Carol Senf

Carol A. Senf is professor and associate chair in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at the Georgia Institute of Technology. With four books, two critical editions, one edited essay collection, and various critical essays, she is a recognized expert on the biography and works of Irish author Bram Stoker.[1]


Senf was educated at Miami University (B.S. English/Education; M.A. English) and the State University of New York at Buffalo (PhD, 1979). Her PhD thesis, written under the direction of John Dings, was entitled "Daughters of Lilith: An Analysis of the Vampire in Nineteenth-Century English Literature."


After one year as assistant professor of English at Furman University (1980-1981), Senf joined the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1981, where her teaching and scholarship has focused on Victorian literature and culture, the Gothic, gender studies, feminist studies, and Holocaust studies. In 1999, she received the Lord Ruthven Award for best nonfiction for her study of Dracula: Between Tradition and Modernism. In 2012, she delivered the keynote address, "Bram Stoker: Ireland and Beyond," at the Bram Stoker Centenary Conference 2012: Bram Stoker: Life and Writing, held at Trinity College, Dublin.

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  1. Reviewers of A Critical Review to Bram Stoker, for example, have called the volume “an exceptionally important contribution” to the “scholarly study of Stoker’s work” (Alan Johnson, Arizona State University, in English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 1995, p. 103), a “thorough survey of contextual issues” that assists student readers in appreciating “the links between texts and the historical periods that produce them” (Rosemary Jann, George Mason University, English Literature in Transition, 1999, p. 325), and “required” reading “for libraries and zealots” (Ray Brown, Bowling Green State University, Journal of Popular Culture, 1996, p. 224).
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