Calinaga aborica

Dark Freak
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Calinaga
Species: C. aborica
Binomial name
Calinaga aborica
Tytler, 1915

The Dark Freak (Calinaga aborica) is a species of butterfly in the Calinaginae sub-family that is found in India and the Abor Hills of northern Burma.


Male. Upperside black with pale creme colored markings. Forewing: two narrow pale streaks, irrorated with fuliginous scales, occupying basal half of the cell and joined together towards the base; the lower streak the longer of the two; two short contiguous similarly colored streaks, places one above the other, towards the end of the cell, between which and the bases of veins 3 and 5 are two ore very indistinct pale spots; a broad pale streak, bifurcated at its outer half, in interspaces 1, commencing at the base and extending well beyond the base of vein 2, the lower portion the longer; a long narrow pale streak at base of interspace 4; a discal row of narrow pale streaks in interspaces 2-6; a subterminal row of pale cream spots in interspaces 1-6, interspcace 1 having two spots; and lastly a terminal row of very indistinct spots in interspace 1-4. Hindwing: a broad pale streak in cell, commencing at the base and not quite reaching the end, the outer two-thirds bifurcated and dusted with fuliginous scales, the upper portion a little longer than the lower; two pale streaks dusted with fuliginous scales at base of interspaces 4 and 5; a discal row of pale spots in interspaces 1-3 and 5-7, the first very small and indistinct, those in interspaces 5 and 6 long and linear; a subterminal row of large pale spots in interspaces 1-6; basal half of interspaces 1-b and 1-a pale cream; dorsal half of the wing densely covered with long grey hairs. Underside: pale markings as above but much broader and distinct; the subterminal row of pale spots on hindwing continued into interspace 1-b. Body above black, sides of body at junction of the forewings red; underneath black, red near base of hindwings. Antennae black; eyes brown. Expanse: Male 3.5-3.62" [1]

This species is found in the Arunachal Pradesh of India[2]


  1. Tytler, 1915 Journal of Bombay Natural History Society. 23 (3): 511
  2. Sondhi, S., T. Karmakar, Y. Sondhi, R. Jhaveri & K. Kunte (2016). Re-discovery of Calinaga aborica Tytler, 1915 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Calinaginae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(3): 8618–8622;
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