Children´s and Young Adult Program of the Berlin International Literature Festival
Children´s and Young Adult Program | |
Status | Active |
Genre | Section of the ilb |
Frequency | Annually |
Venue | Berliner Festspiele and other venues in Berlin |
Country | Germany |
Years active | 16 |
Inaugurated | 2001 |
Founder | Ulrich Schreiber |
Previous event | September 9–19, 2015 |
Next event | September 7–17, 2016 |
Participants |
319, amongst others: John Boyne (2013) Frank Cottrell Boyce (2015) Kate DiCamillo (2010) Cornelia Funke (2013) John Green (2008, 2012) Jon Klassen (2014) Jandy Nelson (2015) Patrick Ness (2014) Meg Rosoff (2008) Shaun Tan (2010) |
Activity | Readings, discussions, workshops, exhibitions |
Organised by | Peter Weiss Foundation for Arts and Politics |
Filing status | Registered association |
People | Christoph Rieger (Head of Children´s and Young Adult Program) |
Sponsor | Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Foreign Office (Germany), Berliner Festspiele |
Website | |
Website Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube |

International Children´s and Young Adult Literature is a program section of the Berlin International Literature Festival (also referred to as international literature festival berlin or ilb). Since 2001, the festival is organized by the Peter Weiss Foundation for Arts and Politics, and is run annually in September.
The 15th ilb took place from September 9 to 19, 2015. Amongst others, David Almond, Roddy Doyle and Navid Kermani were guests of the section, which was opened with a speech by Frank Cottrell Boyce.
The 16th ilb will take place from September 7 to 17, 2016.
The section is part of the ilb since its foundation. Since 2001, 319 international authors and illustrators of picture books, children's books, young-adult fiction, comics and graphic novels, partially also of non-fiction novels and novels were guests of the section. Amongst others, David Almond, Martin Baltscheit, Ishmael Beah, Azouz Begag, John Boyne, Émile Bravo, Kevin Brooks, Chen Jiang Hong, Frank Cottrell Boyce, Kitty Crowther, Kate DiCamillo, Julia Donaldson, Roddy Doyle, Wolf Erlbruch, Manuele Fior, Cornelia Funke, Jostein Gaarder, John Green, David Grossman, Peter Härtling, Nikolaus Heidelbach, Finn-Ole Heinrich, Franz Hohler, Stian Hole, Roberto Innocenti, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Navid Kermani, Kim Dong-sung, Jon Klassen, Guus Kuijer, Joke van Leeuwen, Sergej Luk'janenko, Paul Maar, Geert Mak, Scott McCloud, Bart Moeyaert, Patrick Ness, Uri Orlev, Maria Parr, Peter Pohl, Mirjam Pressler, Iva Procházková, Meg Rosoff, Riad Sattouf, Axel Scheffler, Peter Sís, Shaun Tan, Janne Teller, Jenny Valentine, Edward van de Vendel and Józef Wilkoń participated in the section.
Since 2005, the main location of the program’s readings and workshops is the Berliner Festspiele Theatre. However, several events also take place in different universities, theatres, museums, cultural institutions, libraries and schools in Berlin. 2015, more than 10.000 visitors attended the readings and workshops of the Children and Young Adult section alone.[1]
Beside readings, workshops and discussions, the section also organizes repeating specials as part of the festival. Since 2003, at the Gelbe Villa a weekend Reading Feast takes place. Since 2004, at the Weinmeisterhaus a Literary Night Salon takes place. From 2006 to 2015, the ilb produced in cooperation with the Free University of Berlin Teaching Materials about the books of the participating authors and illustrators. Since 2007, young literature critics hosts events of the section as part of the format ilb Generation. Since 2010, a Poetry Slam for and with students from Berlin takes place. Since 2011, a retrospective about a deceased author takes place, amongst others focused on Roald Dahl, Michael Ende and J. R. R. Tolkien. Since 2012, the exhibition The Extraordinary Book, which is curated by the festival guests, is presented. Since 2014, the section is opened with a keynote speech. 2014, Patrick Ness gave the keynote with the title Every Age I Ever Was, and 2015, Frank Cottrell Boyce gave the keynote with the title Open the Castle Gates!. In 2014, the section established the video interview format ilb Voices. Amongst others, Tony Birch, Jon Klassen and Patrick Ness were interviewed in that format. In 2015, the first Masterclass Novel (hosted by David Almond), the first Masterclass Comic (hosted by Mawil) and the first Masterclass Illustration (hosted by Kaatje Vermeire) took place.
The 15th Children and Young Adult section of the ilb took place from September 9 to 19, 2015. Amongst others, David Almond, Peter Brown, Frank Cottrell Boyce, Roddy Doyle, Navid Kermani, Riad Sattouf and Meg Wolitzer were guests of the section. Frank Cottrell Boyce gave an opening speech with the title Open the Castle Gates!. The 16th ilb will take place from September 7 to 17, 2016.
In 2001, the 1st ilb took place from June 14 to 24. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Bernardo Atxaga | different texts |
Zvonimir Balog | Pljesak travi i zvijezdama (1984) |
Marina Colasanti | Der Tod und der König |
Chen Danyan | Dusheng zinü xuanyan (1997) |
Virginia Hamilton | M. C. Higgins, the Great (1976) |
Josef Holub | Der rote Nepomuk (1992) |
Klaus Kordon | Frank oder wie man Freunde findet (1999) |
Bernhard Lassahn | Der Schatz der Bananenbieger (1999) |
Uri Orlev | Books as an Adventure of Childhood (Lecture) |
Susan Price | The Sterckarm Handshake (2000) |
Tajima Shinji | The lonely Fox |
Ulf Stark | Kan du vissla johanna / Can you Whistle, Johanna? (1992)/(2007) |
Dorota Terakowska | Tam gdzie spadajà Anioly (1999) |
Anja Tuckermann | Muscha – Ein Sinti-Kind im 3. Reich (1995) |
Alice Vieira | Os Olhos de Ana Marta (1990) |
Abdel-Tawab Youssef | different texts |
In 2002, the 2nd ilb took place from September 10 to 21. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Azouz Begag | Le Gone du Chaâba / Shantytown kid (1986)/(2007) |
Júlio Emílio Braz | Crianças na Escuridão (1991) |
Zoran Drvenkar | Niemand so stark wie wir (1999), Der einzige Vogel, der die Kälte nicht fürchtet (2001), Cengiz & Locke (2002), Sag mir, was du siehst (2002) |
Philip Gwynne | Deadly, Unna? (1998), Nukkin ya (2000) |
Sonya Hartnett | Sleeping dogs (1995), The Devil Latch (1996) |
Idrissa Keïta | Djemas Traum vom großen Auftritt – Eine Kindheit in Mali (2001) |
Joke van Leeuwen | Lep! / Eep (1996)/(2010), Kukel (1998) |
Ana Maria Machado | Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel (1981), Era uma vez um tirano (1989) |
Bart Moeyaert | Blote handen (1996), Het is de liefde die we niet begrijpen (2001) |
Michael Morpurgo | Kensukes Kingdom (1999), Black Queen (2000), Toro! Toro! (2001) |
Iva Procházková | Fünf Minuten vor dem Abendessen (1992), Eulengesang (1995) |
In 2003, the 3rd ilb took place from September 10 to 21. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Samhita Arni | Das Mahâbhârata – von einem Mädchen erzählt / The Mahabharata – A Child’s View (1999) |
Azouz Begag | Le Gone du Chaâba / Shantytown kid (1986)/(2007) |
Jeanne Benameur | Si même les arbres meurent (2002) |
Melvin Burgess | Billy Elliot – I Will Dance (2001), The Ghost behind the Wall (2000), Lady. My Life as a Bitch (2001), Doing it (2003), Junk (1996) |
Carolyn Coman | What Jamie saw (1995), Many Stones (2000) |
Raymond Federman | different poems and stories |
Miro Gavran | Zaboravljeni sin / Forgotton Son (2000) |
Klaus Hagerup | Markus og Diana (1997), Markus og jentene (1998), Markus og den store fotballkjærligheten (1999) |
Heinz Janisch | Ich schenk dir einen Ton aus meinem Saxophon (1999) |
Fatou Keïta | Le petit garcon bleu / The little blue boy (1999) |
Desa Muck | Pod milim nebom / Under the Open Skies (1993), Lažniva Suzi / Lying Suzy (1997) |
Verónica Murguía | El fuego verde / The Green Fire (1999)/(2003) |
Roberto Piumini | Lo stralisco (1993), L'oro del Canotique (2001) |
Notaila Rashed | different stories |
Susan Swan | The Wives of Bath (1993) |
Matthew Sweeney | Fox (2002) |
Annika Thor | Sanning eller konsekvens / Truth or Dare (1996)/(1997), En ö i havet / Faraway Island (1998), Näckrosdammen / Lily Pond (1996), Havets djup / Deep Sea (1998) |
Evgenios Trivizas | The Three Little Wolfs and The Big Bad Pig (1993), The Last Black Cat (2001) |
Jeanette Winterson | The King of Capri (2003) |
In 2004, the 4th ilb took place from September 21 to October 2. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
María Teresa Andruetto | Stefano (1997) |
Azouz Begag | Le Gone du Chaâba / Shantytown kid (1986)/(2007), Béni ou le Paradis privé (1989) |
Martha Brooks | True Confessions of a Heartless Girl (2002) |
Melvin Burgess | Billy Elliot – I Will Dance (2001), Doing it (2003), Lady. My Life as a Bitch (2001) |
Malika Ferdjoukh | Sombres citrouilles (1999), Fais-moi peur (1995) |
Klaus Hagerup | Markus en Diana (1997), Markus og jentene (1998), Markus og den store fotballkjærligheten (1999) |
Daniel Hevier | Kam chodia na zimu zmrzlinàri (1984) |
Louis Jensen | different short stories, Skelettet på hjul / The skeleton on wheels (1992), Den frygtelige hånd / The scary hand (2001) |
Michèle Lemieux | Nuit d’orage / Stormy night (1996) |
Amanda Michalopoulou | Familiengalerie |
Adrian Mitchell | The Thirteen Secrets of Poetry (1993) |
Per Nilsson | Hjärtans fröjd (1996), du&du&du (1998) |
Anna Onichimowska | Short story collection Dobry potwór nie jest zly (1996), Hera moja milosc |
Mario Ramos | Nuno, le petit roi (2000), C’est moi le plus fort (2001), Le roi est occupé (1999) |
Nasrin Siege | Sombo, das Mädchen vom Fluss (1990), Wie der Fluss in meinem Dorf (1994), Juma, ein Straßenkind aus Tansania (1998), Als die Elefanten kamen (2001), Hyänen im hohen Gras. Spuren in der Serengeti. (2004) |
Grégoire Solotareff | Toi grand et moi petit (1996), Contes d’été, d’automne, d‘hiver (2001–2002) |
Jutta Treiber | Julia spielt Julia (1996), Dazwischenkinder sind wir alle (1998), Weil das immer so sein wird (2000), Herz- und Beinbruch (2000), Die Blumen der Engel (2001), Maxeline Regenschirm (2003), Vergewaltigt (2003) |
Mohammed Reza Yousefi | reading from fairy tales and children´s stories |
Kazumi Yumoto | The Friends (1998), The Letters (2002) |
In 2005, the 5th ilb took place from September 6 to 17. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Sabine Carbon | Ein relativ verrückter Sommer – Maria besucht Albert Einstein in Caputh (2005) |
David Chotjewitz | Das Abenteuer des Denkens (1994) |
Carll Cneut | Dulle Griet (2005), Antonio aan het andere eind van de aarde kleiner en kleiner / Antonio on the other side of he world, getting smaller (2003) |
Xabier P. Docampo | Die Leiter aus Rauch (2004), Der Spiegel der Reisenden (2005) |
Bernard Friot | Histoires pressées (1988), Un Autre que moi (2003), Pour vivre. Presque poèmes (2005) |
Rudolf Herfurtner | Mensch Karnickel(1990), Muschelkind (1995), Tims wundersame Sternenreise (2004) |
Juan Felipe Herrera | Canto a Las Palomas / Calling the Doves (1995), La Superniña del Cilantro / Super Cilantro Girl |
Hannele Huovi | Maailman paras napa – satuja sinusta (2005), Vladimirin kirja (1988) |
Chen Jianghong | Le cheval magique de Han Gan (2004), Le Prince Tigre (2005) |
Barbara Lücker | Ein relativ verrückter Sommer – Maria besucht Albert Einstein in Caputh (2005) |
Arno Lustiger | Sing mit Schmerz und Zorn. Ein Leben für den Widerstand (2004) |
Paul Maar | Herr Bello und das blaue Wunder (2005) |
Gcina Mhlophe | A Mother’s Search for Stories (1995), The Gift of the Tortoise (1994) |
Jean-Claude Mourlevat | La rivière à l'envers (2000), L'homme qui ne possédait rien, L'enfant océan (2002), La troisième vengeance de Robert Poutifard (2004) |
An Na | A Step from Heaven (2001) |
Emily Nasrallah | Al-Rahina (1996), Tuyur Aylul / The birds of September (1962), Yaumiat Hirr / What happened to Zeeko (2004) |
Grigory Oster | Wrednye sowety (1990), Sadatschnik: Nenagljadnoje posobije po matematike (1995) |
Francine Prose | After (2003) |
Jenny Robson | Because Pula means Rain (2000), Praise Song (2005) |
Rolf Sagen | Alltid likt ålese om krigen (2003) |
Peter Sís | The Three Golden Keys (1994), The Tree of Life: A book depicting the life of Charles Darwin (2003) |
Björn Sortland | Raudt, blått og litt gult (1993), Ærlighetsminuttet (2005) |
Peter Stamm | Warum wir vor der Stadt wohnen (2005) |
Jonathan Stroud | The Amulet of Samarkand (2004), The Golem’s Eye (2004) |
Matthew Sweeney | Poetry collection Black Moon, Fox (2003) |
In 2006, the 6th ilb took place from September 5 to 16. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Vesna Aleksić | Marija Modiljan (1999), Ja se zovem Jelena Suman (1998) |
Ricardo Azevedo | O sábio ao contrário, Pobre corinthiano careca (1997) |
Rachid Boudjedra | L'Escargot entêté (1977) |
Lilian Brøgger | Pigen der fik rigtig mange söskende (2005) |
Aidan Chambers | Dance on my Grave (1982), The Toll Bridge (2003) |
Lauren Child | Clarice Bean That's Me (1999), The Princess and The Pea (2006) |
Valérie Dayre | L'Ogresse en pleurs (1996), Je veux voir Marcos (1998), C’est la vie, Lili (1991) |
Aminata Sow Fall | L'appel des arènes (1982) |
E. R. Frank | America (2002), Life is funny (2000) |
Jostein Gaarder | Sjakk matt. Gåter, eventyr og fortelliger (2006) |
Laura Gallego García | Finis Mundi (1999), Memorias de Idhún I: La Resistencia / The Idhun’s Memories: The Resistance (2004), El Valle de los Lobos / The Valley of the Wolves (2006) |
François Gravel | David et le Fantôme (2000), La Piste sauvage (2002), Sekhmet, la déesse sauvage (2005) |
David Grossmann | Zickzackkind (1996) |
Roberto Innocenti | La Storia di Erika / Erika’s Story(2002) |
Claire Keegan | Antarctica (1999) |
Joan Lingard | Across the Barricades (1972) |
Frank McCourt | Teacher Man (2005) |
Hermann Schulz | Auf dem Strom (1998), Wenn dich ein Löwe nach der Uhrzeit fragt (2003), Dem König klaut man nicht das Affenfell (2003), Leg nieder dein Herz (2005) |
Manil Suri | The Death of Vishnu (2009) |
Edward van de Vendel | De dagen van de bluegrass liefde (1999), Wat ik vergat (2001), Chatbox (2006) |
István Vörös | A hajnali tolvaj (2004) |
Cao Wenxuan | Hong hu lu / The Red Calabash (1996), Cao fang zi / The Grass House (1997) |
In 2007, the 7th ilb took place from September 4 to 16. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Liliana Bodoc | Rot, Espanta y Pájaros, La saga de los Confines. Los días del Venado / The days oft the Deer (2000) |
Kevin Brooks | Martyn Pig (2004), Lucas (2005), Kissing the Rain (2007) |
Faïza Guène | Kiffe kiffe demain (2004), Du rêve pour les oufs (2006) |
Nikolaus Heidelbach | Königin Gisela (2006) |
Tony Hoagland | Hard Rain (2005) |
Vagelis Ilopoulos | From Michele to Fotis (2004), O Trigonopsaroulis |
Pnina Moed Kass | Real Time (2004) |
John Kilaka | Frische Fische (2001), Gute Freunde (2004) |
Ottó Kiss | Csillagszedö Márió (2002) |
Guus Kuijer | Het boek van alle dingen (2004) |
Allen Kurzweil | The Grand Complication (2003), Leon and the Spitting Image (2004), Leon and the Champion Chip (2005) |
Vytautas V. Landbergis | Arklio Dominyko Meilė (2004) |
Caryl Lewis | Ffec Tan Rissole a Tships |
Paul Muldoon | The Last Thesaurus (1995), The Noctuary of Narcissus Batt (1997) |
Marie-Aude Murail | Oh, boy (2003), Simple (2006) |
Moni Nilsson | Tsatsiki, morsan och polisen (1998), Hoppet (2007) |
Sieb Posthuma | Rintje maakt muziek (2004) |
Mirjam Pressler | Golem stiller Bruder / Golem, Silent Brother (2007) |
Vladimir Radunsky | 10 (ten) (2002), The Mighty Asparagus (2004) |
Santiago Roncagliolo | Matías y los imposibles / Matías and the Impossibles (2006) |
In 2008, the 8th ilb took place from September 24 to October 5. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Azouz Begag | Le Gone du Chaâba / Shantytown kid (1986)/(2007) |
Malorie Blackman | Pig-Heart Boy (1997), Noughts and Crosses (2001) |
Anne-Laure Bondoux | La vie comme elle vient (2004), Le destin de Linus Hoppe (2001) |
Viktor Canosinaj | Meriyll (2000) |
Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz | O armiño dorme (2003) |
Amma Darko | Not Without Flowers (2006) |
Timothée de Fombelle | Tobie Lolness: La vie suspendue (2008) |
John Green | Looking for Alaska (2005), An Abundance of Katherines (2006), Paper Towns (2008) |
Piet Grobler | Please Frog, Just One Sip! (2002), Makwelane and the Crocodile (2004) |
Stian Hole | Germanns Sommer (2009) |
Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton | Facing the Lion (2007) |
Ted van Lieshout | Gebr. / Brothers (1999), Jij bent mijn mooiste landschap (2003), Mama! Waar heb jij het geluk gelaten? (2005) |
Lebogang Mashile | A Ribbon of Rhythm (2005) |
Beatrice Masini | Ricordi di una casa vuota (2004) |
Meg Rosoff | How I Live Now (2004), Just In Case (2007), What I Was (2008) |
Veronika Rotfuß | Mücke im März (2008) |
Farshid Shafiee | Schahrzâd (2005) |
Natalka Sniadanko | Kolekcija pristrastej (2004) |
Thé Tjong-Khing | Waar is de taart? / The Birthday Cake Mystery (2004), Picknick met taart (2005) |
Einar Turkowski | Es war finster und merkwürdig still / Houses floating home (2005) |
Nahoko Uehashi | Seirei no Moribito / Moribito: Guardian oft the Spirit (1996) |
Mats Wahl | Den Osynlige / The Invisible (2000), Kill (2006) |
In 2009, the 9th ilb took place from September 9 to 20. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Azouz Begag | Le Gone du Chaâba / Shantytown kid (1986)/(2007) |
Martin Baltscheit | Die Geschichte vom Löwen, der nicht schreiben konnte (2008), Ich und die Kanzlerin (2009) |
Jutta Bauer | Comic workshop |
Marcel Bénabou | Workshop for potential literature |
Jeanne Birdsall | The Penderwicks. A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits and a Very Interesting Boy (2005), The Penderwicks on Gardam Street (2008) |
Émile Bravo | Spirou und Fantasio Special: Spirou, le journal d’un ingénu (2008), Ma maman est en Amérique, elle a rencontré Buffalo Bill / My mommy is in America and she met Buffalo Bill (2008) |
Wally de Doncker | Een opa met gaatjes (1996), Ahum (2000), Het verhaal van O (2007), Het begint ergens (2009) |
Youssouf Amine Elalamy | Les Clandestins (2000) |
Lennart Eng | Myra (2000) |
Rosana Faría | Niña Bonita / Pretty Girl(1996), El libro negro de los colores / The Black book of Colours (2008) |
Graham Gardner | Inventing Elliot (2003) |
Michael Greenberg | Hurry Down Sunshine (2008) |
Svjetlan Junaković | On the Go (Animagicals) (2001), Velinka Knjiga Portreta / The Great Book of Animal Portraits (2009) |
Petra Kasch | Bye-bye, Berlin (2009) |
Klaus Kordon | Auf der Sonnenseite (2009) |
Suzy Lee | Mirror (2003), The Zoo (2004), Wave (2008) |
Marjaleena Lembcke | Ein Märchen ist ein Märchen ist ein Märchen (2004), Liebeslinien (2006) |
Maritgen Matter | Schaap met Laarsjes / Sheep with boots (2003) |
Octavia Monaco | La vera principessa sul pisello (2008) |
Naomi Shihab Nye | Choice of Poetry and Prose |
Timo Parvela | Ella ja kaverit (2003), Ella ja lopettajae (1998), Ella luokkaretkellä (1997) |
Nadine Touma | qalbu-l-madîna / The Heart of the City, al-kharbascha (2006), sab’a wa 7, hal hadhihi sûratun schamsiyya? (2006) |
Valérie Zenatti | Une bouteille dans la mer de Gaza / A Bottle in the Gaza Sea (2006) |
In 2010, the 10th ilb took place from September 15 to 25. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
András Baranyai | Szerintem mindenki maradjon otthon vasárnap délután (2006), Piroska és a farkas (2010) |
Priya Basil | The Obscure Logic of the Heart (2010) |
Azouz Begag | Coeur de banlieue, Le Gone du Chaâba / Shantytown kid (1986)/(2007), Guerre des moutons |
Julia Billet | Salle des pas perdus (2003), Alors, partir? (2008) |
Jenny Brosinski | Die Bürgschaft (2009) |
Louis-Philippe Dalembert | Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis (2005) |
Kate DiCamillo | The Tale of Despereaux (2003) |
Tobias Elsäßer | Ab ins Paradies (2007), Abspringen (2009) |
Assaf Gavron | Hydromania (2009) |
Emily Gravett | Monkey and Me (2007), Dogs (2009) |
David Habchy | Haltabees Haltabees (2010), Haltabees Haltabees. Ashaar men semsem wa khyar (2010) |
Sverre Henmo | Gutten til venstre (2006) |
Marjolijn Hof | Een kleine kans / Against the Odds (2006) |
Marius Jonutis | mélyna žalia. žodžių rinkiniai be pavadinimų ir skyrybos ženklų (2008), Kirminas paukštis: tavo pirmoji knyga apie skraidymo meną (2009) |
Manos Kontoleon | O adelfos tis Aspassias (1993), Anishiros angelos (2010) |
Philippe Lechermeier | Princesses oubliées ou inconnues / The Secret Lives of Princesses (2004), Journal secret du Petit Poucet (2009) |
Sergei Wassiljewitsch Lukjanenko | Недотёпа (2009) |
Sindiwe Magona | Mother to Mother (1998), Please, Take Photographs (2009), Beauty’s Gift (2008) |
Eva Muggenthaler | Der weiße und der schwarze Bär (2007), Paulas Reisen (2007) |
Peter Pohl | Regnbågn har bara åtta färger (1986), Anton, jag gillar dig! (2008) |
Michael Stavarič | Gaggalagu (2006), BieBu (2008), Die kleine Sensenfrau (2010) |
Trenton Lee Stewart | Flood Summer (2005), The Mysterious Benedict Society (2007) |
Karlijn Stoffels | Mosje en Reizele (1996), Marokko aan de plas (2002), Een-nul voor de autisten (2003) |
Shaun Tan | Tales from Outer Suburbia (2008), The Arrival (2008), The Lost Thing (2000) |
Janne Teller | Intet / Nothing (2000) |
Ramón Trigo | Casa vacía (2005), Las bombillas que se encienden y se apagan (2005) |
In 2011, the ilb took place from September 7 to 17. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Amir | Zarah’s Paradise (2011) |
Azouz Begag | Tranches de Vie (2008) |
Maite Carranza | Magia de una noche de Veran (2009), El Clan de la Lob (2005) |
Chih-Yuan Chen | Hsiao-Yü San Bu (2001), Guji-Guj (2003) |
Chirikure Chirikure | different texts |
DBC Pierre | Vernon God Little (2003) |
Khalil | Zahra's Paradise (2011) |
Kitty Crowther | La visite de petit mort (2004), Annie du lac (2009) |
Julia Donaldson | The Gruffalo (1999), The Gruffalo’s Child (2004) |
Morris Gleitzman | Once (2005), Then (2008), Now (2010) |
Peter Härtling | Paul, das Hauskind (2010) |
Finn-Ole Heinrich | Frerk, du Zwerg! (2011), Räuberhände (2007), Gestern war auch schon ein Tag (2009) |
Tahar Ben Jelloun | Les raisins de la galère (1996), L’Islam expliqué aux enfant (2003) |
Manos Kontoleon | O adelfos tis Aspassia (2010), Anishiros angelos (2010) |
Gerður Kristný | Garðurinn (2008) |
Agnès de Lestrade | different texts (La grande fabrique de mots (2009)) |
Frida Nilsson | Apstjärnan (2005) |
François Place | La douane volante (2010), Grand ours (2005), Atlas des géographes d’Orbae (1996-2000), Le roi des trois Orients (2006) |
Axel Scheffler | The Gruffalo (1999), The Gruffalo’s Child (2004) |
Jenny Valentine | The Ant Colony (2009), The Double Life of Cassiel Roadnight (2010) |
Edward van de Vendel | Superguppie krijgt kleintjes (2005), De gelukvinde (2008) |
Suse Weisse | Der Eisenhans (2008) |
Robert Williams | Luke and Jon (2010) |
Melvin Burgess | Nicholas Dane (2009) |
In 2012, the ilb took place from September 4 to 16. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Azouz Begag | Béni ou le Paradis privé (1989) |
Farideh Chalatbarie | Tobeh (2011), Otoboose avazi (2007) |
Chen Jianghong | Le cheval magique de Han Gan (2004), Mao et moi (2008) |
Mariana Chiesa Mateos | Migrando (2010) |
Iwona Chmielewska | Pamietnik Blumki (2011) |
Gabriela Cichowska | Słoniątko (2011) |
Dibou | Chroniques de la Nécropole (2011) |
Enzo | 一年甲班34号 (One Year Number 34 in Class A) (2006), 妖怪模範生 (Best Student Monster) (2011) |
Kate De Goldi | The 10PM Question (2008) |
John Green | The Fault in our Stars (2012) |
Golo | B. Traven – Portrait d’un anonyme célèbre (2011), Chroniques de la Nécropole (2011) |
Tendai Huchu | The Hairdresser of Harare (2010) |
Adam Jaromir | Eine Geschichte aus dem Warschauer Ghetto (2012), Zarafa (2009) |
Gerald Jatzek | Rabauken-Reime (2011) |
Jan de Leeuw | Rode Sneeuw (2007), Bevroren Kamers (2009) |
Nils Mohl | Es war einmal Indianderland (2011) |
Salah Naoura | Dilip und der Urknall und was danach bei uns geschah (2010), Matti und Sami und die drei größten Fehler des Universums (2011) |
Uri Orlev | החול משחק (The play of sand) (1996), השמש מערבות התיבה (Kingdom for Eljuscha) (2010), רוץ ,לדי ,רוץ (Run, Boy, Run) (2001) |
Maria Papayanni | Το δέντρο το μονάχο (The lonely tree) (2010), Ως διά μαγείας (Like Magic) (2006) |
Iva Procházková | Die Nackten (2008), Elias und die Oma aus dem Ei (2003), Orangentage (2012) |
Maria Parr | Tonje Glimmerdal (2010), Vaffelhjartje (2005) |
Peter Pohl | Regnbågn har bara åtta färger (1986), En vän som heter Mia (2011) |
Janne Teller | Hvis der var krig i norden (2004), Intet (2000) |
Robert Paul Weston | Zorgamazoo (2008) |
Floortje Zwigtman | Schijnbewegingen (2008), Tegenspel (2007) , Spiegeljongen (2008), Wolfsroedel (2002) |
Finn-Ole Heinrich | Cliffhanger (2011), Du drehst den Kopf, ich dreh den Kopf – Erzählungen und Songs (2010), Frerk, du Zwerg (2011) |
In 2013, the ilb took place from September 4 to 15, 2013. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Milena Baisch | Anton taucht ab (2010) |
Gabi Beltrán | Històries de Barri (2011) |
John Boyne | The Terrible Thing that Happened to Barnaby Brocket (2012) |
Chen Jianghong | Mao et Moi (2008), Le petit Pêcheur et le Squelette (2013) |
Manuele Fior | L‘Entrevue (2013) |
Cornelia Funke | different texts |
Inés Garland | Piedra, Papel o Tijera (2009) |
Yves Grevet | Méto – La Maison, Méto – L’Île, Méto – Le Monde (2012/2012/2013) |
Franz Hohler | Dr. Parkplatz (1980) |
Joke van Leeuwen | Oen mijn Vader een Struik wird (2010), Een halve Hond heel Denken – een Boek over Kijken (2008) |
Nicolas Mahler | Alice in Sussex (2013) |
Geert Mak | Reizen zonder John – Op zoek naar Amerika (2012) |
Raquel J. Palacio | Wonder (2012) |
Mirjam Pressler | Ein Buch für Hanna (2011) |
Andreas Schulze | Herr Ostertag macht Geräusche (2013) |
Ruta Sepetys | Out of the Easy (2013), Between Shades of Gray (2011) |
Seyyed Ali Shodjaie | دنوشن بآ اه يفرب مدآ رگا (The Big Snowman) (2013) |
Bhajju Shyam | The London Jungle Book (2004), The Night Life of Trees (2006), That’s how I See Things (2007) |
Janne Teller | Alles – Worum es geht (2013) |
Brecht Vandenbroucke | White Cube (2013), Elias und die Oma aus dem Ei (2003), Orangentage (2012) |
Józef Wilkoń | Leopanther. Eine Liebesgeschichte (1991), Tallula – Königin der Nacht (2012) |
Finn-Ole Heinrich | Cliffhanger (2011), Die erstaunlichen Abenteuer der Maulina Schmitt – Mein kaputtes Königreich (2013), Frerk, du Zwerg (2011) |
In 2014, the ilb took place from September 10 to 21, 2014. The following guests participated in the section:
Guest | Books presented at the section |
Martin Baltscheit | Die besseren Wälder (2013), Die Geschichte vom Fuchs, der den Verstand verlor (2013) |
Ishmael Beah | A Long Way Gone – Memoirs of a Boy Soldier (2007) |
Azouz Begag | Béni ou le Paradis Privé (2000) |
Mirko Bonné | Mao et Moi (2008), Le petit Pêcheur et le Squelette (2013) |
Iwona Chmielewska | Pamiętnik Blumki (2011) |
Gabriela Cichowska, Adam Jaromir | Fräulein Esthers letzte Vorstellung – Eine Geschichte aus dem Warschauer Ghetto (2013) |
Michael De Cock | Rosie en Moussa (2010), Rosie en Moussa – De Brief van Papa (2012) |
Lydia Dimitrow | different texts |
Ursula Dubosarsky | The Golden Day (2011), The Red Shoe (2006) |
Marta Ignerska | Wszystko Gra (2011) |
Kim Dong-Seong | Eomma Majung (2004), Jumong (2009), Naiting-Geil (2005) |
Jon Klassen | The Dark (2013), I want my Hat back (2011), Sam and Dave dig a Hole (2014), This is not my Hat (2012) |
Filippos Mandilaras | Drakomania (2007), Ýaines (2011) |
Truus Matti | Vertrektijd (2009), Mister Orange (2011) |
Patrick Ness | More than this (2013), A Monster Calls (2011) |
Cyril Pedrosa | Portugal (2011) |
Fine Riebner | دنوشن بآ اه يفرب مدآ رگا (The Big Snowman) (2013) |
Alessandro Sanna | Fiume Lento – Un viaggio lungo il Po (2013) |
William Sutcliffe | The Wall (2013), Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom (2014) |
Judith Vanistendael | Toen David zijn stem verloor (2012) |
Martina Wildner | Der Bunker (2014), Cora und Fred – Ein Zwilling kommt selten allein (2010), Königin des Sprungturms (2013) |
Finn-Ole Heinrich | Die erstaunlichen Abenteuer der Maulina Schmitt – Mein kaputtes Königreich (2013) |
The 15th ilb took place from September 9th to 19th, 2015. Frank Cottrell Boyce was the keynote speaker.
Participants and books The following 21 authors and illustrators were guests of the section:
Guest | Nationality | Books presented at the ilb |
David Almond | United Kingdom | German premier: A Song for Ella Grey (2014)
Berlin premiere: The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas (2013) |
Tony Birch | Australia | European premiere: Blood (2011) |
Peter Brown | USA | German premiere: The Curious Garden (2009)
European premiere: Mr. Tiger Goes Wild (2013) International Premiere: My Teacher Is a Monster! (No, I Am Not.) (2014) |
Frank Cottrell Boyce | United Kingdom | International Premiere: The Unforgotten Coat (2011)
International Premiere: The Astounding Broccoli Boy (2014) |
Loïc Dauvillier | France | Berlin premiere: L’Enfant Cachée (2012)
German premiere: L’Attentat (2012) |
Roddy Doyle | Ireland | German premiere: A Greyhound of a Girl (2011)
German premiere: Brilliant (2014) Berlin premiere: The Guts (2014) |
Ingeborg Kringeland Hald | Norway | International Premiere: Albin Prek (2010) |
Ala Hlehel | Israel | Participation at the event Communication through literature - How do Jews and Arabs notice themselves? |
Jenny Jägerfeld | Sweden | Här Ligger Jag Och Blöder (2010) |
Navid Kermani | Germany | Ausnahmezustand – Reisen in eine beunruhigte Welt (2013) |
Sjoerd Kuyper | Netherlands | International Premiere: Hotel de Grote L (2014) |
Javier Martínez Pedro | Mexico | German premiere: Migrar (2011) |
Mawil | Germany | Kinderland (2015) |
Oisín McGann | Ireland | Small-Minded Giants (2006) |
Salah Naoura | Germany | Star (2013) |
Jandy Nelson | USA | International Premiere: I’ll Give You the Sun (2014) |
Riad Sattouf | France | German premiere: L’Arabe du Future (2014) |
Ayman Sikseck | Israel | Participation at the event Communication through literature - How do Jews and Arabs notice themselves? |
Edward van de Vendel | Netherlands | Berlin premiere: Dertien Rennende Hertjes (2012)
German premiere: Het Hondje dat Nino niet had (2013) |
Kaatje Vermeire | Belgium | German premiere: De Vraag van Olifant (2011)
German premiere: Mare en de Dingen (2009) German premiere: De Vrouw en het Jongetje (2007) |
Meg Wolitzer | USA | Belzhar (2014) |
The Extraordinary Book
For the fourth time the authors and illustrators invited to the section have been asked to choose one extraordinary book for children, teenagers or young adults for an exhibition of the same name. The exhibition was presented both at the Berliner Festspiele Theatre and in the Philipp Schaeffer Library during the festival.
Guest | Book recommendation | Quote about the book recommendation |
David Almond | Le Avventure Di Pinocchio (1883) by Carlo Collodi / Enrico Mazzanti | "Pinocchio is our unpredictability and our creativity, our yearning for freedom and our struggle to conform, our exuberance and our despair and he runs through every one of us." |
Tony Birch | Ut og stjaele Hester (2003) by Per Petterson | "This is a wonderfully quiet novel about youth and the at times, sense of loneliness that comes with growing up." |
Peter Brown | Disney Animation – The Illusion of Life (1981) by Ollie Johnston / Frank Thomas | "It made me want to draw characters for a living." |
Frank Cottrell Boyce | Emil und die Detektive / Emil and the Detectives (1929) by Erich Kästner / Walter Trier | "The first children’s book that really captures the excitement of the modern city – and it celebrates the resourcefulness and the sense of justice that all children have." |
Loïc Dauvillier | The Bunny Book (2005) by Patsy Scarry / Richard Scarry | "This book has values which are important to me." |
Roddy Doyle | Danny, the Champion of the World (1975) by Roald Dahl | "The best depiction, I think, of the love between a father and a son." |
Ingeborg Kringeland Hald | Pam’s Paradise Ranch (1940) by Armine von Tempski | "It was just as much the feelings and the strange surroundings this book presented, as the story itself, that captured me and made this book special." |
Ala Hlehel | Haltabees Haltabees (2010) by Rania Zaghir / David Habchy | "This book combines the beauty of love and it’s bitterness, and addresses the children with respect and daring – we all want to live on Zuranis planet!" |
Jenny Jaegerfeld | The Perks of being A Wallflower (1999) by Stephen Chbosky and Prep (2005) by Curtis Sittenfeld | "They are both sharp, witty and intelligent – and have an undoubtable charm!" |
Navid Kermani | Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser. Audio book (2006) by Ernst H. Gombrich / Christoph Waltz | "With the voice of Christoph Waltz, the greatest of all world histories sounds as sad as it is." |
Sjoerd Kuyper | Peter (1965) by Anne Holm | "The best book about friendship and how it can conquer death that I ever read." |
Mawil | The Island on Bird Street (1984) by Uri Orlev | "Engagingly written, without wagging a finger." |
Scott McCloud (guest at a special event in March 2015) | The Arrival (2006) by Shaun Tan | "A brilliant picture book/graphic novel about coming to a strange new land and learning to understand it." |
Oisín McGann | The complete far side (2003) by Gary Larson | "Smart, bizarre, imaginative and brilliant studies of human natures (and animal nature) that left me thinking long after the laugh." |
Salah Naoura | Back to Blue (2015) by Rusalka Reh | "A great book about the first love of an unloved girl, whose parents don't behave like parents should, and about the deep desire to fling off restraints and the search for the individual happiness." |
Jandy Nelson | Weetzie Bat (1989) by Francesca Lia Block | "I wish this exuberant life-loving story was around when I was a teenager – it’s full of spirit and joy and poignancy and the language absolutely cartwheels across the pages." |
Riad Sattouf | Comic Showa-Shi (1988–1989) by Shigeru Mizuki | "This is a three-volume graphic novel that tells the authors life in a small Japanese village, and I think there are a lot of similarities with what I tell in "L’Arabe du Future", even though it doesn't occur at the same time and takes place on the other side of the world." |
Edward van de Vendel | De parkiet, de zeemeermin en de slak (2015) by Annemarie van Haeringen | "This easy book about art is a miracle of colour and staging on every page." |
Kaatje Vermeire | Aan de andere kant van de deur (1992) by Tonke Dragt | "It just blew me off my feet and made me realize that imagination has no boundaries at all." |
Meg Wolitzer | Nutshell Library (Alligators all around / Chicken Soup With Rice / One was Johnny / Pierre) (1962) by Maurice Sendak | "These four volumes are miniature in size, as their name suggests, and in fact they make a child feel that she's inside a nutshell when she reads them - which, to me, is what reading a good book is always like, in that it creates a tiny, enclosed world that you never want to leave." |
General information
Guests, books and topics
Since 2001 the section invites every year around 15 international and national authors and illustrators to Berlin. Beside that, guests of other sections of the festival participate in the Children´s and Young Adult Program.
Festival year | Section guests |
2001 | 16 |
2002 | 11 |
2003 | 19 |
2004 | 19 |
2005 | 25 |
2006 | 22 |
2007 | 20 |
2008 | 22 |
2009 | 23 |
2010 | 26 |
2011 | 25 |
2012 | 28 |
2013 | 22 |
2014 | 20 |
2015 | 21 |
total | 319 |
Some of the more famous international guests of the last years were David Almond, Ishmael Beah, Azouz Begag, John Boyne, Émile Bravo, Kevin Brooks, Chen Jiang Hong, Frank Cottrell Boyce, Kitty Crowther, Kate DiCamillo, Julia Donaldson, Roddy Doyle, Manuele Fior, Jostein Gaarder, John Green, David Grossman, Stian Hole, Roberto Innocenti, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Kim Dong-sung, Jon Klassen, Guus Kuijer, Joke van Leeuwen, Sergej Luk'janenko, Geert Mak, Scott McCloud, Bart Moeyaert, Patrick Ness, Uri Orlev, Maria Parr, Peter Pohl, Iva Procházková, Meg Rosoff, Riad Sattouf, Peter Sís, Shaun Tan, Janne Teller, Jenny Valentine, Edward van de Vendel and Józef Wilkoń. Some of the more famous guests from German speaking countries were Martin Baltscheit, Wolf Erlbruch, Cornelia Funke, Peter Härtling, Nikolaus Heidelbach, Finn-Ole Heinrich, Franz Hohler, Navid Kermani, Paul Maar, Mirjam Pressler and Axel Scheffler.
Many of the section guests were after or before their participation at the festival awarded with the most important prizes of Children´s and Young Adult Literature:
Award | Award winner (ilb participation) |
Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award | Kitty Crowther (ilb 2011), Sonya Hartnett (ilb 2002), Guus Kuijer (ilb 2007), Shaun Tan (ilb 2010) |
Bologna Ragazzi Award | Iwona Chmielewska (ilb 2012 and 2014), Wolf Erlbruch (ilb 2008), Rosana Faría (ilb 2009), Stian Hole (ilb 2008), Heinz Janisch (ilb 2003), John Kilaka (ilb 2007), Javier Martínez Pedro (ilb 2015), François Place (ilb 2011), Bhajju Shyam (ilb 2013), Peter Sís (ilb 2005) |
Man Booker Prize | Roddy Doyle (ilb 2015) |
Caldecott Medal | Jon Klassen (ilb 2014) |
Carnegie Medal | David Almond (ilb 2015), Frank Cottrell Boyce (ilb 2015), Kevin Brooks (ilb 2007), Melvin Burgess (ilb 2003, 2004 and 2011), Aidan Chambers (ilb 2006), Patrick Ness (ilb 2014), Meg Rosoff (ilb 2008) |
Guardian Award | Frank Cottrell Boyce (ilb 2015), Melvin Burgess (ilb 2003, 2004 und 2011), Sonya Hartnett (ilb 2002), Patrick Ness (ilb 2014), Susan Price (ilb 2001), Meg Rosoff (ilb 2008), Jenny Valentine (ilb 2011) |
Hans Christian Andersen Award | David Almond (ilb 2015), María Teresa Andruetto (ilb 2004), Jutta Bauer (ilb 2009), Aidan Chambers (ilb 2006), Wolf Erlbruch (ilb 2008), Virginia Hamilton (ilb 2001), Roberto Innocenti (ilb 2006), Ana Maria Machado (ilb 2002), Uri Orlev (ilb 2001 und 2012), Peter Sís (ilb 2005), Nahoko Uehashi (ilb 2008) |
Kate Greenaway Medal | Lauren Child (ilb 2006), Emily Gravett (ilb 2010), Jon Klassen (ilb 2014) |
Michael L. Printz Award | David Almond (ilb 2015), Aidan Chambers (ilb 2006), John Green (ilb 2008 und 2012), Jandy Nelson (ilb 2015), Meg Rosoff (ilb 2008) |
Mildred L. Batchelder Award | Anne-Laure Bondoux (ilb 2008), Cornelia Funke (ilb 2013), Peter Härtling (ilb 2011), Josef Holub (ilb 2001), Truus Matti (ilb 2014), Jean-Claude Mourlevat (ilb 2005), Uri Orlev (ilb 2001 und 2012), Annika Thor (ilb 2003), Nahoko Uehashi (ilb 2008) |
Newbery Medal | Kate DiCamillo (ilb 2010) |
In particular authors from continents and regions that are relatively unknown on the German Children and Young Adult literature market are regularly invited. For instance, in the past years several authors and illustrators from Asia (i.e. Farideh Chalatbarie, Chen Chih-Yuan, Chen Jiang Hong, Enzo), Eastern Europe (i.e. Gabriela Chichowska, Iwona Chmielewska, Iva Procházková), Africa (i.e. Sindiwe Magoda, Tendai Huchu) and South America (i.e. Inés Garland) have been visiting the festival.
If the text has not yet been translated into German, the festival claims to cover all the expenses of translation. The selection of guests has led the Children and Young Adult program of the ilb to be renowned as one of the most international series of events for this type of literature. This has led many critically acclaimed authors and illustrators of Children and Young Adult literature to visit the festival in the past few years. Naturally, however, some German authors also participated, including Peter Härtling, Finn-Ole Heinrich, Nils Mohl, Salah Naoura, Mirjam Pressler and Axel Scheffler.
In regards to content, the Children and Young Adult program describes itself as focussing on aesthetically exceptional Children and Young Adult literature. As a result of this outset, politically charged works are also brought into the public’s focus. For instance, in 2011 the Iranian artists Amir and Khali introduced their work Zarah’s Paradise through the means of a skype conference at a reading of the festival, as the book critically engages with the political change in Iran, which resulted in its authors being unable to travel to Berlin themselves. Also Edward van de Vedel’s novel "De Gelukvinder" was presented, which concerns itself with the situation of refugees in the Netherlands.
The spectrum of the works introduced reaches from picture books via children's books to books for young adults. It also creates a forum for comics (i.e. by Shaun Tan, Amir and Khalil, Golo and Dibou) and lyric for children (i.e. by Julia Donaldson, Edward van de Vedel, Gerald Jatzek, Robert Paul Weston). Thereby, the Children and Young Adult program includes books that are not necessarily recent releases but those that have thus far not been translated into German and are consequently next to unknown there.
The Haus der Berliner Festspiele is the main location for this section of the ilb and includes four stages: the main stage (1000 seats), the side stage (260 seats), the rehearsal stage (99 seats) and the garden stage (150 seats). Additionally, several events regularly take place in cultural centres (for instance die gelbe Villa, Gartenarbeitsschule Ilse Demme, Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe, Schwarzkopf-Stiftung, Weinmeisterhaus, Verlagshaus Jacoby & Stuart), museums (Anne-Frank-Zentrum, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Fliegendes Theater, Gemäldegalerie, Museum Europäischer Kulturen, Pergamonmuseum) and theatres (Deutsches Theater, Grips-Theater, Neuköllner Oper, Schaubude, Theater an der Parkaue).
The event formats of the Children and Young Adult program include readings and workshops that are mainly centred on newly released Children and Young Adult books of international authors and illustrators. Readings include a conversation between the author, the host and the audience, accompanied by an actor reading out a passage of the book for about 20 to 30 minutes. The distinctive feature thereby lies in many readings by English -, French- or Spanish-speaking authors taking place entirely in the original language, including the discussion with the audience. During workshops, a class usually creatively engages with the book of an invited author or illustrator for several days while cooperating with a museum, theatre or cultural centre in Berlin, after which they are able to present the results of their work directly to the guest. Often those authors and illustrators will even lead the workshops themselves.
Event times and audience
The program of the Children's and Young Adult section of the festival mainly takes place during the mornings and early afternoons on work days and is directed at primary, middle and high school students who visit the events together with their entire class. Groups of kindergarten students and expert visitors also attend many of the events. The main part of the audience consists of students from Berlin and Potsdam, whereby a total of more than 10,000 students have been annually visiting the Children and Young Adult section of the ilb.
Teaching materials
Through cooperation with a seminar group of the institution for German and Dutch Philology at the Free University of Berlin exclusive teaching materials for several of the books and illustrations presented at the festival were created. These teaching materials were provided free-of-charge to the students attending the festival.
Partner institutions
Thanks to a cooperation with the book shop Le Matou from 2001 to 2014, all of the books presented at the festival can be purchased at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele during the two festival weeks. A special feature of this book sale consists of all books also being offered for sale in their original language of publication.
In 2012 the festival cooperated with the following organisations: Berliner Literatur Initiative, Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie der Freien Universität Berlin, JugendKulturService, Le Matou - Internationale Kinder- und Versandbuchhandlung, Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung, Treffen junger Autoren.
Similar to previous years Škoda has functioned as the main financial support of the Children and Youth program. However, it was also financed by several other institutions, such as the program ViVaVostock which is part of the Robert Bosch foundation.
Head of Program
Since its foundation the Children and Young Adult section of the ilb has been directed by its own artistic management: 2001 by Stefanie Geiger, 2002 until 2008 by Miriam Möllers, 2009 until 2010 by Katrin Hesse and since April 2011 by Christoph Rieger. Furthermore, the artistic management is advised by an international board of trustees consisting of experts on Children and Young Adult literature.
Beside readings, workshops and discussions about books of the guests also many specials are part of the program.
Reading Feast (since 2003)
Since 2003 during the first festival weekend a reading feast takes place. The first edition took place in the Palais Podewils in 2003, the second one in the Max-Beckmann-Saal in 2004, and since 2005 it takes place in the gelbe Villa.
Reading Feast edition | Date | Guests |
1 | September 14, 2003 | Samhita Arn, Azouz Begag, Heinz Janisch, Verónica Murguía, Roberto Piumini, Notaila Rashed, Evgenios Trivizas |
2 | September 26, 2004 | María Teresa Andruetto, Azouz Begag, Malika Ferdjoukh, Klaus Hagerup, Daniel Hevier, Louis Jensen, Anna Onichimowska, Nasrin Siege, Jutta Treiber, Mohammad Reza Yousefi |
3 | September 11, 2005 | Chen Jianghong, Xabier P. Docampo, Juan F. Herrera, Jean-Claude Mourlevat, Emily Nasrallah, Grigory Oster, Jenny Robson, Jonathan Stroud |
4 | September 10, 2006 | Vesna Aleksic, Ricardo Azevedo, Lilian Brøgger, Cao Wenxuan, Valérie Dayre, Laura Gallego García, François Gravel, Edward van de Vendel, Martina Teepe, Orhan Güner |
5 | September 9, 2007 | Liliana Bodoc, John Kilaka, Ottó Kiss, Allen Kurzweil, Santiago Roncagliolo |
6 | September 27, 2008 | Anne-Laure Bondoux, Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz, Nahoko Uehashi, Piet Grobler, Ted van Lieshout, Farshid Shafiee, Thé Tjong-Khing |
7 | September 13, 2009 | Jeanne Birdsall, Rosana Faría, Svjetlan Junakovic, Suzy Lee, Maritgen Matter, Nadine Touma |
8 | September 18, 2010 | András Baranyai, David Habchy, Marjolijn Hof, Marius Jonutis, Eva Muggenthaler, Trenton Lee Stewart, Ramón Trigo |
9 | September 11, 2011 | Manos Kontoleon, Gerður Kristný, Edward van de Vendel, Jenny Valentine, Finn-Ole Heinrich |
10 | September 9, 2012 | Iwona Chmielewska, Gabriela Cichowska, Kate de Goldi, Adam Jaromir, Maria Papayanni, Maria Parr |
11 | September 8, 2013 | Chen Jianghong, Seyyed Ali Shodjaie, Bhajju Shyam, Józef Wilkoń |
12 | September 14, 2014 | Marta Ignerska, Kim Dong-sung, Jon Klassen, Alessandro Sanna, Judith Vanistendael |
13 | September 13, 2015 | Roddy Doyle, Javier Martínez Pedro, Salah Naoura, Edward van de Vendel, Kaatje Vermeire |
Literary Night Salon (since 2004)
Since 2004 a Literary Night Salon takes place in the Weinmeisterhaus.
Night Salon edition | Date | Guests |
1 | October 1, 2004 | María T. Andruetto, Martha Brooks, Per Nilsson, Kazumi Yumoto |
2 | September 16, 2005 | Xabier P. Docampo, Bernard Friot, Rudolf Herfurtner, Hannele Huovi |
3 | September 8, 2006 | Ricardo Azevedo, Cao Wenxuan, Valérie Dayre, Laura Gallego García, François Gravel |
4 | September 7, 2007 | Moni Nilsson, Vagelis Iliopoulos, Pnina Moed Kass, Kevin Brooks |
5 | September 26, 2008 | Viktor Canosinaj, Ted van Lieshout, Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz, Nahoko Uehashi |
6 | September 18, 2009 | Émile Bravo, Wally de Doncker, Nadine Touma |
7 | September 24, 2010 | David Habchy, Manos Kontoleon, Philippe Lechermeier |
8 | September 15, 2011 | Kitty Crowther, Frida Nilsson, Morris Gleitzman |
9 | September 13, 2012 | Farideh Chalatbarie, Nils Mohl |
10 | September 13, 2013 | Inés Garland, Andreas Schulze |
11 | September 11, 2014 | Martin Baltscheit |
12 | September 17, 2015 | Edward van de Vendel |
LiteraturRaum (2009–2012)
From September 2009 to January 2012 the Bleibtreu Hotel Berlin and the ilb invited 19 international authors to Berlin. They lived and worked in the hotel, as part of the LiteraturRaum project. As part of this cooperation also two Children´s and YA Book authors lived there: from April to May 2011 Marjolijn Hof and from Dezember 2011 to January 2012 Janne Teller.
Retrospectives (since 2011)
Since 2011 a retrospective is part of the program, where a special book by a departed author is the topic. Until 2012 the book and author of the retrospective was determined by the festival organizers. Since 2013 one of the section guests determines the book of the retrospective.
Retrospective edition | Date | Book of the Retrospective | ill guest who determined the book |
1 | September 8, 2011 | Momo (1973) by Michael Ende | - |
2 | September 4, 2012 | The Hobbit (1937) by J. R. R. Tolkien | - |
3 | September 13, 2013 | The Little Prince (1943) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | Seyyed Ali Shodjaie |
4 | September 12, 2014 | Eine Maus aus gutem Haus (1976) by William Steig | Jon Klassen |
5 | September 19, 2015 | Abel's Island (1975) by Roald Dahl | Roddy Doyle |
Exhibition The Extraordinary Book (since 2012)
Since 2012 the festival invites the section guests to recommend one extraordinary book for children, teenagers or young adults. The recommended books are exhibited during the festival in the Haus der Berliner Festspiele and the Philipp Schiefer Library.
In 2012 A Story for Europe - What kind of Children´s and Young Adult Literature Does Europe Need? was the focus of the exhibition. Since 2013, The Extraordinary Book is the title of the Exhibition. All recommended books are also available online on the website of the literature festival.
Special events (since 2012)
Beside the festival program in September the section also organizes special events during the year.
Date | Venue | Guest | presented book |
January 23, 2012 | Felleshus | Janne Teller | Krieg – Stell dir vor, er wäre hier |
April 23, 2012 | Haus der Berliner Festspiele | Janne Teller | Nichts – Was im Leben wichtig ist |
March 15, 2013 | Kino Babylon | Scott McCloud | Lecture about comics and visual culture |
March 12, 2015 | Haus der Berliner Festspiele | Scott McCloud | German premiere of The Sculptor |
Opening Speech (since 2014)
Since 2014 the section is opened with a speech:
Number of the speech | Date | Guest | Title of the Speech |
1 | September 10, 2014 | Patrick Ness | »Every Age I Ever Was« |
2 | September 9, 2015 | Frank Cottrell Boyce | »Open the Castle Gates!« |
In 2015 Patrick Ness opened the section with his speech Every Age I Ever Was. He spoke about the importance of writing for him: »When I was 8 years old, I had no voice and I needed one. When I was 17 years old, I had no voice and I needed one. I´m older now, I still need a voice, but now I have one.« About his inspiration as a writer he wrote: »A story comes from who you are and what you care about.« He also spoke about the target audience of his books: »I´m writing for the teenager that I was, I´m writing for the teenager that I believe I still am.« He continued this thought: »I´m not writing for young people. I´m trying to write for anyone who ever was a young person.« Why his books are also suitable for young readers he explains as following: »Why especially write for young people? I don’t know, except that those are stories I feel drawn to tell.« Later he wrote: »Why do I write for young people? Simple. It’s because I once was one. And young people need stories to make sense of the world just as badly as the rest of us. Stories told with truth, stories told with empathy, stories that recognize we´re all part of the same human narrative.« Another part of Ness´speech focused on the meaning of books: »That’s one of the amazing things that books do. They show you that you’re not alone.« This thought he states later: »A book, any book, is a cry in the wilderness. It’s a cry that says, this is the world I recognize, do you recognize it, too? And for books for young people, I´d say that we issue that cry on behalf of the voiceless, on behalf, too, of that voiceless part of ourselves.«
In 2015 Frank Cottrell Boyce opened the festival section with the speech Open The Castle Gates!.
ilb Voices (since 2014)
Since 2014 some of the section guests are interviewed during the festival as part of the format ilb Voices. At ilb voices the interviewed authors and illustrators speak about »their self-concept as artists, aesthetic issues pertaining to their work and about the kind of literature that young readers today need«[2] zu sprechen.
Festival year | ilb Voices participants |
2014 | Martin Baltscheit, Ursula Dubosarsky, Jon Klassen, Patrick Ness, Judith Vanistendael |
2015 | Tony Birch, Salah Naoura, Javier Martínez Pedro, Edward van de Vendel, Kaatje Vermeire |
Master class (since 2015)
In 2015 a master class novel, comic and picture book took place, which were conducted by authors and illustrators of the festival.
Festival year | Master class novel | Master class comic | Master class picture book |
2015 | David Almond | Mawil | Kaatje Vermeire |
international literature festival odessa (since 2015)
Since 2015 the Peter Weiss Foundation also organizes the international literature festival odessa. The first edition took place from October 1 to 4, 2015. Guests of the Children´s and Young Adult Program of the first edition of this festival were Melvin Burgess, Yves Grevet and Nils Mohl.
- ↑
- ↑ "ilb Voices". Retrieved 2015-12-15.
External links
- Website (in English) - Facebook page (in English) - Twitter page (in English) - YouTube page (in English)
- Program booklets: 2001 – 2002 – 2003 – 2004 – 2005 – 2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011 – 2012 – 2013 – 2014 – 2015