Cadet inspector
Cadet Inspector is a rank held by senior cadets in the National Police Cadet Corps in Singapore.
Cadets holding this rank are those who have completed their secondary education and voluntarily choose to continue their service in the NPCC. They may do so as long as they remain a member of a recognised post-secondary institution (the Institutes of Technical Education, Polytechnics, Junior Colleges and Centralised Institutes.)
A Cadet interested to be appointed as Cadet Inspector must attend the Cadet Inspectors' Basic Training Course held twice a year in June and December. Upon completion he or she will be appointed as Probationary Cadet Inspector (NPCC) and undergo a probationary period. Upon meeting the probation requirements he or she is eligible to be confirmed to the rank of Cadet Inspector (NPCC). The rank insignia for P/CI (NPCC) and CI (NPCC) is one white stripe and a pip.
A Cadet Inspector with 2 years' service may be promoted to the rank of Senior Cadet Inspector (NPCC). The rank insignia for SCI (NPCC) is two white stripes and a pip.
MediaCorp Star Gurmit Singh was a Cadet Inspector from the April 1982 batch.
Sourced from and NPCC directives