Christianity in Jharkhand

Jharkhandi Christians (Hindustani: झारखण्डी ईसाई) or Tribal Christians (Hindustani: आदिवासी ईसाई) are an ethno-religious community residing in the Indian state of Jharkhand. Only 3% of people in Jharkhand are Christians.

Ethnic identity

The aborigines of Chota Nagpur Plateau , a region on the eastern India, and their descendants are generally referred as Tribal Christians.


Christianity is a minority religion in Jharkhand, a state of India. Most people in Jharkhand are follower of Sarnaism & Hindus. Jharkhand is known for tribals such as Munda, Santhal, Oraon, Kharia people, & Gond. A Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ranchi exists. St. Mary's Cathedral in Ranchi has been a cathedral since 1909.[1] The Church of North India has a Diocese of Chota Nagpur with a seat at Ranchi. The Church of North India has a St. Paul's Cathedral in Ranchi.[2] Gossner Theological College is in Jharkhand. Many Munda & Kharia are Christians.[3] The then pope visited Ranchi in 1986.[4] The Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chotanagpur & Assam has its seat in Ranchi.[5] Dhanbad has Orthodox Churches.[6] Christian missionaries arrived in today's Jharkhand in 1845.

Pre-migration era

After the British colonial planters in India as indentured tribal people of the Chhota Nagpur Plateau region into Northeast India about 150 years ago for the purpose of being employed in the tea gardens industry as workers and came to be known as Tea tribes. These tribals were influenced by the Christian missionaries who came along with Britishers. These christian missionaries worked for the improvement standard of living and providing education to the children of the tribals.


Jharkhandi tribal Christian culture retains that of tribal culture in areas such as dress and cuisine. Many Jharkhandi tribal Christians maintain the tribal customs of decoration of brides and grooms with turmeric.

Churches and ministry

Source: [7][8]


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