Centre for Asian Strategic Studies-India

Center for Asian Strategic Studies- India (CASS-India) is a New Delhi based, privately run independent think tank that investigates, researches and analyses issues involving military, defense, diplomacy, security, strategy, anti-piracy, nuclear issues and strategy concerning India and the broader Afro-Asian region. CASS-India has divided its research and professional area of expertise into seven different regions –South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, South-East Asia, Indo-Pacific region, Asia-Pacific region and Africa. After launching four successful campaigns in the past involving South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and the Asia-Pacific regions respectively, CASS-India is now focusing on the Afro-Asian region and particularly, Africa in the year 2014. Normally, each campaign has a period of three to four years. CASS-India is a registered trust having a Board of Trustees. It is funded through self generated resources, grants, paid consultancy and custom project works. It has MoU’s, institutional cooperation, special agreements and research partnerships with more than 30 outfits across the globe. It is primarily into three areas of activities such as general research, training and conference. By February 2014, the organization has organized more than 55 domestic conferences and 26 International conferences. CASS-India produces futuristic studies and quality research papers of exclusive information which caters to policymakers, governments, diplomats, defense and security establishments, think-tanks and trans-national organizations.

Area of Expertise

CASS-India conducts General Research, Investigation, Training and Conferencing in the following areas:

Military Security  : Strategy, Doctrines, Modernization, Armament, Deployment & Procurement

Diplomacy  : Foreign Policy, Regional Groupings, Soft Power, Intra-region Policies

Geo-Economics  : Energy Security, Large Volume Trade, Trade Blocs, Hi-tech Trade

Terrorism  : Outfits, Movements, Training, Policies & Agenda, Patterns, Goals &Weapons

Strategy  : Strategy, International Relations, Politics, Government

Trans-National Crime: Anti-Piracy Operations, Drug-trafficking, Money Laundering

Non-Proliferation  : NBC Warfare, Missile Defense, Nuclear Industry

Non-Traditional Security Threats : Large-scale Migration, Climate Change, Food Security, etc.

Area of Activities

CASS-India has three areas of activities such as –Research, Training and Conference. It takes forward its cooperation with its clients and interested parties in the following ways:

International Training Program (ITP)

Under the Advance Strategic Studies Course, CASS-India offers a unique crash-course to participants (Diplomats, military personnel, foreign policy experts and government officials) on issues relating to defence, strategy and military in the Afro-Asian region. This is usually held in November every year.

Overseas Training Program (OTP)

Conversely, CASS-India also conducts the program overseas for interested candidates. CASS-India takes its experts and works out a special training module for the interests of participants. However, the costs of the OTP are borne by the host institution/government. This is usually held in November every year.


CASS-India organizes brain storming sessions and round table discussions on relevant topics. Besides, CASS-India organizes seminars and interactive sessions and implements special projects for governments, institutions, individuals, companies and NGOs.


CASS-India trains and accepts research personnel from countries and established institutions under exchange programs. Apart from conducting research in our regions of expertise, namely- South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, South-East Asia, Indo-Pacific region, Asia-Pacific region and Africa, CASS-India also provides special research services for the Indian Ocean Region, Africa, China, Afghanistan and Energy Studies.


CASS-India is a registered trust and a private and independent think-tank having its Board of Trustees. It was established in March 1999 and came into effect in March 2002. It is funded through self-generated resources, grants, paid consultancies and custom projects. Under the leadership of Director, Mr. A.B. Mahapatra, as of February 2014, CASS-India has to its credit 55 domestic conferences and 26 international conferences. CASS-India also produces Futuristic studies and quality research papers of exclusive information in a time-frame to suit policymakers, governments, diplomats, defence and security establishments, think tanks and transnational corporations.


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, July 07, 2014. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.