Castra of Feldioara

Castra of Feldioara
Location within Romania
Known also as Castra of Ucea (de Jos)
Founded 101 or 102 AD [1]
Abandoned 3rd century AD[2][3]
Place in the Roman world
Province Dacia
Administrative unit Dacia Apulensis
Administrative unit Dacia Superior
Limes Alutanus
Nearby water Alutus
Directly connected to
— Stone structure —
Size and area 116 m x 135 m (1.5 [4] ha)
Construction technique Opus incertum [1]
Stationed military units
II Flavia Numidarum [5]
Coordinates 45°47′54″N 24°41′25″E / 45.79841°N 24.69016°E / 45.79841; 24.69016
Altitude 405 m (1,329 ft)
Town Feldioara
County Brașov
Country  Romania
RO-LMI BV-I-s-A-11277.02 [3]
RO-RAN 42138.01 [2]
Site notes
Recognition National Historical Monument
Condition Ruined
Excavation dates 1973 - 1979 [1]

The castra of Feldioara was a fort in the Roman province of Dacia.[2][3]

See also

External links


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Carol-Opriş, Ioan; Raţiu, Alexandru; Stoian, Gabriel, Stadiul cercetării siturilor din jud. Braşov şi Covasna ("Stage of the research in Braşov and Covasna Counties"), Raport ştiinţific Privind Derularea Proiectului Strategii Defensive şi Politici Transfrontaliere: Integrarea Spaţiului Dunării De Jos în Civilizaţia Romană (STRATEG) ("Scientific Report on the Progress of the Project "Defensive Strategies and Border Policies: Integration of the Lower Danube Region in Roman Civilization (STRATEG)""), pp. 47-48.,, retrieved 6 January 2013
  2. 1 2 3 "42138.01". National Archaeological Record of Romania (RAN). 7 January 2010. Retrieved 6 January 2013.
  3. 1 2 3 "Lista Monumentelor Istorice 2010 ("2010 List of Historic Monuments")" (PDF). Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, Nr. 670 ("Romania's Official Journal, Part I, Nr. 670"), page 581. Ministerul Culturii şi Patrimoniului Naţional. 1 October 2010. Retrieved 6 January 2013.
  4. "Feldioara". STRATEG MAPS: Defensive strategies and trans-border policies at the Lower Danube in Roman Antiquity (An interdisciplinary project). Retrieved 6 January 2013.
  5. Ureche, Petru. "Tactică, strategie şi specific de luptă la cohortele equitate din Dacia Romană" (PDF). Retrieved 6 January 2013.

Coordinates: 45°47′54″N 24°41′25″E / 45.79833°N 24.69028°E / 45.79833; 24.69028

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