Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano

Joint stock company
Founded 1956
Founder Ercole Bottani
Headquarters Milan, Italy
Key people
Salvatore Machì (Chairman), Matteo Codazzi (CEO)
Revenue €104 million (2011)
Number of employees
612 (2011)
Website www.cesi.it
CESI Aerial view Milan Headquarters

CESI - Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta is a company that provides testing and certification services, energy consultancy, engineering and technology consulting for the electricity sector worldwide. CESI headquartered in Milan, Italy was founded in 1956. CESI employs more than 800 professionals located in over 35 Countries worldwide.


CESI was founded in 1956, and has more than 50 years of experience in testing and consulting services for the electrical industry.

The strong necessity of doing experimental tests and network studies persuaded the big electromechanical industries (Pirelli, SAE, Ercole Marelli, Ansaldo), together with the majority of electrical industries (Edison, SADE, Montecatini, Falck), of the need of a “Great Power laboratory”. In the early 50s, the “X Laboratory” was born. At the end of the 50s, CESI is developed a leadership in the determination of short-circuit powers inside the transmission lines and in load flows’ problems. In the 1958, its international aim is attested thanks to an important commission: the study of the system El Chocón Dam – Buenos Aires for the construction of two hydroelectric plants.

The problems of the unification of electrical frequencies and of the interconnection networks, enabling energy interchange between an “island” and another and consequently achieve Italian electrical system unity, lead to the establishment in 1962 of ENEL.[1] In the 1964, ENEL decided to use CESI’s laboratories to make targeted studies for its operative activity. The company purchased the majority of the capital of CESI. CESI, under the boost of the increase in electricity consumption, built new laboratories, also for high voltage cable tests. This gave birth to the “1000 kV’s Project”,[2] which was realized for the transport of energy and high voltage on the Italian electrical networks. The “1000 kV’s Project” was a key step in the history of electrical industry’s research, not only in Italy but also in the world.

In 1988, CESI signed a convention with IMQ which bring to fruition the CSQ (Certified Quality Systems).[3] At December 1989, ENEL charged CESI with a research project to be finished in three years: the Energy storage for a stationary and vehicular use. The topic was the application of the electrical battery not only on traditional power plants but especially on non traditional ones, like photovoltaic and wind power. The project faced off the development and industrialization of pioneering batteries and, at the same time, wanted to realized prototypes of electric vehicles with a highest degree of innovation.

In 2002, CESI acquired the Piacenza’s laboratory from ENEL Produzione, which has integrated and extended the offer of monitoring systems for thermoelectric plants during the operation and maintenance. In addition, the company got the hydraulic and structural pole from ENEL; ENEL Hydro S.p.A. which delivers services for hydroelectric power plants. ISMES was purchased in 2004 and, thanks to the deal, CESI increased its competences in land conservation, natural hazards and qualification of civil structures and industrial plants, preservation of monuments and monitoring services. 2005 saw CESI experience in laboratory tests extended because of the acquisition from Vattenfall Europe of IPH in (Berlin) and FGH GmbH in (Mannheim), two companies that are working in the field of high, medium and low voltage electrical components. CESI Ricerca created in 2005 with ENEA, and it has been transferred into GSE (Electrical Services Manager) in 2009.

With a view to cater closely to international client needs, CESI established two new companies: CESI Middle East was set up in 2011 in Dubai and CESI do Brasil in March 2012.[4] On February 2012, CESI Middle East has been contracted by the Kuwait-based Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development to come up with a plan for integrating the loosely connected electricity and natural gas networks of 20 Arab countries.[5] CESI is a founding member of RES4MED,[6] an association that aims to increase renewable energy sources penetration and to analyse the conditions for integrated electricity markets in the Mediterranean area.

Organizational structure

The company has three business divisions:


CESI proves its competence as an independent testing service provider also by its accreditation certificates:

Main shareholders

Shareholders as of 14 June 2012:[12]

Board of Directors

Board of Directors in office at May 2015 [13]

External links


  1. ↑ "Enel foundation".
  2. ↑ "The 1000 kV Project".
  3. ↑ "CSQ Brand".
  4. ↑ "CESI's History".
  5. ↑ "AFESD unified Energy Market".
  6. ↑ "Founding member of RES4MED".
  7. ↑ "CPV Consortium".
  8. ↑ "European Energy Infrastructure and CESI report".
  9. ↑ "Testing Lab".
  10. ↑ "Certification and Inspection Body".
  11. ↑ "STL-Members".
  12. ↑ "CESI's Shareholder".
  13. ↑ "Board of Director".
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