Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Program

Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Programme (CHIP) is a non-profit organization that works for improving and strengthening the functional capacities of individuals, organizations and institutions. It has its head office in Islamabad, field offices in Sohawa Tehsil of Jhelum District, Swabi and Skardu, and ongoing projects in 20 districts of Pakistan including 3 Agencies of tribal areas. CHIP has extended its service delivery to neighbouring Afghanistan.[1]


CHIP was established in 1993 as a Swiss NGO Programme Office (SNPO) by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It has undergone a carefully planned transition from an SDC programme to a national organization. Today CHIP is an independent, not-for-profit, value-led national support organization registered in Pakistan under Section 42 of the Company's Ordinance 1984. It has also been accorded certification by USAID. CHIP's scope of work places the emphasis on Human and Institutional Development (HID). Through its proven HID approach (acquired over 14 years field experience), CHIP improves and strengthens civil society organizations at human, organizational and institutional levels to achieve programme efficiency and effectiveness.

Development Interventions of CHIP

Human and Institutional Development of Civil Society Organizations

The project was aimed at strengthening self-help efforts of 23 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working for the disadvantaged sections of society. It was designed to facilitate institutionalization of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) through capacity building, resource development and management programmes. Sectors covered under the project were Natural Resource Management, Non-Formal Education, Micro Enterprise, Mother Child Health and Human Rights.

Promoting Social Inclusion of Persons with Blindness, Low Vision and other Disabilities

These particular projects are being implemented in two districts, District Swabi in North West Frontier Province of Pakistan and District Skardu of Northern Areas of Pakistan. Both districts were selected after carrying out extensive Participatory Situational Analysis (PSA) exercises in the described areas. Target groups in these areas include children, men and women with blindness. Analyzing the diversity of these groups apt strategies for implementation were developed and activities were designed accordingly. Inclusion of people with blindness in the development process not only depicts CHIP's struggle to include marginalised and neglected sections of the society rather it speaks more about the unique inclusive Human and Institutional Development approach adopted by CHIP for creating new norms in the development sector of Pakistan. Apart from the project implemented in the above told districts, CHIP is making inclusion of people with disabilities an essential part of its all educational and other development projects. This approach obviously distinguishes CHIP from conventional development organisations and it will also be a source of inspiration for other institutions.

Local Resource Mobilization and Human and Institutional Development Programme

The project "Local Resource Mobilization and Human and Institutional Development Programme (HID) in Rural Areas of Tehsil Sohawa, Jhelum District, Pakistan" aims to organize communities into Citizen Community Boards (CCBs) and Women Organizations (WOs). The overall emphasis is on developing human resources at the local level in a way that the local communities can work effectively in their respective CCBs. These organized communities are facilitated to mobilize resources from within the communities and local government. Small development interventions are being implemented as an entry point activities for organizing communities and mobilizing local resources.


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