Charles S. Kraszewski

Charles S. Kraszewski (born 1962) is a professor, Slavicist and translator from Polish, Czech, Slovak, Greek and Latin.


From 2008-2011, editor-in-chief of The Polish Review, the scholarly quarterly of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, headquartered in New York City. His original poetry has been published in literary journals such as Red River Review, Chaparral, Poetry South, OVS, and elsewhere. He has published two volumes of poetry, "Beast" (PlanB Press, 2013) and "Diet of Nails" (červená barva, 2013). Among his critical works are "Irresolute Heresiarch: Catholicism, Gnosticism and Paganism in the Poetry of Czesław Miłosz" (CSP, 2012) and a collection of verse translations, "Rossetti's Armadillo," (2013). He translates into English and Polish. His translations of T.S. Eliot and Robinson Jeffers into Polish have appeared in the Wrocław based journal "Odra." Recipient of the Union of Polish Writers Abroad award (London, 2013).

See also


External links

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