Chai Keong Toh

Chai Keong Toh

Dr. Toh at IET Awards Ceremony in London.
Born Singapore
Residence California, United States
Institutions National Tsing Hua University,
University of London
Alma mater Cambridge University, UK
Manchester University, UK
Known for computer networks, mobile networks, telematics, ITS
Notable awards

IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
IET Ambrose Fleming Medal
IEEE Fellow

AAAS Fellow

Chai Keong Toh (a.k.a. C.K. Toh) is an engineer, academic professor, and industry leader. Toh has performed pioneering research on wireless ad hoc networks, Internet Protocols, and Multimedia for over two decades (20 years).


Born in Singapore, he received his university education in the United Kingdom. He subsequently moved to live and work in the United States. Toh studied at King’s College, Cambridge under a Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship and received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Cambridge, UK (1993–1996) and his undergraduate EE degrees at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (1989–1991) and Singapore Polytechnic (1983–1986).

University and industry

Since 2011, Toh is a Tsing Hua Honor Chair Professor of Computer Science, in Taiwan. He is also an Honorary Professor at the University of Hong Kong, China (2004–2009), Honorary Professor at the University of Essex, UK (2013-2015), Honorary Professor at the University of Haute Alsace, FRANCE (2013), and Advisory Professor of Computer Science at Technical University of Valencia, SPAIN (since 2006). He had held several visiting professorships/appointments at YALE, Princeton, Stanford, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), EPFL Switzerland, Mid-Sweden University, Osaka University, National Taiwan University, KNU Korea, etc.

He was a tenured Chair Professor at the University of London (2004–2006) and was the Director of Research, Communication Systems, at TRW Systems Corporation (now Northrop Grumman Inc.,) in California, USA (2002–2004). Earlier on, he was on the faculty of University of California Irvine and Georgia Institute of Technology (1998–2001). He had worked at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California. At Hughes, he co-led the DARPA TTO DAMAN (Deployable and Adaptive Mobile Ad Hoc Networks) Program. Earlier on, he worked at Archive Corporation (a storage company acquired by Connor Peripherals), and Advance Logic Research Computers (acquired by Gateway Computers).

Research and awards

Toh was an IEEE Expert Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society (2002–2003). He is listed among the Top 20 Authors in Wireless/Mobile Networks in the world by THOMSON Essential Science Indicators (ESI) for technical papers published from 1995 to 2005. His and Publish or Perish total citation exceeds 14,000.[1]

He is an elected Fellow of the IEEE (FIEEE),[2] Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (FAAAS),[3] Fellow of the British Computer Society (FBCS),[4] Fellow of IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers),[5] Fellow of HKIE (Hong Kong Institution of Electrical Engineers),[6] Fellow of IITP (Institute of IT Professionals - formerly known as New Zealand Computer Society),[7] Fellow of Cambridge Commonwealth Society, and Life Fellow of the Cambridge (UK) Philosophical Society.[8] He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Chartered IT Professional (CITP).

In 2005, Dr. Toh received the IEEE Institution Kiyo Tomiyasu Technical Field Award with the citation - "For pioneering contributions to communication protocols in ad hoc mobile wireless networks". He has undertaken research in wireless ad hoc networks since 1993 (while at Cambridge University) and had written two sole-authored pioneering books: "Wireless ATM & Ad Hoc Networks" (Kluwer, 1996) and "Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks" (Prentice Hall Best Seller, 2001). In 2009, he received the John Ambrose Fleming[9] Medal ( IET Achievement Medals ) in London.[10]



Noted papers / patents


"From Information Science to Data Science and Smart Nation", PACIS 2015, SINGAPORE.

"Future Research Challenges for Intelligent Transportation Networks", IFIP Networks Conference, 2008, SINGAPORE

"Future Research Challenges for Vehicular Communication Networks", IEEE WAVE Conference, 2009, Shanghai, CHINA

"Future Research Challenges for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks", IEEE IPCCC Conference, 2002, ARIZONA USA.


Preceded by
Brijendra K Syngal
IET Ambrose Fleming Medal (IET Achievement Medals)
Succeeded by
Vincent Poor
Preceded by
David B. Fogel
IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
Succeeded by
Muhammad A. Alam
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