Clan Moroghoe

Clan Moroghoe
"Clan Morrow"
Country Ireland
Parent house Laigin
Founder Murcha, a descendant of Énnae Cennsalach
Cadet branches MacMorough

The Clan Moroghoe (pronounced roughly: Clan Morrow or Clan Morrahow) is an Irish clan, descended from Murcha, who was a descendant of Labhradh, the son of Breasal Bealach. From Murcha came the patronymic MacMuircha which, according to John O'Hart, was anglicised as MacMorough, MacMorrow and Morrow.[1] There are a number of spellings for the clan which include, MacMurroghowe MacMoroghoe, or Murroghowe and Moroghoe. Eventually these names were anglicised into the more recognisable Murrow, MacMorrow, (occasionally) Morrowson and Morrow.[2]


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