Cache manifest in HTML5

Filename extension .appcache
Internet media type text/cache-manifest
Developed by World Wide Web Consortium
Standard HTML5
Open format? Yes

The cache manifest in HTML5 is a software storage feature which provides the ability to access a web application even without a network connection.


Web applications consist of web pages that need to be downloaded from a network. For this to happen there must be a network connection. However, there are many instances when users cannot connect to a network due to circumstances beyond their control. HTML5 provides the ability to access the web application even without a network connection using the cache manifest.

Web applications consist of resources identified by URLs. These can be HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images or any other source that is required for a web application to be rendered. Their addresses can be copied into a manifest file, which can be updated regularly by the author of the web application, indicating any new web addresses that are added or deleted. When connecting to a network for the first time, a web browser will read the HTML5 manifest file, download the resources given and store them locally. Then, in the absence of a network connection, the web browser will shift to the local copies instead and render the web application offline.


In order for the offline applications to work, a cache manifest file must be created by the web developer. If the web application exceeds more than one page then each page must have a manifest attribute that points to the cache manifest. Every page referencing the manifest will be stored locally.[1] The cache manifest file is a text file located in another part of the server. It must be served with the following content type:[2]


The following line must be added to the html element in order for the cache manifest file to work.[2]

<html manifest="cache.appcache">

The argument to the manifest attribute is a relative or absolute path to the manifest file.

Consider the HTML file given below. The <html> element indicates a file named cache.appcache will contain the list of resources (i.e., test.js, test.css) needed for this web page to work offline. Common names for this file are cache.manifest and manifest.appcache.

<!—- test.html -->
<html manifest="cache.appcache">
  <script src="test.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="test.css">
  Testing the manifest file.


Given below is a list of some rules and syntax required when writing the manifest file.[3]

# the above is a required line
# this is a comment 
# spaces are ignored
# blank lines are ignored

Given below is an example of a cache manifest file.

Example 1:


This manifest file lists three resources: a CSS file, a JavaScript file and a PNG image. When the above file is loaded, the browser will download the test.css, test.js and test.png files from the root directory in the web server.[2] As a result, whenever one's network is not connected, the resources will be available to them offline.

Cache manifests can also use relative paths or even absolute URLs as shown below.[3][4][5]

Example 2:


File headers

The cache manifest file consists of three section headers.[2]

  1. Explicit section with the header CACHE.
  2. Online whitelist section with the header NETWORK.
  3. Fallback section with the header FALLBACK.

Note: Example 1 and Example 2 above, do not indicate any section header and are therefore considered an explicit section by default.

Online whitelist section with the header NETWORK

Example 3:


This example consists of headers. The line, NETWORK: is the start of the "online whitelist" section. The resources listed under this section are never cached and are not available offline.[2] As a result, an error will occur when an attempt is made offline to load the resource.

There is a shift to the explicit section by the header CACHE: and the resources (the CSS stylesheet, JavaScript and the image file) can be downloaded and used offline.

Fallback section with the header FALLBACK

The fallback section in a cache manifest file can be used to substitute online resources that cannot be cached or were not cached successfully.[2]

Example 4:

/ /offline.html 

In Example 4, the fallback section consists of a single line. i.e., / /offline.html. The single character (/) before ‘offline’ will match any URL pattern on one's site.[2] If the browser does not find the page in the appcache, the application will display the page /offline.html.

Event flow

Events are under the ApplicationCache JavaScript object.

If the browser visits a web page, has NOT seen the web page before and as a result does not recognize the manifest file, the following events will ensue.[3]

If the browser has visited the web page before and recognizes the manifest file the following events will ensue.[3]

If an error occurs at any instance in the above events, the browser will trigger an error event and stop the process. Given below are a few errors that can occur when re-downloading resources.[4]

See also


  1. Bidelman, Eric (29 October 2013). "A Beginner's Guide to Using the Application Cache". Retrieved 23 April 2014.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pilgrim, Mark (2010). HTML5 Up and Running. O'Reilley.
  3. 1 2 3 4 "W3 HTML5 Manifests". HTML5. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  4. 1 2 "Dev.Opera". HTML5. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  5. "WHATWG". HTML5. Retrieved 3 April 2011.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, April 30, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.