is a Brazilian internet site of humorous content. In the year 2006, it won the iBest Prize for Best entertainment site, by popular jury.[1] It was founded by Maurício Ricardo Quirino in 2000. The charges animadas (see below), which the site presents daily, are the main feature of the site. There are other minor features, such as the piada do dia (joke of the day) that publishes jokes sent by the site's visitors, and the emails comentados (commented emails), in which the site's owner will publish some of the emails sent to the site (which can range from site feedback, to relationship advice, to lame jokes, to people sending a message just asking to be published) and add some comments to them. There are also some Flash-powered games, also themed generally on recent events.[2]
Charges animadas
The term charges animadas can be translated as something alongside animated cartoons. However, in Portuguese, the word charge is used to refer to editorial cartoons. These works consist of Flash animations of short length, showing some humorous, generally related to recent events and situations.
The term charge-okê is a fusion of the words charge and karaoke, properly adapted to Portuguese. It refers to some of the site's charges animadas that consist on musical parodies of popular music hits. The parodies are usually sung by a character who has something to do with the lyrics. For example, Brasileiro e sua consciência - Lonely, published on January 26, 2006, is a parody of the hit Lonely, sung by Akon. The modified lyrics talk about the indecision of a mid-class Brazilian on which candidate to choose in the Brazilian president elections in 2006. The charges-okê are published about once a week along with other regular charges.
Tobby Entrevista
Or Tobby interviews in the literal translation, is the way who Mauricio use to criticize and satirize a specific famous person and/or pop culture work, where Tobby, the interviewer (a cynical and sarcastic person with nanism, that uses jimmy five`s clothes, mickey ears and have a "Zacarias bald") ask questions to the interviewee (who can be a spoof of a person or famous character) where they unintentionally make fun of one another. In 2007 with the success of film Elite Squad in the country one of the interviewees was Captain Morrimento (humorous parody of Captain Nascimento) who took his program and changed its name to "Capitão Interroga" (Captain interrogate), which the Captain interviewed guests often beating them up. In 2008 at the request of the Internet Tobby returned to the program, but with the direction of Captain Morrimento.
Espinha e Fimose
Or Pimple and Phimosis in the literal translation, is a recurring shown in charges (that satirizes teenager`s social acts and behaviors), and the most famous characters in the cast, where 2 teenagers (who share their last) attempt to make sex with attractive girls and/or get some money with they witness scams, but their plans often(though not always) fail, due to they lack of planning or luck.

It was a series in anime style. The story revolved around the adventures of Tonin a country boy who ends up becoming "chosen" to be taken in time to defeat various enemies. In the beginning the show was created with a view to parody the Japanese TV series, such as anime, but with time was approaching subjects increasingly serious though without losing its comic vein with the parodies. Lasted four seasons "Tonin, The Ninja Who Came from the Farm" (2008-2009), "Tonin - The Return of Those Who Were Not" (2009-2010), "Tonin, Ninja From Hell" (2010-2011) and "Tonin - Saga Final" (2012). Throughout history various other characters were introduced and the story was developing increasingly coming up to make the characters grow with the constant travel time and wars with powers.
Tobby: The website interviewer, famous by his ridiculous clothes; obnoxious and sardonic personality; and usual lack of luck. His main job is interviewing (and annoying) his guests, something that usually end up in Tobby being either humiliated or physically harmed. In the first animations shared space with the Buddhist master Xu Tinussaco, he had a calm personality. After getting to star in the series "Tobby Entrevista" his personality has changed drastically over the years, he became unluckiest and angry, especially after meeting Capitão Morrimento. He wears a Mickey Mouse hat and a similar shirt to the Jimmy Five (Monica's Gang).
Capitão Morrimento: A spoof of Capião Nascimento from the film Tropa de Elite, known for being a straight and pratic, but also rather than an amoral, violent and short-tempered cop. right after Tobby point out some advantages over his job, Morrimento become delightful and forces Tobby to give his job to him, but Morrimento eventually gets tired of his job as an interviewer and gets out of it. unfortunately to Tobby, Morrimento become the director of his program, constantly scolding and nagging both Tobby and the guests even for the slight. Fortunately, Internet users eventually grew weary of Morrimento and forced him to withdraw from the program, but he still makes occasional appearances on the site. He seems to be superhumanly strong, having once single-handed stopped Superman from fly away, and even the Hulk could barely support his slaps over his head.
Espinha and Fimose: Two teenagers who always try to have sex with some girl whom they consider "hot", but rarely do well in this task. Espinha has this name due to his '"plimpe fashion", and is known by his navie and inattentive personality, and by his poor grades. Fimose (who has this name due to his pink cap) on the other hand, while not much more intelligent or responsible than Espinha, is the straight man from the duo, and the unofficial leader.
Lesado: A mentally affected 40-year-old man who cannot discern reality from fantasy due his abuse in use drugs and suffer of frequents lapses of memory. Despite his mental instability, Lesado is straightforward person, being well aware of his condition and being an honest and intelligent (though deranged) guy, or was Espinha and Fimose claims, he is "crazy, but not stupidy!".
Lipo: A naive, awkward friend of Espinha and Fimose. He seems to be quittenly dim-witted, often misinterprets what the others say to him and has very low grades (even though he has more detication in his studies than Espinha and Fimose). Regardless to this, Lipo is, in contrary to Lesado, "stupid, but not crazy" being well aware of his surroundings and of his limitations, indicating that he is more straightforward than he appears to be. despite being less experienced in pick-up arts, Lipo has much more success and luck in this area than Espinha and Fimose.
Vera Diva: A intelligent and serious teenager who is in friendly terms with Espinha and Fimose, but doesn't hide her displeasure over their immaturity.
Tonin: A boy who was the protagonist of his own series. He was born on a farm is the first of several children of her greedy father Tião Dois Dentes (lit: Tiao Two Teeth), in his 12 years he become was sold for two ninjas of feudal Japan to save the past of a villain. During his adventures he was gaining new allies, powers in hell a ninja half brother, a girlfriend former-villain and plus travel time several times. At the end of the story he dies, but is saved in an alternative version of the future going to be a normal boy from the country.
- ↑ Editorial ≈
- ↑ Les Tribalistas fabriquent les tubes qui agitent les été brésiliens (in French), Le Monde, September 26, 2003