Café Bom Dia

Café Bom Dia'[1] is a family-owned, integrated coffee producer rooted in four generations of growers. Today, the Marques de Paiva family sources beans from growers, and delivers coffee to customers throughout the world.
From tree to customer
In addition to cultivating coffee on Rainforest Alliance certified family farms, Café Bom Dia sources beans from its network of Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, and Organic Certified farmers, as well as conventional farmer partners.
Growers include more than 4,800 Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance and Organic Certified and conventional farmer partners in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia and Sumatra.
Nearly 80 percent of our coffee is roasted at a 'CarbonNeutral' facility in Minas Gerais, the heart of Brazil's coffee country. Partner roasting facilities are located in Colombia and Seattle, Washington.
Sustainable Certifications
Through internationally recognized certifications, third-party organizations guarantee that Café Bom Dia and its network of coffee growers abide by the strictest standards for environmental and social practices.
- Fair Trade = Fair Trade certification guarantees fair prices, direct trade, environmental sustainability and community development for small-scale, family farmers.
- Organic = Organic certification assures that the coffee is grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals, and that the water supply, soil and wildlife habitats are protected and conserved.
- Rainforest Alliance = Rainforest Alliance certification guarantees that the coffee farm meets strict standards on conserving biodiversity and ensuring sustainable livelihoods for employees.
- CarbonNeutral = In 2007 and 2008, Café Bom Dia reduced and offset its CO2 emissions to net zero in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol.
Using renewable sources of energy
In 2007, Café Bom Dia converted its roasting furnaces to run on environmentally friendly, renewable resources instead of fossil fuels. Cafe Bom Dia was able to achieve this by implementing a program to obtain sustainably forested eucalyptus wood and by using coffee tree trimmings as sources of fuel for its furnaces.
- 141 gallons of diesel saved per 1,000 pounds of roasted coffee (1,180 L/t)
- 36,630 pound (16.61 t) decrease of CO2 emissions in first year of conversion
- 74% energy costs saved per 1,000 pounds of coffee
- 14.8 pounds of organic material provided to local farmers for compost per 1,000 pounds of roasted coffee (14.8 kg/Mg)
- 100% decrease in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in first year of conversion (from 154,000 ppm in 2006 to 0 in 2007)
- 50% decrease in particulates emissions in first year of conversion (from 410,000 ppm in 2006 to 213,000 ppm in 2007)