Clitoral enlargement methods

Clitoral enlargement methods are forms of body modification that have the potential to enhance the size of the clitoris and increase sexual pleasure. Clitoral enlargement can be accomplished through a variety of means, each having certain side effects and risks.[1][2][3][4]

The congenital or acquired medical condition known as clitoromegaly or macroclitoris, contrasts intentional enlargement of the clitoris, though any abnormal enlargement of the clitoris is sometimes referred to as clitoromegaly.[1][5]


Motivations for desiring enlargement of the clitoris vary. Women who have a very small clitoris may not get adequate pleasure from sexual acts that can directly stimulate the clitoris, such as the coital alignment technique, and may therefore choose to enlarge the clitoris to increase pleasure. Women with normally sized clitorises may wish to increase size to increase pleasure or to appear more attractive. The clitoral pump, like the penis pump, may be used prior to or during masturbation for temporary effect. Some testosterone-altered, female bodybuilders with enlarged clitorises may better be able to use such techniques. Trans men may also desire to enlarge their clitorises.


The most common methods of clitoris enlargement are:

There is disagreement on the best approach; many claim size increases from pumping while others say testosterone is the only way to obtain significant results. Both methods involve some risk. If pumping is done incorrectly, it can cause damage to the erectile tissue and blood vessels. The use of any steroid such as testosterone incurs risk as these compounds can have broad systemic effects.

While the systemic effects of testosterone are both expected and desired in both trans men and female body builders, they are generally undesirable for most women. Thus, one of the most pressing questions is whether the clitoris can be enlarged without causing other unwanted virilizing effects. To reduce side effects, many women attempt local topical administration. Anecdotal evidence suggests that DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), a very potent androgen, can effectively be used for this purpose with minimal side effects. No scientific studies have confirmed this effect in female anatomy, but research targeting the treatment of micropenis has found that local application of DHT is very effective at stimulating penile growth in microphalli.[6] Due to the biological similarity between penile and clitoral tissue, significant growth of the clitoris is likely. Unlike testosterone, DHT can not be converted into the estrogen estradiol and is thus ideal for generating purely androgenic effects. Topical administration of DHT is a well known treatment for clitoral growth in the trans male community.[7]

Clitoral pumping is another applied method of clitoris enlargement. Evidence proving its effectiveness is still lacking but it continues to be a popular activity. The potential dangers of vacuum pumping are well known to those familiar with penis pumping. If the applied vacuum pressure is too great it can cause bursting of blood vessels, bruising, blistering, damage to erectile tissue, and other types of trauma. Safe pressures are generally considered to be less than 5 in-Hg of vacuum or .17 atm (16 kPa).

A less common approach to clitoral enlargement is saline injection.[8] The side effects of this technique are unknown.


  1. 1 2 Horejsí J. (1997). "Acquired clitoral enlargement. Diagnosis and treatment.". Ann N Y Acad Sci 816: 369–372. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1997.tb52163.x. PMID 9238289.
  2. 1 2 Atilla Şenaylı, Etlik Ankara (December 2011). "Controversies on clitoroplasty". Therapeutic Advances in Urology 3 (6): 273–277. doi:10.1177/1756287211428165. PMC 3229251. PMID 22164197.
  3. 1 2 S.V. Perovic, M.L. Djordjevic (December 2003). "Metoidioplasty: a variant of phalloplasty in female transsexuals". BJUI 92 (9): 981–985. doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2003.04524.x. PMID 14632860.
  4. 1 2 Walter J. Meyer, Alice Webb, Charles A. Stuart, Jordan W. Finkelstein, Barbara Lawrence and Paul A. Walker (April 1986). "Physical and hormonal evaluation of transsexual patients: A longitudinal study". Archives of Sexual Behavior 15 (2): 121–138. doi:10.1007/BF01542220. PMID 3013122.
  5. 1 2 3 Copcu E, Aktas A, Sivrioglu N, Copcu O, Oztan Y (2004). "Idiopathic isolated clitoromegaly: A report of two cases". Reprod Health 1 (1): 4. doi:10.1186/1742-4755-1-4. PMC 523860. PMID 15461813.
  6. Choi, SK; SW Han; DH Kim; B de Lignieres (Aug 1993). "Transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy and its effects on patients with microphallus". Journal of Urology 150 (2 Pt 2): 657–660. PMID 8326617.
  7. "DHT for Transgender Men". |first1= missing |last1= in Authors list (help)
  8. "Saline Clitoral Inflation". BME News.
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