Cloud manufacturing

Cloud manufacturing (CMfg) is a new manufacturing paradigm developed from existing advanced manufacturing models (e.g., ASP, AM, NM, MGrid) and enterprise information technologies under the support of cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), virtualization and service-oriented technologies, and advanced computing technologies. It transforms manufacturing resources and manufacturing capabilities into manufacturing services, which can be managed and operated in an intelligent and unified way to enable the full sharing and circulating of manufacturing resources and manufacturing capabilities. CMfg can provide safe and reliable, high quality, cheap and on-demand manufacturing services for the whole lifecycle of manufacturing. The concept of manufacturing here refers to big manufacturing that includes the whole lifecycle of a product (e.g. design, simulation, production,test,maintenance). The concept of Cloud manufacturing was initially proposed by the research group led by Prof. Bo Hu Li and Prof. Lin Zhang in China in 2009.[1] [2] [3]

Related discussions and research were conducted hereafter.[4] And some similar difinitions (e.g. Cloud-Based Design and Manufacturing (CBDM). [5]) to cloud manufacturing were introduced.

Cloud manufacturing is a type of parallel, networked, and distributed system consisting of an integrated and inter-connected virtualized service pool (manufacturing cloud) of manufacturing resources and capabilities as well as capabilities of intelligent management and on-demand use of services to provide solutions for all kinds of users involved in the whole lifecycle of manufacturing. [6] [7] [8] [9]

Types of Cloud Manufacturing Models

Cloud Manufacturing can be divided into two categories. [10] [11]

In CMfg system, various manufacturing resources and abilities can be intelligently sensed and connected into wider Internet, and automatically managed and controlled using IoT technologies (e.g., RFID, wired and wireless sensor network, embedded system). Then the manufacturing resources and abilities are virtualized and encapsulated into different manufacturing cloud services (MCSs), that can be accessed, invoked, and deployed based on knowledge by using virtualization technologies, service-oriented technologies, and cloud computing technologies. The MCSs are classified and aggregated according to specific rules and algorithms, and different kinds of manufacturing clouds are constructed. Different users can search and invoke the qualified MCSs from related manufacturing cloud according to their needs, and assemble them to be a virtual manufacturing environment or solution to complete their manufacturing task involved in the whole life cycle of manufacturing processes under the support of cloud computing, service-oriented technologies, and advanced computing technologies.[2]

Four types of cloud deployment modes (public, private, community and hybrid clouds) are ubiquitous as a single point of access.[2][10] [12]

See also


  1. Li, Bo Hu; L Zhang; SL Wang; F Tao; JW Cao; XD Jiang; X Song; XD Chai (2010). "Cloud manufacturing: a new service-oriented networked manufacturing model". Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems.
  2. 1 2 3 Zhang, L; YL Luo; F Tao; BH Li; L Ren; XS Zhang; H Guo; Y Cheng; AR Hu; YK Liu (2011). "Cloud manufacturing: a new manufacturing paradigm". Enterprise Information Systems. doi:10.1080/17517575.2012.683812.
  3. Lin Zhang, Yongliang Luo, Wenhui Fan, Fei Tao, Lei Ren, Analyses of cloud manufacturing and related advanced manufacturing models, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2011, 17(3):458-468.
  4. Xu, X (2012). "From cloud computing to cloud manufacturing". Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2011.07.002.
  5. Wu, D., Thames, J.L., Rosen, D.W., & Schaefer, D. (2012). Towards a Cloud-Based Design and Manufacturing Paradigm: Looking Backward, Looking Forward. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE12), Paper Number: DETC2012-70780, Chicago, U.S.
  6. L. Zhang, Y. L. Luo, F. Tao, L. Ren, H. Guo. Key Technologies for the Construction of Manufacturing Cloud, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 16(11), 2010, 2510-2520.
  7. Yongliang Luo, Lin Zhang, Fei Tao, Xuesong Zhang Lei Ren. Key technologies of manufacturing capability modeling in cloud manufacturing mode[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2012,18(7):1357-1367
  8. Schaefer, D.; J.L. Thames; R. Wellman; D. Wu; S. Yim; D. Rosen (2012). "Distributed Collaborative Design and Manufacture in the Cloud--Motivation, Infrastructure, and Education". Proceedings of the ASEE 2012 Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, June 10–13, 2012, Paper No. AC2012-3017.
  9. BH Li, L Zhang, L Ren, XD Chai, F Tao, YL Luo, YZ Wang, C Yin, G Huang, XP Zhao. Further Discussion on cloud manufacturing [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 17(3):449-457
  10. 1 2 Jingeng Mai, Lin Zhang, Fei Tao, Lei Ren. Architecture of hybrid cloud for manufacturing enterprise [C], Asia Simulation Conference (AsiaSim'2012) & the International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing (ICSC'2012), Shanghai, China, October 27–29, 2012, pp. 365-372.
  11. Wang, Xi Vincent (2012). "Development of an Interoperable Cloud-based Manufacturing System". PhD thesis: Mechanical Engineering--University of Auckland.
  12. Y., Lu; X. Xu; J. Xu (2014). "Development of a Hybrid Manufacturing Cloud". Journal of Manufacturing Systems. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2014.05.003.
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