Cihan News Agency
The Cihan News Agency (Turkish: Cihan Haber Ajansı, or Cihan) is a Turkish news agency based in Istanbul.
The agency, established in 1994, is part of Feza Publications, which also owns Zaman newspaper and Aksiyon, a weekly news magazine. Cihan New Agency, which is producing news in the fields of current events, politics, economy, foreign news, art-magazine and sports, is daily servicing approximately 450 written news, 315 photos and 100 video news.
Cihan News Agency, provides news services to 78 percent of national newspapers and 53 percent of national televisions in Turkey. The agency is also firmly established on the local level with many subscribers among local TV and radio stations, newspapers and with its numerous local joint broadcasting projects. Cihan is also providing news and technical opportunities to over 100 foreign television channels. Some of the channels, which are co-operating with Cihan are as CNN International, BBC, NBC, MTV, CBS, ABC, Al-Jazeera, Abu Dhabi Tv, ARD, ZDF, SAT 1, TF1, Canal +, RAI, Tve, Antena 3, TV2 Denmark, Nos Tv, MJTV, NTV Japan, KBS, NTV Russia, TV6, IRIB, MEGA Channel, Bloomberg, MSMBC, ANS, Lider Tv.
Cihan has 520 personnel working in 81 provinces and 284 counties of Turkey. Cihan News Agency has correspondents in Central Asia, the Middle East, the Balkan States, Europe, South America, Africa and the Far East, totaling 25 offices and 37 correspondents in different countries. Maintaining permanent offices in hot spots like Gaza, Arbil and Kabul, Cihan is broadcasting live and dispatching recordings from these countries to international media organisations.
Cihan News Agency also took an active role during the last three elections in Turkey by providing the fastest and the most reliable results to the news channels.
See also
External links
- Cihan News Agency (Turkish)