Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) or Ministères Baptistes Canadiens is an international relief & development and mission agency that serves on behalf of four regional Baptist denominations in Canada - Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec, Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches and l'Union d'Églises Baptistes Françaises au Canada. In addition, CBM engages in international mission on behalf of Canadian Baptist Women (which includes Atlantic Baptist Women, Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec, and Women in Focus).
CBM is also the national body that brokers and coordinates relationships and initiatives among its member bodies.
It was formed in 1995 by the merger of Canadian Baptist International Ministries (CBIM) and the Canadian Baptist Federation (CBF).
The current Executive Director of CBM is Rev. Sam Chaise.
Canadian Baptist mission efforts date back to the mid-19th century. "In 1845, the Maritime Baptists were the first Protestant body in what is now Canada to send missionaries overseas. They commissioned Richard and Leleah Burpe for Burma."[1]
The Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission Board was organized in 1912. It was renamed Canadian Baptist Overseas Missions Board (CBOMB). It was renamed again to Canadian Baptist International Ministries (CBIM) before merging with the Canadian Baptist Federation in 1995 to form the current CBM.
Efforts to form a national Baptist body date back to 1900. In 1900, delegates from across Canada met in Winnipeg and formed the National Baptist Convention of Canada. Inexplicably, it never met again. As such, no national coordinating body of Baptists existed in Canada until the Baptist Federation of Canada was organized at Saint John, New Brunswick in 1944. The Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, the Baptist Union of Western Canada, and the United Baptist Convention of the Maritimes (now Convention of the Atlantic Baptist Churches) initiated the Federation and were joined by l'Union d'Églises Baptistes Françaises au Canada in 1970. It was renamed Canadian Baptist Federation (CBF) before merging with CBIM in 1995 to form the current CBM.
Canadian Baptist Ministries engages in international mission on behalf of Canadian Baptist churches and brokers national cooperation among the four regional denominations and Women's groups.
CBM churches share orthodox beliefs in common with other Christians, including belief in one triune God, the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ, and the centrality of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection for salvation, plus Baptist distinctives such as believer's baptism. The soteriology of the group could be considered mildly Calvinistic.
In 2013, 1003 churches with 100,731 members were part of Canadian Baptist family. In 2012, CBM had revenues of $8,910,162 (Canadian dollars). Canadian Baptist Ministries, headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, is a member of the Baptist World Alliance.
See also
External links
- Baptists Around the World, by Albert W. Wardin, Jr.
- Program & Report Book, Canadian Baptist Ministries
- From Sea to Sea: The Canadian Baptist Federation 1944- 1994, by Shirley Bentall
- The Baptist Heritage: Four Centuries of Baptist Witness, by H. Leon McBeth
- Notes
- Further reading
- Sunanda, G.Beaulah Pearl (1990). "An Insight into the History of the Canadian Baptist Mission in Andhra Pradesh (1874-1924). Unpublished M.Phil.(History) Thesis, Madras Christian College, Madras".
| Africa |
| Central and Eastern Africa |
| Burundi |
- Free Baptist Churches of Burundi
- Union of Baptist Churches in Burundi
| Central African Republic |
- Association of Baptist Churches of the Central African Republic
- Baptist Churches Union (UEB)
- Evangelical Baptist Church of the Central African Republic
- Fraternal Union of Baptist Churches
| Democratic Republic of the Congo |
- Baptist Community in Central Africa (CBCA)
- Baptist Community of the Congo River (CBCF)
- Baptist Community of Western Congo (CBCO)
- Baptist Evangelical Convention of Congo (CBECO)
- Community of Autonomous Baptist Churches-Wamba-Bakali
- Community of Baptist Churches in Eastern Congo (CEBCE)
- Community of Baptist Churches Union of Congo (CUEBC)
- Community of Baptist Churches in North Congo (CBCN)
- Community of United Baptist Churches (CEBU)
- Union of Baptist Churches in Congo (UEBCO)
| Ethiopia |
- Baptist Evangelical Association of Ethiopia
- Ethiopian Addis Kidan Baptist Church
| Kenya |
- Baptist Convention of Kenya
| Madagascar |
- Association of Bible Baptist Churches in Madagascar
| Rwanda |
- Association of Baptist Churches in Rwanda
- Community of Christian Churches in Africa (CECA)
- Reformed Baptist Convention in Rwanda
- Union of Baptist Churches in Rwanda
| South Sudan |
- Baptist Convention of South Sudan
| Sudan | |
| Tanzania |
- Baptist Convention of Tanzania
| Uganda |
- Baptist Union of Uganda
- Uganda Baptist Convention
| | Southern Africa |
| Angola | |
| Botswana |
- Baptist Convention of Botswana
| Madagascar |
- Association of Bible Baptist Churches in Madagascar
| Malawi |
- African Baptist Assembly, Malawi, Inc
- Baptist Convention of Malawi
- Evangelical Baptist Church of Malawi
| Mozambique |
- Baptist Convention of Mozambique
| Namibia |
- Baptist Convention of Namibia
| South Africa | |
| Zambia |
- Baptist Convention of Zambia
- Baptist Fellowship of Zambia
- Baptist Union of Zambia
| Zimbabwe |
- Baptist Convention of Zimbabwe
- Baptist Union of Zimbabwe
- National Baptist Convention of Zimbabwe
- United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe
| | Western Africa |
| Benin |
- Union of Protestant Baptist Churches in Benin
| Burkina Faso |
- Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches Burkina Faso
| Cameroon |
- Cameroon Baptist Convention
- Native Baptist Church of Cameroon
- Union of Baptist Churches in Cameroon
| Central African Republic |
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African Republic
| Republic of Congo |
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Congo
| Gambia |
- Baptist Union in the Gambia
| Ghana | |
| Ivory Coast |
- Meridional Evangelical Churches in Ivory Coast
| Liberia |
- Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention, Inc.
| Nigeria | |
| Senegal | |
| Sierra Leone |
- Baptist Convention of Sierra Leone
| Togo | |
| | Asia and Pacific |
| North East Asia |
| China - Hong Kong | |
| China - Macau |
- Macau Baptist Association
| Japan | |
| South Korea | |
| Taiwan | |
| | West and South Asia |
| Bangladesh | |
| India | |
| Nepal |
- Nepal Baptist Church Council
| Sri Lanka | |
| | South East Asia |
| Australia | |
| Cambodia | |
| Fiji | |
| Indonesia |
- Convention of Indonesian Baptist Churches
- The Fellowship of Baptist Churches of Papua
- Union of Indonesian Baptist Churches
| Malaysia | |
| Myanmar | |
| New Zealand | |
| Papua New Guinea |
- Baptist Union of Papua New Guinea, Inc.
| Philippines |
- Baptist Conference of the Philippines, Inc.
- Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches, Inc.
- Convention of Visayas and Mindanao of Southern Baptist Churches
- General Baptist Churches of the Philippines, Inc.
- Luzon Convention of Southern Baptist Churches, Inc.
| Singapore | |
| Thailand |
- 12th District of Church of Christ in Thailand
- Thailand Baptist Convention
- Thailand Karen Baptist Convention
- Thailand Lahu Baptist Convention
| Vietnam |
- Baptist Churches in Vietnam (BCV)
| | Europe |
| Eastern Europe |
| Armenia |
- Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches of Armenia
| Azerbaijan |
- Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Azerbaijan
| Belarus |
- Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists of Belarus
| Bosnia and Herzegovina |
- Baptist Church in Bosnia/Herzegovina
| Bulgaria |
- Baptist Union of Bulgaria
| Croatia | |
| Czech Republic |
- Baptist Union of the Czech Republic
| Estonia |
- Union of Free Evangelical & Baptist Churches of Estonia
| Georgia |
- Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia
| Hungary | |
| Latvia |
- Union of Baptist Churches in Latvia
| Lithuania |
- Baptist Union of Lithuania
| Moldova |
- Union of Christian Evangelical Baptists of Moldova
| Poland | |
| Romania | |
| Russia |
- Euro-Asiatic Federation of Unions of Evangelical Christians-Baptists
- Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists
| Serbia | |
| Slovakia |
- Baptist Union of Slovakia
| Slovenia |
- Union of Baptist Churches in Slovenia
| Ukraine |
- All-Ukranian Union of Associations of Evangelical Christians-Baptists
| Uzbekistan |
- Union of Evangelical Christian-Baptists of Uzbekistan
| | Central Western Europe |
| Austria | |
| Belgium |
- Union of Baptists Churches in Belgium
| France |
- Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches
| Germany | |
| Italy |
- Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy
| Netherlands | |
| Portugal |
- Portuguese Baptist Convention
| Spain |
- Baptist Evangelical Union of Spain
| Switzerland |
- Union of Baptist Churches in Switzerland
| United Kingdom | |
| | Nordic countries |
| Denmark | |
| Finland |
- Finland Swedish Baptist Union
- Finnish Baptist Union
| Norway | |
| Sweden | |
| | Latin America and the Caribbean |
| Central America and the Caribbean |
| Antigua and Barbuda |
- Antigua Baptist Association
| Bahamas |
- National Baptist Missionary and Education Convention
| Barbados |
- Barbados Baptist Convention
| Belize |
- Baptist Association of Belize
| Bermuda |
- Bermuda Baptist Fellowship
| Costa Rica |
- Federation of Baptist Associations of Costa Rica
| Cuba | |
| Dominican Republic |
- Dominican Baptist Convention
| El Salvador |
- Baptist Association of El Salvador
- Baptist Federation of El Salvador
| Guatemala |
- Convention of Baptist Churches in Guatemala
| Guyana |
- Baptist Convention of Guyana
| Haiti |
- Baptist Haiti Mission
- Haiti Baptist Convention (ASEBACH)
| Honduras |
- National Convention of Baptist Churches in Honduras
| Jamaica | |
| Mexico | |
| Nicaragua |
- Baptist Convention of Nicaragua
| Panama |
- Baptist Convention of Panama
| Trinidad & Tobago |
- Baptist Union of Trinidad and Tobago
| | South America |
| Argentina |
- Argentine Baptist Association
- Evangelical Baptist Convention of Argentina
| Bolivia |
- Baptist Convention of Bolivia
- Baptist Union of Bolivia
| Brazil | |
| Chile |
- National Baptist Convention of Chile
- Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Chile
| Colombia |
- Colombian Baptist Denomination
| Ecuador |
- Baptist Convention of Ecuador
| Peru |
- Baptist Evangelical Convention of Peru
| Uruguay |
- Baptist Evangelical Convention of Uruguay
| Venezuela |
- National Baptist Convention of Venezuela
| | |