Chandravarma Kamboja

Chandravarma Kamboja is the first Kamboja king mentioned by name in the Mahābhārata.[1][2][3][4]

He appears to have been an ancient very powerful and renowned (vikhyaat) ruler of the Kambojas. He finds mention in the Adiparva section of the epic Mahābhārata, where he is stated to be an Asura or a demonic ruler [5][6][7] (Also See main entry Candra in Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary) .

Mahābhārata styles Chandravarma as an incarnation of Daitya Chandra, the foremost among the powerful sons of goddess Diti.[8][9][10]

The Mahābhārata reference also implies that this Chandravarma was extremely handsome and illustrious king of the Kambojas.[11][11][12]

In Brahmanical allegories, sons of Diti are called Maruts. They are all said to be great warriors. One Marut is stated to have even conquered the gods. Obviously, this Marut might have been the so-called Daitya Chandra, whom the epic styles as the foremost among the sons of Diti.

Since Chandravarma of Kambojas is described as an incarnation of this Daitya Chandra, it is also obvious that Kamboja Chandravarma may indeed have been an illustrious and mighty warrior.

The Kamboj/Kamboh community traditions claim one Chander Burman as a god, and the royal ancestor of the Kambojas. Kamboj traditions also claim that certain raja Sodakhsh was a descendant of god Chander Burman, and had sided with the Kauravas against the Pandavas, in the prolonged war of Kurukhetra. These facts were collected at the end of ninetieth century by one British ethnographer H. A. Rose.

Sodakhsh of the Kamboj traditions clearly refers to great Sudakshina of Mahbharata fame.[13]

The present Kamboj community claims to have descended from god Chander Burman.

God Chander Burman of the Kamboj traditions can easily be identified with Asura king Chandravarma, referenced in the Adiparava of Mahābhārata.

This traditional evidence thus points at the Iranian affinities of the Kambojas.


  1. Political History of Ancient India, 1953, p 150, Hemchandra Raychaudhuri, University of Calcutta.
  2. The People and Culture of Bengal, a Study in Origins: A Study in Origins, 2002, p 564, Annapurna Chattopadhyaya.
  3. Lord Mahāvīra and his times, 1974, p 213, Kailash Chand Jain.
  4. Ancient Indian History, 1988, p 149, Madhavan Arjunan Pillai.
  5. Epic Mythology, 1969, p 62, Edward Washburn Hopkins.
  6. See epic referential link: .
  7. Cf: Candravarma, the King of Kambojas, was the Asura or demon Candra, son of Diti... (Ref: Epic Mythology, 1915, p 62, Edward Washburn Hopkins – Hindu Mythology.
  8. Lexikon der Weltliteratur, 1963, p 100, pGero von Wilpert.
  9. Epic Mythology, 1969, 62, Edward Washburn Hopkins.
  10. The Mahabharata, Book 1 of 18, p 176, Published by Forgotten Books ISBN 1-60506-611-7, ISBN 978-1-60506-611-0
  11. 1 2 The Penguin book of Hindu names, 1992, p 80, Maneka Gandhi.
  12. Sanskrit
    Candra.varmati vikhiyaatah || 32 ||
    (MBH, 1/67/31-32 Vulgate, Gorakhpore)
    "The foremost among the sons of Diti known by the name of Candra and handsome as the lord of the stars himself became on earth noted as Chandravarma, the king of the Kambojas" .
  13. Glossary of Tribes and Castes of Punjab and northwest frontier Province, Vol II, 1883, pp 444-445, H. A. Rose.

See also

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