Button pusher

A button pusher (Ukr. Knopkodav) is a member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine who illegally votes multiple times on a motion by using identity cards belonging to other deputies. This voting is done either with or without the consent of the absent deputies.

Other names for this phenomenon are "vote in the dark", "truant voting", "multiple voting", "vote for himself and for the other guy", "piano voting",[1][2] "pianism".[3][4]

The participants of "button pushing" are МРs - "button pushers" who vote alien card, as well as those that provide for voting card or duplicate card to "button pusher".

The "button pushing" is one of the manifestations of political corruption and the crisis of parliamentarism in Ukraine.


The term "button pusher" emerged in the early 2000s in a journalistic environment for designation MPs who vote for their colleagues.


If unable to attend the legislature personally, a deputy might give his or her personal voting card to a fellow deputy. Alternately, duplicate cards might be issued without the knowledge of their supposed "owner".

If voting for a neighbor, the "button pusher" inserts the card for the e-voting system "Rada" received from the missing deputy of the card, preferably not getting up, openly or secretly (hand covering newspapers, magazines, or other method) pushes the button to vote for or against the measure.

If voting for several deputies, the pusher moves from one seat to the next with multiple voting cards and pushes the buttons the same way. One such button pusher was found to have voted on average for 9.8 missing persons. Often when the absolute majority of 226 deputies was required, the button pushers were responsible for 35-40 votes.[5]


With the "button pushing" voting the Verkhovna Rada adopted:

Legal analysis of violations of the law

On the criminal nature of voting for another in the Ukrainian parliament by the analysis of provisions which regulated the legislative procedure. Personal vote required by the Constitution of Ukraine, Article 84: "Voting at meetings of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine made deputy of Ukraine in person".[9]

The presence and direct participation in meetings of the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is not a matter of free decision MPs, and under paragraph 3 first part of the 24th article of the law ""About the Status of the People's Deputy of Ukraine" - is his duty.[10]

December 6, 2012 the Parliament of Ukraine amended the Regulation (Article 37), which require MPs to register in person to attend meetings of Parliament, to vote and to do it in person. According to the law, before the opening of each session of Parliament shall be registered MPs personally based identification MP and handwritten signatures. In the boardroom deputy recorded through the e-voting system "Rada", so that rules out the registration deputy in his stead another person.[11]

In addition, the European Court of Human Rights in January 2013 decision in the case "Alexander Volkov v. Ukraine," in which the judge found that the vote in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in violation of the established procedure against European standards.[12]

However, today the legislation also provides liability for card use another MP (including duplicate) for registration and voting by electronic system (voting for someone else's card), as well as unauthorized intervention in the electronic voting system of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and issuance of duplicate voting cards without the consent of the MP.

"Button pushing" organizers and advocates

The peak of "button pushing" was reached in the sixth convocation at the initiative and organizational support leadership factions ruling majority - Party of Regions and Communist Party of Ukraine. Tactics were quick voting when the current favorable government decisions taken quickly, without discussion or almost without discussion, often in the evening or at night by pressing of the team of "button pushers" in 35-40 MPs. Party of Regions faction leadership commits MPs to vote for other members.[13] Before the vote, the responsible persons of the faction of the Party of Regions deputies dealt another card.[14] Defending the practice of non personal voting, representatives of the ruling majority called it "delegation of authority".[15] Party of Regions and the Communist Party of Ukraine together against criminal liability for "button pushing".[16]

Enforcement of opposition

From the earliest days of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine at the 7th convocation opposition faction in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine - "Batkivshchyna", the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform, VO "Svoboda", made a series of coordinated measures to cease "button pushing" by the faction of the Party of Regions.[17][18][19]

February 5, 2013, deputies from the opposition blocked the rostrum. A representative of the "UDAR" came to the session in the red sweater with the words "Vote personally".[20]

Faction VO "Svoboda" filed a bill on criminalizing voting for others in the legislature. This document provides penalties deputies who vote this way of imprisonment from 5 to 8 years.[21]

MP, member of the "Batkivshchyna" Yuri Odarchenko sued suit against Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with the requirement to enter personal vote and cancel resolutions passed in violation of the regulations. MP calls implement electronic voting, which makes it impossible to register and vote one deputy instead of another, and to recognize the illegal and cancel the acts of the Verkhovna Rada, which were adopted in the period from December 13, 2012 to January 11, 2013 Lawsuit filed to the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine, February 5, 2013.[20]

See also


  1. The Regionals are preparing new changes to the Constitution. "Glavcom". 07, Feb 2011
  2. The Political Information. «Day». 08, Feb 2011
  3. Spyhotehnyka. Scheme of legal collapse of Ukraine. "Maidan" July 22, 2011
  4. The new session of Parliament: how will be work majority and opposition? "Radio Liberty". September 5, 2011
  5. The button pushers will continue to force Constitution? Basil Belous. UP, April 17, 2012
  6. BILL for language VOTING - not legally?
  7. MPs' -button pushers approved a new Code of Criminal Procedure by night
  8. Tomenko showed 22 knopkodaviv who appointed Sorkin. List. "Ukrainian Truth". January 14, 2013
  9. The Constitution of Ukraine
  10. Law of Ukraine "About the Status of the People's Deputy of Ukraine"
  11. Law of Ukraine "About the Reglament of Parliament of Ukraine"
  12. ECHR declared illegal "button pushering" in Parliament
  13. The Regionals were ordered "propianinyty" for missing party members. (photo) January 10, 2013
  14. As the elected head of the NBU Council, pushed, and women rebelled. January 11, 2013
  15. Nikolaev people's deputies of Regions called "button pushing" the delegation of authority. Dire 15 2013
  16. Regions and Communists against criminal liability for button pushing. January 15, 2013
  17. The opposition block Rada until button pushers vote. December 13, 2013
  18. The opposition seeks removal button pushers. January 23, 2013
  19. Rostrum and presidium of parliament blocked the opposition. February 5, 2013
  20. 1 2 "UDAR" would "strike" to require MPs to vote personally at all levels
  21. Nationalists offer PACE introduce criminal liability for "button pushing"
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