Chhoti ballabh

Chhoti Ballabh is a village situated in the Gonda block of Iglas tehsil in Aligarh district, located in Uttar Pradesh state in India .It is the combination of two small villages viz Chhoti and Ballam. Geographically they are 1 Kilometers apart from each other.Total population of Chhoti Ballam is 900 according to 2001 sensus. It is located near Khair Taitigoan Road. The main occupation of the villagers is farming although villages is also having government employees in large numbers.Village having mainly Hindu families belonging to Jaat caste.

Geographically chhoti ballabh is situated at a distance of 13 Kilometers from Khair,17 kilometers from Iglas and 22 kilometers from Aligharh.The villages comes in the area that covered by two canals at distance of 1 kilometer on either side.The literacy rate of the villages is approx 70 percent although this village is not having any intermediate college.One of the primary school is situated in village.

The village was formed by Shri Arjun Singh, who was the first educated man of the village, in the 1850s. Shri Arjun Singh was a Jat and his gotra was Thakurela.

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