This is a list of hobbits that are mentioned by name in Tolkien's works. They are ordered alphabetically by first name. In cases where a hobbit’s family name was changed, usually through marriage, their original family name is given in parentheses. Nicknames are given in quotation marks.
Bilbo Baggins: See
Bilbo Baggins.
Bilbo Gardner: A son of
Sam and
Rose Gardner. Named after Frodos uncle Bilbo.
Bill Butcher: The butcher of Michel Delving in the poem Perry-the-Winkle. It is unclear whether the character in the poem was based on a historical hobbit or was a made up person within the story.
Bodo Proudfoot: Husband of Linda Baggins, father of Odo Proudfoot.
Bowman "Nick" Cotton: Brother of Rose Cotton.
Bucca of the Marish: An early inhabitant of what would become the
Eastfarthing, Bucca founded the Oldbuck clan. He was chosen to be the first
Thain in 1979.
Bungo Baggins (2846–2926): Bungo was the "solid and comfortable" father (see
The Hobbit, ch. 1) of Bilbo. He was also the builder of
Bag End. He and his wife Belladonna (née
Took) lived there until the end of their days. He had a brother named
Carl "Nibs" Cotton: Brother of Rose Cotton.
Celandine Brandybuck (2994–?): The third child of
Seredic and
Hilda Brandybuck, she attended Bilbo's farewell party.
Cotman: Farmer Cotton's grandfather.
Daisy (Baggins) Boffin: (2950–?) was a cousin of Frodo Baggins. She was the daughter of Drogo's brother Dudo. She married
Griffo Boffin.
Daisy (Gamgee): (2972–?) Sister of Samwise.
Daisy (Gardner): Daughter of Samwise.
Diamond "of Long Cleeve" Took: (2995–?) became the wife of Thain
Peregrin Took in the 6th year of the Fourth Age. She is possibly one of the North-Tooks, descended from Bandobras Took (aka Bullroarer). She had one son Faramir, named for a
Steward of Gondor (see
Faramir). Her date of death is not known, but some people assume Diamond probably died sometime before the year 63 of the
Fourth Age when Pippin left the
Shire to live in
Dinodas Brandybuck: A guest at Bilbo's farewell party.
Doderic Brandybuck: A guest at Bilbo's farewell party.
Dodinas Brandybuck:
Donnamira (Took) Boffin: A daughter of Gerontius, The Old Took.
Dora (Baggins): Sister of Drogo, noted for dispensing advice in her letters.
Drogo Baggins: Married Primula (Brandybuck), father of Frodo Baggins. Rumored to have drowned during a boating accident (boating being an unusual activity for hobbits).
Dudo Baggins: (2911–3009)
Elanor "the Fair" (Gardner) Fairbairn: Also known as
Elanor the Fair, is the first child of
Samwise Gamgee and his wife
Rose Cotton. Elanor was the only one of Samwise's children known to
Frodo Baggins, and her name was a suggestion by him, a reference to the
sun-star, a little golden flower blooming in the land of
[7] In 1436 Elanor became a
maid of honour to Queen
Arwen Evenstar, and in 1451 she married Fastred of Greenholm. Elanor and her husband then moved to the Undertowers on the
Tower Hills where their family (becoming known as the Fairbairns of the Towers) would live for many generations.After her father's passing to the
Undying Lands in 1482, Elanor and her line became the keepers of the
Red Book of Westmarch. Her two children were Elfstan, born in 1454, and Fíriel.
Erling: Holman Greenhand's third child.
Estella (Bolger) Brandybuck (2985–?): The sister of Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger, the companion whom Frodo, Merry, Pippin, and Sam left behind in Crickhollow at the start of
The Fellowship of the Ring. Through her mother, Rosamunda Bolger (née Took), she was a descendant of the Old Took. She married Merry, and had at least one son. Estella probably died sometime before the year 63 of the Fourth Age when Merry left the
Shire to live in
Gondor. She was added to the family tree by Tolkien for the Ballantine edition, and remained an anomaly until the consolidation of the text in the Houghton Mifflin edition of 1987.
Everard Took: Danced the Springle-ring on a table with Melilot Brandybuck, interrupting Bilbo's farewell speech.
Falco Chubb-Baggins: Son of Bingo Baggins and Chica Chubb.
Fastolph Bolger:
Ferdibrand Took: A guest at Bilbo's farewell party, son of Ferdinand Took.
Ferdinand Took: A guest at Bilbo's farewell party, son of Sigismond Took.
Ferumbras II Took: Son of Isumbras III Took.
Ferumbras III Took: (2916–3015), while not otherwise particularly famous, was Thain at the time of the Farewell party of
Bilbo Baggins at the beginning of
The Lord of the Rings. He was the son of Fortinbras Took II (2878–2980, a cousin of Bilbo) and Lalia Clayhanger. He never married because no one wanted Lalia for a mother-in-law.
Filibert Bolger: A guest at Bilbo's farewell party, married Poppy Baggins.
Fíriel Fairbairn: Daughter of Elanor Gardner and Fastred of Greenholm. One of the Fairbairns of
Undertowers, the Wardens of Westmarch.
Flambard Took: Son of Isembard Took.
Folco Boffin: Friend of
Frodo Baggins. Folco helped Frodo prepare to leave
Bag End[10] and was at his birthday feast before Frodo went on his quest in 3018.
Fortinbras I Took: Son of Ferumbras II Took.
Fortinbras II Took: Son of Isumbras IV Took.
Fosco Baggins: Married Ruby Bolger.
Frodo Baggins: Nephew of Bilbo Baggins and son of Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck. He adventured to Mordor to destroy the one ring.
Frodo Gardner: (
F.A. 2–?) Second child and first son of
Samwise and
Rose Gardner. Frodo Gardner had at least one child, his son
Holfast. He was named after Samwises friend Frodo.
Gerontius "The Old" Took: was the second oldest Hobbit in the Shire's history after
Bilbo Baggins. The twenty-sixth Thain of the Shire, he ruled for 72 years, and died at the age of 130. He was particular friends with Gandalf, who was rumoured to have given him a pair of magic diamond cufflinks which opened and closed upon command. He was a direct ancestor to the majority of the famous Hobbits in
The Lord of the Rings. He married Adamanta Chubb and had twelve children; nine sons: Isengrim III, Hildigard, Isumbras IV, Hildigrim (great-grandfather to
Peregrin Took &
Meriadoc Brandybuck), Isembold, Hildifons, Isembard, Hildibrand (great-grandfather to
Fredegar Bolger and
Estella Bolger), and Isengar; and three daughters: Belladonna (mother to
Bilbo Baggins), Donnamira (great-grandmother to
Folco Boffin,
Fredegar Bolger and
Estella Bolger), and Mirabella (grandmother to
Frodo Baggins and great-grandmother to
Meriadoc Brandybuck).
Gilly (Brownlock) Baggins: A guest at Bilbo's farewell party, married Posco Baggins.
Goldilocks (Gardner) Took: (
F.A. 10–?) was the third daughter of Master
Samwise Gamgee and his wife Rose Cotton. In F.A. 42, she married Faramir Took, son of
Peregrin Took, Thain of the Shire. Faramir became Thain in F.A. 63, when his father left for Gondor.
Gorbadoc "Broadbelt" Brandybuck (2860–2963): Head of the Brandybuck family and Master of Buckland from 2910 until his death. The maternal grandfather of
Frodo Baggins and the great-grandfather of
Merry Brandybuck, "Master Gorbadoc" was famous for keeping a generous table.
Gorbulas Brandybuck: Son of Orgulas Brandybuck.
Gorhendad (Oldbuck) Brandybuck: Eleventh Thain of the Oldbuck line. He led the colonisation of
Buckland, and renamed himself to
Gormadoc "Deepdelver" Brandybuck (2734–2836): Master of Buckland until his death, and an ancestor of both
Frodo Baggins and Meriadoc Brandybuck.
Griffo Boffin:
Halfast Gamgee: Halfast of
Overhill was one of Sam's cousins during the
War of the Ring. He worked for Mr. Boffin at Overhill, and often went hunting up in the
Northfarthing. It was he who claimed to have seen a "Tree-man", which Sam reported to the other regulars at the
Green Dragon Inn.
Halfred Gamgee:
Halfred Gamgee:
Halfred Greenhand:
Hanna (Goldworthy) Brandybuck:
Hamfast "Ham/Gaffer/Old" Gamgee: (From
Anglo-Saxon hām, "house", and
fæst, "fixed") Father of
Samwise Gamgee. He married
Bell Goodchild, with whom he had six children, including Samwise (his youngest son), and lived at number three
Bagshot Row in
Hobbiton-across-the-Water. He was a
gardener on the
Baggins property at
Bag End for many years. He was frequently consulted for his knowledge of root vegetables, and held forth on this and other topics at the
Ivy Bush inn, or further afield at the
Green Dragon in Bywater. Early in
The Fellowship of the Ring, he misinforms a
Black Rider that
Frodo had already left Bag End that morning; while this meant that the Black Rider did not continue on to Bag End, it did give away the general direction that Frodo was headed. He also plays a minor role in
The Return of the King. Samwise, after adopting the name "Gardner", named one of his children after Hamfast. Sam often refers to his father as "Gaffer" or "the Gaffer". A character named Gaffer Gamgee makes a brief appearance in
Mr. Bliss, a story written down by Tolkien by 1932.
Hamfast Gardner: A son of Samwise Gamgee.
Hamfast of Gamwich:
Hamson Gamgee:
Harding Gardner:
Hildibrand Took: Son of Gerontius The Old Took.
Hildifons Took: Son of Gerontius The Old Took. "(went off on a journey and never returned)"
Hildigard Took:
Hildigrim Took: (2840–2941)
Hob "Old Gammidgy" Gammidge:
Hob Hayward:
Hobson "Roper" Gamgee:
Holfast Gardner: Son to
Frodo Gardner and grandson of
Samwise Gamgee and
Rose Gardner
Holman "Long Hom" Cotton:
Holman "the greenhanded":
Holman Greenhand:
Hugo Boffin: married to Donnamira Took.
Ilberic Brandybuck:
Isembard Took:
Isembold Took:
Isengar Took:
Isengrim II Took: 22nd Thain and 10th of the Took line. Founder of the
Great Smials
Isengrim III Took:
Isumbras III Took:
Isumbras IV Took:
Jolly Cotton The second of Tolman Cotton's four sons. Wilcome 'Jolly' Cotton had been a childhood friend of Sam Gamgee. During the War of the Ring, he helped defend his father's farm against Sharkey's Men, and played his part in helping free the Shire.
Lalia (Clayhanger) Took: (2883–3002) was the wife of Thain Fortinbras Took II. She married in 2914, and her son
Ferumbras was born two years later. Ferumbras never married, reportedly because nobody wanted Lalia as a mother-in-law. Lalia was so fat she couldn't walk and used a wheelchair: she was widely known as
Lalia the Great (or sometimes
the Fat). In 3002 her attendant,
Pearl Took, accidentally tipped Lalia out of her wheelchair into her garden, and she died. (Lalia is not on the Took family tree published in
The Lord of the Rings, but she is mentioned in
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien.)
Largo Baggins:
Laura (Grubb) Baggins: (2814–2916) was the grandmother of Bilbo Baggins. She was the wife of Mungo Baggins. Besides Bungo, she had four other children;
Belba, Longo, Linda, and
Bingo. Upon the death of her husband she became head of the family. When she died she was succeeded by her eldest son,
Lily (Baggins) Goodbody:
Lily (Brown) Cotton:
Lobelia (Bracegirdle) Sackville-Baggins: (c. 2918–3020) married
Otho, and had a son, Lotho. Portrayed as unpleasant and grasping, Lobelia's principal ambition was to acquire the manor smial of
Bag End for her family. A first attempt was made during
Bilbo's journey to
Erebor, as Lobelia's husband, Otho, was Bilbo's first cousin and
heir at law, and Bilbo was widely believed to be dead. This attempt was foiled when Bilbo returned during an auction of Bag End's contents. However, much of Bilbo's silverware vanished during his absence; when Bilbo left the Shire permanently, he gave Lobelia a box of silver spoons labelled "For Lobelia, from Cousin Bilbo, as a
[13] Years later, after Otho's death, Lobelia finally obtained title to Bag End when Frodo sold it to her (either for a great profit or below
fair market value - accounts vary), as he was in a rush to leave the Shire with the
One Ring. A shift in Lobelia's character occurs when Frodo is away on his quest. Lobelia opposed Saruman's ruffians, verbally and physically, and was imprisoned in the Lockholes of
Michel Delving for her actions. This feat earned her popularity among the Shire-folk for the first time in her life. Freed after the
Scouring of the Shire but greatly weakened, Lobelia deeded Bag End back to Frodo, ending the generation-long feud between Bilbo and Frodo and the Sackville-Bagginses. Devastated by her son Lotho's murder, Lobelia moved back with her original family, the Bracegirdles of Hardbottle. She died in 3020, and was over 100 years old. She bequeathed what remained of her money to helping hobbits made homeless during Saruman's regime.
Longo Baggins: (2860–2950)
Lotho "Pimple" Sackville-Baggins: (2964-3019) Son of Otho and Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and thus a first cousin once removed of Bilbo. He was called "Pimple" because of his complexion. He became an accomplice of
Saruman during the
War of the Ring. Trading
pipe-weed with Saruman for money, he began buying land in the Southfarthing, where
Men from
Isengard were stationed. With the aid of these ruffians, Lotho was able to depose and imprison
Will Whitfoot, the Shire's lawful
mayor, and declared himself Chief Shirriff. Under his command the Shire was industrialised. Lotho began to call himself
The Boss. However, Lotho was soon stripped of his power, and Saruman took over. Saruman's servant
Gríma Wormtongue killed Lotho, and either buried Lotho—or ate him, as hinted by Saruman's vicious remarks after his defeat in the Shire.
Madoc "Proudneck" Brandybuck: (2775–2877)
Malva "Headstrong" Brandybuck: (c. 2738–2839) was the first female hobbit to be recorded on the hobbit genealogies. She married
Gormadoc Brandybuck and had three sons: Madoc,
Sadoc, and Marroc.
Marigold (Gamgee) Cotton:
Marmadas Brandybuck:
Marmadoc "Masterful" Brandybuck:
Marroc Brandybuck: (c. 2783–?)
May (Gamgee): (2928–?)
May (Gamgee): (2976–?)
Menegilda (Goold) Brandybuck: was the wife of Rorimac "Old Rory" Brandybuck and mother of Saradoc Brandybuck, meaning she was Merry Brandybuck's paternal grandmother, and also Frodo Baggins' aunt.
Mentha (Brandybuck):
Merimac Brandybuck:
Merimas Brandybuck:
Merry Gardner:
Milo Burrows: noted for never returning letters.
Mimosa (Bunce) Baggins: wife of Ponto Baggins and mother of Rosa (Baggins) Took.
Minto Burrows:
Mirabella (Took) Brandybuck:
Moro Burrows:
Mosco Burrows:
Mungo Baggins: (2807–2900) was the grandfather of Bilbo Baggins. Mungo was the eldest son of
Balbo Baggins and
Berylla Boffin Baggins. Mungo had four younger siblings: Pansy, Ponto, Largo, and Lily. Mungo married
Laura Grubb and had five children.
Myrtle (Burrows):
Otho Sackville-Baggins: (2910–3012) though his father was a Baggins, he inherited headship of the Sackville family through his mother, Camellia. Thus, Otho effectively founded a new family: Sackville-Baggins. He was
Bilbo Baggins'
first cousin and closest living heir, and therefore, his ambition was to succeed Bilbo as head of the Baggins family and be head of two families at once. With his formidable wife, Lobelia, he attempted to seize
Bag End for his own during Bilbo's extended absence while accompanying
Thorin's dwarves to
Erebor. However, this was foiled when Bilbo reappeared during an auction of Bag End's contents by the firm of Grubb, Grubb & Burrowes. Otho was later infuriated by Bilbo adopting
Frodo Baggins, a more distant relative, as his heir, and scrutinized Bilbo's will for any irregularities under Shire ink laws. Otho died between the time of Bilbo's Long Expected Party and Frodo's departure to
Bree. Accordingly, he never enjoyed the luxuries of Bag End when Lobelia finally took ownership.
Paladin II Took (2933–3034): Father of
Peregrin Took, and "the Took" (head of the Took clan) and Thain of the Shire from 3015 until his death, Paladin owned and farmed lands around Whitwell, near Tuckborough. When
Lotho Sackville-Baggins took over the Shire, Paladin, as
Thain, resisted him, and refused to acknowledge his rule. This led to skirmishing between the Tooks and Saruman's ruffians, who attempted to lay siege to the Tookland. When Merry and Pippin started their revolt, Paladin sent Pippin with 100 Tooks to aid in the
Battle of Bywater.
Pansy (Baggins) Bolger:
Pearl (Took): (2975–?) was the eldest sister of
Peregrin "Pippin" Took. She also had two sisters named Pimpernel and Pervinca. Pearl probably died sometime before the year 63 of the
Fourth Age when Pippin left the Shire to live in Gondor. In
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien it is mentioned that she was the caretaker of the Took matriarch Lalia (Clayhanger)Took, the acid-tongued mother of Thain
Ferumbras Took. Lalia was obese and immobile, and perished when her wheelchair tipped from the top of Great Smials and she tumbled into the gardens. It was widely speculated that Pearl might have been intentionally responsible for Lalia's "fatal fall" by tipping the chair, a feat for which she was lauded by the other Tooks.
Peony (Baggins) Burrows:
Pervinca (Took):
Pimpernel (Took):
Pippin Gardner:
Polo Baggins:
Ponto Baggins:
Ponto Baggins:
Porto Baggins:
Posco Baggins:
Poppy (Chubb-Baggins) Bolger:
Primrose (Gardner):
Prisca (Baggins) Bolger:
Reginard Took:
Robin "Cock-robin" Smallburrow:
Robin Smallburrow is the Shirriff in the area of Bywater.
Robin Gardner:
Rorimac "Goldfather / Old Rory" Brandybuck (2902–3008): Head of the Brandybuck family and Master of Buckland from 2963 until his death, and
Merry's paternal grandfather. A guest at Bilbo's birthday party, he is intelligent enough to guess (correctly) that Bilbo has vanished in order to go travelling again.
[18] Bilbo rewards him for his hospitality over many years with a gift of a dozen bottles of wine.
Rosa (Baggins) Took: (2856–?) ancestor to both
Merry and
Pippin. Rosa was the daughter of
Ponto Baggins and
Mimosa Bunce and elder sister to Polo Baggins. Her husband was
Hildigrim Took, one of the many sons of the Old Took, and they had a son, Adalgrim Took.
Rosamunda (Took) Bolger: Mother of
Fredegar Bolger and
Estella Bolger, she married
Odovacar Bolger of Budge Ford. A descendant of the
Old Took, Rosamunda was the
second cousin of the Thain,
Paladin Took and his sister
Esmeralda Brandybuck (née Took).
Rose "Rosie" (Cotton) Gardner: (2984–
F.A. 61). Daughter of
Tolman Cotton and
Lily Brown and sister of Tolman (Tom), Wilcome (Jolly), Bowman (Nick), and Carl (Nibs). Rosie was a long-time friend of
Samwise Gamgee, and they were married in 3020 when Sam returned home after the
War of the Ring. Sam and Rosie had thirteen children (Elanor, Frodo, Rose, Merry, Pippin, Goldilocks, Hamfast, Daisy, Primrose, Bilbo, Ruby, Robin, Tolman (Tom)). Many were named after Sam and Rosie's friends and relatives. Among them were Elanor the Fair, Frodo Gardner, and Goldilocks. Rosie died in the year 61 of the Fourth Age. Sam then left Middle-earth for the
Undying Lands later that year. 'Cotton' in Hobbitish is 'Hlothran'. In the film trilogy Rosie lives at 10 Bagshot Row and is played by
Sarah McLeod.
"I think the simple 'rustic' love of Sam and his Rosie (nowhere elaborated) is absolutely essential to the study of his (the chief hero's) character, and to the theme of the relation of ordinary life (breathing, eating, working, begetting) and quests, sacrifice, causes, and the 'longing for Elves', and sheer beauty." - J. R. R. Tolkien letter dated 1951
Rose: Daughter of Holman the greenhanded.
Rose Gardner: Second daughter of Samwise.
Ruby (Bolger) Baggins:
Ruby (Gardner):
Rudigar Bolger:
Rufus Burrows:
Sadoc Brandybuck: (2779–?)
Salvia (Brandybuck) Bolger:
Sancho Proudfoot: Odo Proudfoot's grandson.
Saradas Brandybuck:
Seredic Brandybuck:
Sigismond Took:
Tanta (Hornblower) Baggins:
Ted Sandyman: Ted Sandyman is a miller in Hobbiton. When first Lotho and then
Saruman take control of the Shire, he is persuaded to make "improvements" to it, which many hobbits considered to be ugly, and which may have done little to increase its power. He supports many of the changes made by Saruman.
Tobold "Old Toby" Hornblower: Tobold Hornblower is the first person to domesticate pipe-weed in Middle-earth, which he does in 2670. This development leads to its cultivation in the
Southfarthing, and the pipe-weed, known as Longbottom Leaf from the city where Hornblower was from, becomes an important product of the Shire and is widely regarded as the finest pipe-weed. This was shown by the fact that Saruman imports barrels of it to
Togo Goodbody:
Tolman "Tom" Cotton:
Tolman "Tom" Gardner:
Tolman "Young Tom" Cotton:
Widow Rumble:
Wilcome "Jolly" Cotton:
Wilcome "Will" Cotton:
Wilibald Bolger:
Wiseman Gamwich: The great-great-grandfather of
Samwise Gamgee; his name comes from his family home in the town of Gamwich.
Baggins family tree
| | | | | | | Balbo Baggins | | | | Berylla Boffin | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Laura Grubb | | Mungo | | Pansy | | Fastolph Bolger | | Ponto | | Mimosa Bunce | | Lily | | Togo Goodbody | | Largo | | Tanta Hornblower | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Bungo | | Belladonna Took | | Belba | | Rudigar Bolger | | Longo | | Camellia Sackville | | Linda | | Bodo Proudfoot | | Bingo | | Chica Chubb | | Fosco | | Ruby Bolger | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Bilbo Baggins | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Otho Sackville-Baggins | | Lobelia Bracegirdle | | | | | | | | | | Falco Chubb-Baggins | | ? | | Dora | | Drogo | | Primula Brandybuck | | Dudo | | Tulip Longhole | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Lotho | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Poppy | | Filibert Bolger | | | | | | Frodo | | | | | | | Daisy | | Griffo Boffin | | | |
| |
See also
List of hobbit families
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 50.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 50.
- ↑ Tom Shippey (2003), The Road to Middle-earth, Houghton Mifflin, ch. 4, § 'Maps and Names', p.102; ISBN 0-618-25760-8.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 34.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 50.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 35.
- ↑ Tolkien, J. R. R. (1955), The Return of the King, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (published 1987), "The Grey Havens", ISBN 0-395-08256-0
- ↑ “Note on the text” pp. xi–xiii, Douglas A. Anderson, in the 1994 HarperCollins edition of The Fellowship of the Ring.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 42.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 83.
- ↑ Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954), The Fellowship of the Ring, 2nd edition, George Allen & Unwin, book 1 ch.II p.53; ISBN 0 04 823045 6.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 51.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 51.
- ↑ Tom Shippey (2003), The Road to Middle-earth, Houghton Mifflin, ch. 4, § 'Maps and Names', p.102; ISBN 0-618-25760-8.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 42.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 50.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 35.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 43-44.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 51.
- ↑ Tolkien, Fellowship, p. 53.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Hobbits. |
- Tolkien, J.R.R. (1954). The Fellowship of the Ring. The Lord of the Rings. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
| | | Principal works | |
| Other works | |
| Posthumous publications | |
| Fictional universe | |
| Secondary works and legacy | |