Charged black hole

A charged black hole is a black hole that possesses electric charge. Since the electromagnetic repulsion in compressing an electrically charged mass is dramatically greater than the gravitational attraction (by about 40 orders of magnitude), it is not expected that black holes with a significant electric charge will be formed in nature.

A charged black hole is one of three possible types of black holes that could exist in Einstein's theory of gravitation, general relativity. Black holes can be characterized by three (and only three) quantities, its

A special, mathematically oriented article describes the Reissner–Nordström metric for a charged, non-rotating black hole.

The solutions of Einstein's field equation for the gravitational field of an electrically charged point mass (with zero angular momentum) in empty space was obtained in 1918 by Hans Reissner and Gunnar Nordström, not long after Karl Schwarzschild found the Schwarzschild metric as a solution for a point mass without electric charge and angular momentum.

See also

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