great Britain), Akmolinsk State Medical Academy(Kazakhstan), Pedagogical State University, Kyshyniv, Mykola Testemitsanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Kyshyniv, ”Shtefan chel Mare” University, Suchava, T.G.Shevchenko Prydniprovsky State University,Tyraspol (Moldova), Lomonosov State University (Moscow), Russian State Medical University, Moscow, Russian University of People’s Friendship, Moscow, St.Petersburg institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Burdenko Medical Academy, Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Urals State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg (Russia), Medical University (Warsaw), University Collegium Medicum im. Ludvika Rydygiera, Bydgoshch, the University of Zheshov, Jagiellonian University, Krakov, the University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Medical University, Liublin(Poland), “1 December 1918” University, Alba Iulia, University “Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, University of Medine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”, Timisoara (Romania), Alexander Dubcek-University, Trencin, Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Kosice(Slovakiya), Angelholm Hospital (Sweden), University of Lucerne (Switzeland), Neurological Hospital, USA Utah Valley State University, University of the State of New-York, Olbani, King’s University School of Medicine, Solomon IslNDS, MEDU International, Inc.” Palo Alto, California (USA). Trips for Bachelors, holders of Master’s degree, post-graduates are ensured by “Druzi” association (Ukraine-France) and the Centre of international contacts, State of California (USA). Every year students, new doctors and scientists of the University take part in international medical conferences, congresses, symposia and forums in the cities and towns of Poland, USA, Russia, Germany, Austria, Sweden,etc. The number of foreign students from India, Somali, Nigeria, Ghana, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, USA and other countries, who study in Bukovinian State Medical University, increase from year to year. Nowadays the department of international contacts actively continues its work in the spheare of concluding cooperation, exchange of information and experience with the leading world universities, promoting integration of Ukrainian medical science in the world scientific space. Timely information concerning conferences, probation period, summer schools, scholarships and scientific programmes for students, post-graduates and tutors of the University is situated on inter.bsmu.edu.ua site.

International recognition

Bukovinian State Medical University takes its proper place on the European level. Nowadays it is a recognized member of the International Association of Educational Universities (IAEU), World Health Organization (WHO), the Association of Carpathian Region Universities (ACRU) and of the Great Charter of Universities. For active implementation of pedagogical novelties and new educational technologies, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine awarded the University with the Diploma of the Third International Exhibition of Educational Institutions “Contemporary Education in Ukraine-2000” in March, 2000. In August, 2001, the University was awarded, as a prize-winner in the nomination “10 years of Ukrainian independence”, with the Diploma “International Academic Popularity and Quality Rate “The Golden Fortune”. In October, 2001 the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine awarded the University with the Diploma for the third place in the state rating of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels in 2000/2001 academic year in the nomination “Scientific Activities”. The University cooperates with educational establishments and researchers of Austria, Germany, the USA, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, the United Kingdom and others. Doctors for the neighboring and distant countries are being trained at the University. 4000 students study at the University now, 618 of them are foreign citizens from 28 countries. They have been taught since 1994, and since 2004 English has been introduced as the language of instruction for international students.

Students' self-government

The students' Conference:

The work of the University Students' Council is guided by the law, decisions of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, the Status of BSMU. The Students' self-government at the University operates on the level of the student's group, course, faculty, dormitory, University. The main tasks of the students' self- government are:

Students’ Scientific Society

Students’ Scientific Society

Students’ Scientific Society (SSS) was created more than 60 years ago, several years after the foundation of Chernivtsi Medical Institute (now Bukovinian State Medical University). From the very beginning the Students’ Scientific Society was an organization on voluntary basis, which plans and carries out its work under the guidance of the University Scientific. The Students’ Scientific Society since its foundation has conducted its work in the following directions: • promotion of students' scientific clubs; • comprehensive support of students’ scientific work and providing improvement of the level of research work; • involving students to direct participation in research work at the departments of the University; • participation in the organization and conducting of scientific forums and meetings, scientific conferences and symposia, students’ Olympiads and competitions on various subjects, as well as seminars and exhibitions; • establishing international contacts, cooperation with educational and research institutions, public and governmental organizations in Ukraine and other countries. During its activity the SSS of BSMU adequately represented the University in the field of research not only in Ukraine but also beyond its limits. The result of the organizational activities of the SSS and daily hard work of students is the final Conference. It has taken a long way from the usual annual forum for students and young scientists of the University to the Ukrainian student conference with international participation, and subsequently (from 2004) conferences on international level. In 2009 the conference was included to the register of scientific congresses, symposia and scientific conferences for the first time. Not only the geography of the conference including now seven countries Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania and Italy expanded, but also its topics: a medical conference developed into medical and pharmaceutical one. The conference involves the work of 18 units in theoretical and clinical directions, which discusses the results of studies of young scientists, and examines current and future problems of modern medicine. The results of the conferences are discussed at the plenary session, which traditionally takes place in the hall of the Palace "Academichny." Over the last five years, nine students have won prizes on the national student research competitions of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, and 25 have become the winners of international students’ conferences. The SSS of Bukovinian State Medical University is confident about the future, we believe that all we made will help students and young researchers to realize their potential, help to achieve their goals, lay a good foundation for future achievements.

Sport, leisure, recreation

Physical education and a healthy lifestyle are provided by the University according to the State Complex Program “Physical Education - Health of the Nation“. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, measures on the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse were taken in 2006 by Bukovinian State Medical University. They set out terms on popularization of the healthy lifestyle and prevention of drug addiction, which will be introduced in the educational process. Tutors of first-year academic groups systematically pay attention to the issue of drug-prevention use and drugs’ harmful impact on psychic and somatic state of the person. During the academic year major sports competitions are held dedicated to the Athlete's day of Ukraine, traditional sport festivals, competitions between courses, tournaments between the departments and hostels. On the basis of the University sports grounds city and regional sport events of different levels, city and regional championships in basketball and volleyball are held. Teachers of Physical Education conduct training work with the University teams of basketball, volleyball, table tennis, wrestling, track and field athletics. The University creates the conditions for rest, rehabilitation and vocational training during working days, preventing activities targeting sports, including the organization of sport tourism. On the basis of the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine sports and recreation clubs in volleyball, basketball, table tennis, chess, tourism, athletics, judo, sambo, gymnastics, callisthenics, aerobics are organized for the students and the faculty staff. In summer, students spend their holiday in summer sports camp located in the village of Repuzhyntsi, Zastavna district, Chernivtsi region, where the entertainment and sports, and various holidays are held.

The Palace “Akademichny”

The Palace “Akademichny”

Chernivtsi, 11, Schiller Street In the building transferred to the possession of BSMU by the local authorities, the Palace “Akademichny” with 700 seats is housed. Excellent conditions for holding various student’s meetings, concerts and classes in amateur societies have been created here. The Palace also houses a wonderful museum of history of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Workshops, societies and clubs

The directions of work with students in the workshops and clubs are various: lectures, seminars, “round tables”, disputes, meetings with leading scientists of the University etc. After the opening of the Palace “Akademichny” the work with the students possessing creative abilities and love for music has been rather improved. In particular, drama school, humour club, vocal studio and others have been created. All state holidays are celebrated according to the calendar, concerts and festivals are held etc. Now the Palace “Akademichny” is one of the best centers of culture and art in Chernivtsi which is equipped with modern stage devices – illumination and radio. Its stage has everything necessary for holding performances, concerts, conferences, lectures and public meetings. On the basis of the Palace “Akademichny”, popular amateur ensemble of folk dance and song “Trembita” is functioning taking part in concerts and festivals of the University and the region; it also takes part in the concerts organized for participants of scientific and methodological conferences held at the University; it organizes and sing Christmas carols; the ensemble took part in all-Ukrainian Pavlo Virskyi festival-contest of popular choreography. Every year they organize the art week where different creative groups perform among which ensemble of folk song and dance “Trembita” with its concert, poetry evening “ Poetry, let me in your temple”, the concert of contemporary song and dance, the performance “Funny stories from our life”, the evening of instrumental music, the concert of opera and classical music. Every year the cultural and art events are held: Pharmacist Day, Educationalist Day, International Students’ Day, Acquaintance Ball, Days of faculties, New Year party for the students, the staff and their children, Christmas carols, St. Valentine’s Day, the International Peace and Women’s Rights Day, six year students’ benefit performance, Health Worker Day etc. The students-vocalists and members of the humour club take part in organizing meetings for the University graduates of different years as well as regional and city events.

Student life

The University Students’ Self-government is of a great significance as a means of realization of the rights, duties and initiatives by the student community. Appropriate conditions of lodging are created for students. The students’ town consists of five dormitories with good conditions of life; there are reading halls, sports halls, and libraries; students' computers are connected to the Internet.

The Palace “Academichny” actively functions for improvement of leisure time and students’ creative abilities. A great variety of clubs and societies are placed here. Among them there is the studio of art, art and crafts, artistic photo, ensemble of folk song and dance “Trembita”, vocal-instrumental ensemble, students’ theatre and choreographic studio, etc.

Awards and reputation

BSMU keeps a stable deserving position in the rates of higher educational establishments. In 2012 it holds the 11th position in the National rate of higher educational establishments “TOP-200 Ukraine” among higher medical educational establishments in Ukraine; the University is the 2nd in the “WEBOMETRICS” ranking among medical educational establishments of Ukraine and occupies the 4394th position in the world (among 20 000 higher educational establishments); Ranked 6944 in the 4icu web rank ; the University Repository is on the 785th position in the world rate “Ranking Web of Repositories” and the 1st one among the higher educational medical establishments of Ukraine; according to the data of the scientific-metric data base Scopus the University occupied the 38th position among all the higher educational establishments of Ukraine and the 8th position among the medical ones in April 2012.

Directions of training and specialty

General Medicine (specialist)
Pediatrics (Specialist)
Dentistry (Specialist)
Medical Psychology (Specialist)
Nursing (Magister)
Laboratory Diagnostics (Bachelor)
Nursing (Junior medical specialist)

Pharmacy (Specialist)
Clinical Pharmacy (Specialist)
Pharmacy (Bachelor), extramural studies
Pharmacy (Junior medical specialist), full-time and distance learning

Tuition fee (by the types of training)

Preparatory Faculty – $1400–1500 per year;
Specialties “General Medicine”, “Stomatology”, “Pharmacy” (specialist), “Nursing” (Master) - $3100–3500 per year;
Specialty “Nursing” (Bachelor) - $2200–2300 per year;
Specialty “Pharmacy” (Bachelor) - $2200–2500 per year;
Specialties “Nursing” (junior specialist) and “Pharmacy” (junior specialist) - $2000 per year;
Clinical Residency - $2500 per year;
Post-graduate course – $3000 per year.

Honourable Doctors and highschool graduates

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