Chinese American Librarians Association

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) is the largest Asian-American professional library association.[1] CALA is an active affiliate of the American Library Association (ALA) since 1976 and a member of the Council of National Library and Information Associations (CNLIA).[2]


CALA started in 1973 as Mid-West Chinese American Librarians Association, a regional organization in Illinois. A year later, Chinese Librarians Association was formed in California in 1974. In 1976, Mid-West Chinese American Librarians Association was expanded to a national organization as Chinese American Librarians Association. By 1979, CALA had five chapters in Northeast, Mid-West, Atlantic, Southwest and California respectively. Chinese American Librarians Association and Chinese Librarians Association were merged in 1983. The merged organization retains CALA's English name and Chinese Librarians Association's Chinese name 華人圖書館員協會 (hua ren tu shu guan yuan xie hui).[2]

In 1988, CALA established sister relations with the Library Association of Central Governments Units and Scientific Research Networks of Beijing, and with the Library Association of China in Taipei. CALA also exchanges publications with the East Asian Library Resources Group of Australia and many others.[2]

With the establishment of the Florida Chapter in 1998, CALA now has six chapters and members throughout the U.S., as well as in Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan.[2]


Membership Dues cover 12 months from the month when application and dues are received*. If you have any question, please contact Membership Committee at[3]

2013-2016 Dr. Tze-chung Li Student Membership Scholarship

In July 2013, Dr. Tze-chung Li, Professor and Dean Emeritus of Dominican University Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences and one of the founding members of CALA, generously donated $1,000.00 to CALA for recruiting student members. The fund left in the current year will be carried over to the next year till all fund is utilized. This one time donation is used to cover the first year dues for new student membership.[4]

CALA Listserv

Introduction and history[5]

CALA Listserv is a discussion forum as well as a communication channel for the Chinese American Librarians Association.

CALA Listserv was launched in June 1994 at University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee. Dr. Wilfred Fong was the first list owner. On February 14, 2003, CALA Listserv moved to a new location of University of Michigan. On August 1, 2007, CALA List moved again, to its own domain.

Purpose. The purpose of the CALA LISTSERV shall be to disseminate CALA related information to the CALA LISTSERV members, and to facilitate the exchange of professional information and to stimulate conversations and dialogues via an electronic forum.

Membership. The membership of the CALA LISTSERV shall be limited to current CALA members only, or as specifically authorized by the CALA Board of Directors, and in such case, only with specific purposes or justification for said exception.

CALA Listerv policy

Policy was approved by the Board 8/19/2015.

Awards, Grants and Scholarships[6]





CALA is a registered nonprofit organization with 501(c)3 IRS status. Donation and sponsorship to CALA are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.[7] CALA appreciates the valuable donations made by CALA members and supporters in developing CALA as an organization and enhancing members’ professional growth and development in the short- and long-terms.[8] Please see CALA's Donation Acceptance Policy for more details.


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, February 29, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.