Chronological list of saints in the 7th century

A list of 7th-century saints:

NameBirthBirthplaceDeathPlace of deathNotes
Ernan of Cluvain-Deoghra  unknown 
Aetherius  602 Bishop of Lyon
Anacharius (Aunaire)  603 Bishop of Auxerre
Comgall516 602 
Fintan of Cloneenagh  603 
Gregory  603 Bishop of Agrigento
Augustine of Canterbury  604 Bishop of Canterbury
Gregory the Great540 604 pope
Aredius of Gap  605 Archbishop of Gap
John Climacus525 605 
Peter the Deacon  605 
Venantius Fortunatus  605 Bishop of Poitiers
Paterius  606 Bishop of Brescia
Peter of Canterbury  606 
Didier (Desiderius of Vienne)558 607 Bishop of Vienne
Eulogius of Alexandria  608 
Glodesind  608 
Anastasius XII  609Antioch
Artemius  609 Bishop of Sens
John  609 Bishop of Syracuse
Licinius of Angers  609 Bishop of Angers
Mo Lua of Killaloe (Lughaidh, Molua)  609
Anastasius XIII  610 Bishop of Brescia
Drostan  610 
Lupus of Châlons  610 Bishop of Châlons-sur-Saône
Virgilius of Arles530 610 
Colman of Lann Elo555 612 Bishop of Connor
Dominic  612 Bishop of Brescia
Florentina  612 
Theodore of Sykeon  613 Bishop of Anastasiopol
Ceraunus  614 Bishop of Paris
Forty-Four Martyrs of Palestine  614 
Mungo518 614 
Boniface IV  615 pope
Columbanus530 615 
Æthelberht560 616 
Cronan "the Tanner"  617 
Wendalinus (Wendelinus)  617 
Donnán of Eigg maybe Ireland617Eiggmartyr
Adeodatus I  618 pope
Kevin of Glendalough  618 
John the Almsgiver555 619 
Lawrence of Canterbury  619 
Basolus (Basle)555 620 
Merinus (Meadhran, Merryn)  620 
Deiniol  621 
Desiderius  621 Bishop of Auxerre
Attalas  622 
Walericus (Valery)  622 
Bertrand (Bishop of Le Mans)  623 Bishop of Le Mans
Betharius (Bohaire, Boetharius)  623 Bishop of Chartres
Lupus (Leu)  623 Bishop of Sens
Austregisilus (Outril)551 624 Bishop of Bourges
Mellitus  624 
Deicolus (Desle)  625 
Gagericus (Gau, Gery)  625 Bishop of Cambrai
Salvius (Salve, Sauve)  625 Bishop of Amiens
Ursicinus  625 
Vitalis of Gaza  625 
Aidan (Edan, Modoc, or Maedoc)  626 Bishop of Ferns
Amatus  627 
Justus  627 
Anastasius the Persian (Anastasius XIV)  628 
Anastasius XV (Anastasius II)  628 Bishop of Pavia
Blidulf (Bladulph)  630 
Conwall (Conval)  630 
Flavitus (Flaive)  630 
Fulgentius  630 Bishop of Ecija
Enogatus  631 Bishop of Aleth
Colman of Kilmacduagh550 632 
Cagnoald (Chainoaldus, Cagnou)  633 Bishop of Laon
Edwin of Northumbria  633 
Finbar (Barry)  633 
Renovatus  633 Bishop of Mérida
Amabilis(Mable)  634 
Sigeberht of East Anglia  634 
Fintán of Taghmon (Mun, Munnu, Mundus)  635 
Isidore560 636 Bishop of Seville
Fergna "the White"  637 
Tanca  637 
Sophronius550 638 
Acharius  639 Bishop of Noyon-Tournai
Carthage (Carthach the Younger, Mochuda)  639 
Laserian (Laisren, Molaisse)  639 
Mochelloc  639 
Alena (Aline)  640 
Arnulf (Arnoul, Arnuiph)582 640 Bishop of Metz
Bertulf (Bertuiph)  640 
Cronan of Roscrea  640 
Ferreolus (Ernan)  640 
Leontius of Saintes  640 Bishop of Saintes
Romanus of Rouen  640 Bishop of Rouen
Blessed Pepin of Landen  640 
Romulus of Genoa  641 Bishop of Genoa
Oswald  642 
Goericus (Abbo, Goericus)  643 Bishop of Metz
Peregrinus  643 
Paulinus584 644 Bishop of York
Trudpert  644 
Victorinus  644 Bishop of Como
Modoaldus (Romoaldus)  645 Bishop of Trier
Monon  645 
Mura McFeredach (Muran, Murames)  645 
Riquier (Richarius)  645 
Gall550 646 
Ethelburga of Lyminge  647 
Sulpicius II (Sulpice, Pius)  647 Bishop of Bourges
Birinus  649 Bishop of Dorchester
Gertrude of Hamage  649 
Paul  649 Bishop of Verdun
Ernan of Torach  650 abbot
Agilus (Ayeul)  650 
Aquilinus  650 
Baldomerus (Galmier)  650 
Dymphna and Gerebernus  650 
Fursey  650 
Leobald (Leotlebod)  650 
Maroveus  650 
Osmanna (Argariarga)  650 
Titian  650 
Winifred (Guinevra, Gwenfrewi, Winefride)  650 
Aidan  651 Bishop of Lindisfarne
Braulio of Zaragoza587 651 Bishop of Saragossa
Adalbald of Ostrevant  652 
Haduin (Harduin)  653 Bishop of Le Mans
Honorius  653 
Irene  653 
Romaric  653 
Ultan of Ardbraccan  653 
Benedict  654 Bishop of Sebaste
Burgundofara600 655 
Didier (Desiderius)590 655 Bishop of Cahors
Foillan  655 
Madelgisilus (Mauguille, Maguil, Mauguil)  655 
Martin I  655 pope
Molagga (Laicin)  655 
Sigiramnus (Cyran)  655 
Felix of Brescia  656 Bishop of Brescia
Ithamar (bishop)  656 Bishop of Rochester
Mochoemoc (Machaemhog, Puicherius, Vuicherius)  656 
Sigebert III of Austrasia631 656 
Domnus  657 Bishop of Vienne
Eugenius I  657 pope
Hieu  657 
Livinus (Lebwin)  657 
Ultan  657 
Annemund (Annemundus, St Chamond)  658 Bishop of Lyon
Diman  658 
Geremarus (Germer)  658 
Judicaël590 658 King of Domnonia & Brittany
Bavo (Allowin)589 659 
Colman of Glendalough  659 
Gertrude of Nivelles626 659 
Antoninus  660 
Blitmund  660 
Clarus  660 
Donatus of Besançon  660 Bishop of Besançon
Elias  660 Bishop of Syracuse
Eligius (Eloi)590 660 Bishop of Noyon
Etto (Ze)  660 
Floribert (Florbert)  660 
John Camillus the Good  660 Bishop of Milan
Racho (Ragnobert)  660 Bishop of Autun
Saethryth (Sethrida)  660 
Theodichildis (Telchildis)  660 
Thomian (Toiman)  660 
Zosimus  660 Bishop of Syracuse
Boisil (Boswell)  661 
Landericus (Landry)  661 Bishop of Paris
Palladius  661 Bishop of Auxerre
Cummian Fada  662 
Rumwold662Walton Grounds near King's Sutton in Northamptonshire662 
Hadulph  662 Bishop of Arras Cambrai
Maximus the Confessor580 662 
Pelinus of Brindisi  662 
Cunibert  663 Bishop of Cologne
Aileran (Sapiens the Wise)  664 
Cedd  664 
Deusdedit (Freithona)  664 
Tuda  664 Bishop of Lindisfarne
Fechin  665 
Fructuosus of Braga  665 Bishop of Braga
Gibitrudis  665 
Patricia of Naples  665 
Eloque (Eloquius)  666 
Aurea  667 
Ildefonsus of Toledo606 667 
Adrian  668 
Landoald  668 
Waldebert (Walbert, Gaubert)  668 
Wandrille (Wandregisilus)600 668 
Aubert (Autbert)  669 Bishop of Cambrai-Arras
Jodoc (Josse)  669 
Serenidus  669 
Adalgesus  670 
Leudinus Bodo  670 Bishop of Toul
Fiacre  670 
Goban (Gobain)  670 
Hildemarca  670 
Maxellendis  670 
Omer (Audomarus)  670 
Theodard  670 Bishop of Maastricht
Wilfretrudis  670 
Blessed Ferreolus  670 Bishop of Grenoble
Babolen  671 
Basinus  672 Bishop of Trier
Chad (Ceadda)  672 Bishop of Mercia
Faro  672 Bishop of Meaux
Lactali  672 
Vincentian  672 
Vitalian  672 pope
Frodobert  673 
Remaclus  673 Bishop of Maastricht
Drausinus (Drausius)  674 Bishop of Soissons
Amandus (Amand)584 675 
Colman  675 Bishop of Lindisfarne
Emilian (Eminian, Imelin)  675 
Frugentius  675 
Gebetrude (Gertrude)  675 
Germanus of Granfelden  675 
Goeznoveus (Guesnoveus, Governou)  675 Bishop of Quimper
Placid  675 
Aigulf  676 
Amarinus  676 Abbot
Ampelius  676 Bishop of Milan
Gerinus  676 
Gundebert (Gondelbert, Gumbert)  676 Bishop of Sens
Mildgytha  676 
Praejectus (Prix, Prest, or Preils)  676 
Vincent Madelgarius615 677 
Arbogast (Arascach)  678 
Mummolus (Mommulus)  678 
Nathalan  678 Bishop of Tullicht
Dagobert II  679 
Deodatus of Nevers (Die, Didier)  679 Bishop of Nevers
Etheldreda (Audrey)630 679 
Hunna (Huva)  679 
Kiara (Chier)  679 
Leodegar (Leger, Leodegarius)  679 Bishop of Autun
Adalsindis  680 
Adamnan of Coldingham  680 
Adulf  680 Bishop of Utrecht
Agilberta  680 
Baldwin  680 
Bathildis  680 
Berarius  680 Bishop of Le Mans
Botolph (Botulf)  680 
Cædmon  680 
Columbinus  680 
Curcodomus  680 
Eusebia  680 
Ghislain (Gislenus)  680 
Hilda614 680 
Kyneburga  680 
Lambert and Valerius  680 
Modesta  680 
Owen  680 
Pascharius (Pasquier)  680 Bishop of Nantes
Rambert (Rambertus, Ragnebert, Ragnobert)  680 
Serenus  680 
Severa  680 
Ternatius  680 Bishop of Besançon
Agatho  681 pope
Barbatus612 682 Bishop of Benevento
Raverein  682 
Leo II  683 pope
Mummolin (Moulin, Mommolenus, Mummolinus)  683 Bishop of Noyon
Waningus (Vaneng)  683 
Aldegundis635 684 
Conan  684 
Philibert608 684 
Agilbert  685 Bishop of Paris
Benedict II  685 pope
Catald (Cataldus)  685 Bishop of Taranto
Condedus (Conde, Condede)  685 
Framechildis (Frameuze)  685 
Vigilius  685 Bishop of Auxerre
Adalgis  686 
Arwald  686 
Domitian and Hadelin  686 
Eata  686 
Erhard  686 Bishop of Regensburg
Esterwine  686 
Ethelburga of Barking  686 
Landelinus  686 
Aichardus (Archard)  687 
Bertilia of Mareuil  687 
Cuthbert634 687 Bishop of Lindisfarne
Herbert  687 
Anstrudis (Austrude)645 688 
Lambert  688 Bishop of Lyon
Richrudis  688 
Waldetrudis (Waudru)  688 
Avitus II  689 Bishop of Clermont
Cadwallader (Cadwalla, Ceadwalla)659 689 
Amatus  690 Bishop of Sens
Amalberga  690 
Autbod (Autbodus)  690 
Benedict628 690 
Bertha of Val d'Or  690 
Calminius (Calmilius)  690 
Boniface Curitan  690 Bishop of Ross
Emmeramus  690 Bishop of Bavaria
Fromundus  690 Bishop of Coutances
Gerbold  690 Bishop of Bayeux
Godo (Gaon)  690 
Godwin  690 
Hadelinus  690 
Hereswitha  690 
Huno  690 
Hyacinth  690 
Hygbald (Higbald, Hugbald, Hybald)  690 
John  690 Bishop of Bergamo
Jonatus  690 
Julian of Toledo642 690 
Landrada  690 
Mummolus (Momble, Mumbolus, Momleolus)  690 
Ritbert  690 
Sigfrid  690 
Theodore of Tarsus602 690 
Theoffroy  690 
Theofrid  690 
Wigbert  690 
Ywi  690 
Bertilla  692 
Begga  693 
Erconwald  693 Bishop of London
Sæbbi (Sebbe)  694 
Angadresma (Angadrisma, Amgadreme)615 695 
Ansbert (Aubert)  695 Bishop of Rouen
Aquilinus620 695 Bishop of Évreux
Decorosus  695 Bishop of Capua
Ewald the Dark and Ewald the Fair  695 
Guerembaldus  695 Bishop of Hirschau
Oduvald  695 
Valerius  695 
Bercharius  696 
Clodulf (Cloud, Clou)605 696 Bishop of Metz
Eochod  697 
Moling (Dairchilla, Molignus, Moling, Mulling, Myllin)  697 Bishop of Ferns
Bertinus (Bertin, Bertuin)  698 
Eadberht of Lindisfarne (Edbert)  698 
Regulus (Reol)  698 
Trudo (Tron, Trond)  698 
Claudius of Besançon  699 Bishop of Besançon
Æthelwold (hermit)Ethelwald  699 hermit
Sexburga  699 
Agricolus (Agricola)  700 Bishop of Avignon
Alnoth  700 
Amarand  700 Bishop of Albi
Anastasius the Sinaite  700 
Cuaran (Curvinus, Cronan)  700 
Desiderius of Fontenelle  700 
Deusdedit  700 Bishop of Brescia
Disibod (Disen, Disibode)  700 
Drithelm  700 
Eanfleda  700 
Efflam  700 
Everild  700 
Godeberta  700 
Lambert633 700 Bishop of Maestricht
Maurontus (Mauruntius or Maurontius)  700 
Medericus (Merry)  700 
Mildred  700 
Osmanna (Osanna)  700 
Osyth  700 
Pamphilus  700 Bishop of Sulmona
Ranulphus (Ragnulf)  700 
Reineldis (Raineldis, Reinildis)  700 
Thordgith (Tortgyth, Theoregitha)  700 
Vulmar (Wulmar, Ulmar, Vilmer)  700 

See also

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