Chak No 111/1L Rahim yar Khan Punjab

Chak No 111/1.L Punjab, Pakistan is a village located about 18 kilometres towards south of Rahim Yar Khan. This village is situated in Union Council 45 Rahim Yar Khan District, Khan Pur Tehsil.


Mostly there are Mangrio Family and also some other castes live here like Chania Mahar, Kamboh Punjabi and [[Meer]\]. Some non-Muslim Thori also exists here. Numberdar of this village belong to Mangrio family. The previous Number Dar of this chak was Hazor Buksh and now his son Mehr Dein . Haji Shah Muhammad, LaL Bukhsh, Peer Buksh, Khair Dein, Allah Buksh,Imam Dein, Allah Dein,Muhammad Murad, Ruken Dein and Faqeer Buksh and Most senior persns of this village Muhammad Imran Mangrio.They are totly landlord and businessman.


The village culture is Sindhi and Punjabi. As people are Muslim by birth and faith.


The village has one government and two private schools. There is also a religious institute and a mosque in this village.

Crops and irrigation

The main crops of the village are Sugar cane, Cotton, Oil Seeds and Pulses while wheat being the major food crop. There are also Malta (orange) and Mango farms in the village.


About 90 percent of the village's population form whom agriculture is the main occupation to earn their living. The remainder one are serving in Government institutions,forces,technical and Business sector.


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, March 09, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.