Carme (name)

Pronunciation EN: kär'mē; CAT: kär'mā; GAL: kär'mē.
Gender female
Word/name Hebrew and Greek, respectively
Meaning "garden" and "harvester"
Region of origin Spain, English-speaking countries
Other names
Related names Carmelita, Carmelito, Carmelina, Carmelino, Carmella, Carmela, Carmelo, Carmel, Carmen, Carmina, Carmine, Carmo
The "garden" origin is from Hebrew karmel; the "harvester" origin is from Greek Karmē; the two origins are unrelated
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Carme is a feminine given name of two separate origins. The first is a Galician and Catalan form of Hebrew karmel, "garden". The second is from Greek Karmē, whose name means "she who cuts the grain", from keirein, "to cut".



See also

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