COBISS (abbreviation for Co-operative Online Bibliographic System & Services) is an organisational model of joining libraries into a national library information system with shared cataloguing, the COBIB union bibliographic/catalogue database and local bibliographic databases of participating libraries, the COLIB database on libraries, the CONOR authority database, and with a number of other functions. Functioning of the system is preconditioned by the following professional outlines and technological assumptions:
- standardised and shared cataloguing of library materials as well as a uniform management of catalogues and bibliographies,
- adequately skilled cataloguers,
- linking of libraries via computer and communications network.
It has many functions of the so-called virtual library. It is currently in use in Slovenia (COBISS.SI), Albania (COBISS.AL) Bosnia and Herzegovina (COBISS.BH and COBISS.RS), Bulgaria (COBISS.BG), Republic of Macedonia (COBISS.MK), Serbia (COBISS.SR) and Montenegro (COBISS.CG). These information systems are autonomous, but share the platform. Over 750 libraries are part of the COBISS.Net family and are using COBISS software for the automation of their operations. COBISS.Net is the name of the network connecting the COBISS co-operative bibliographic systems of different countries.
COBISS has been developed by the Institute of Information Science (Slovene: Institut informacijskih znanosti, IZUM) from Maribor.
External links
- - homepage