Casemate d'Auenheim Nord

Casemate d'Auenheim Nord

The back frontage, shooting room
Type of work: Infantry casemate
sector Fortified Sector of Haguenau
Constructed: 1932
Strength: 20
See Fortified Sector of Haguenau for a broader discussion of the Haguenau sector of the Maginot Line.

Casemate d'Auenheim Nord is an infantry casemate of the Maginot Line located in the town of Auenheim, in Alsace.


The casemate is a simple flanking [1] one built in 1932 to take in an officer, a non commissioned officer and 20 troops.


Entrance with an armoured door, shooting room, a room for filters, a room for the electric power supply, 2 rest rooms and a latrine.


Notes and references

  1. That means the casemate has only one shooting room

(French) The Maginot Line website

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