Coding theory approaches to nucleic acid design
DNA code construction refers to the application of coding theory to the design of nucleic acid systems for the field of DNA–based computation.
DNA sequences are known to appear in the form of double helices in living cells, in which one DNA strand is hybridized to its complementary strand through a series of hydrogen bonds. For the purpose of this entry, we shall focus on only oligonucleotides. DNA computing involves allowing synthetic oligonucleotide strands to hybridize in such a way as to perform computation. DNA computing requires that the self-assembly of the oligonucleotide strands happen in such a way that hybridization should occur in a manner compatible with the goals of computation.
The field of DNA computing was established in Leonard M. Adelman’s seminal paper.[1] His work is significant for a number of reasons:
- It shows how one could use the highly parallel nature of computation performed by DNA to solve problems that are difficult or almost impossible to solve using the traditional methods.
- It's an example of computation at a molecular level, on the lines of nanocomputing, and this potentially is a major advantage as far as the information density on storage media is considered, which can never be reached by the semiconductor industry.
- It demonstrates unique aspects of DNA as a data structure.
This capability for massively parallel computation in DNA computing can be exploited in solving many computational problems on an enormously large scale such as cell-based computational systems for cancer diagnostics and treatment, and ultra-high density storage media.[2]
This selection of codewords (sequences of DNA oligonucleotides) is a major hurdle in itself due to the phenomenon of secondary structure formation (in which DNA strands tend to fold onto themselves during hybridization and hence rendering themselves useless in further computations. This is also known as self-hybridization). The Nussinov-Jacobson[3] algorithm is used to predict secondary structures and also to identify certain design criteria that reduce the possibility of secondary structure formation in a codeword. In essence this algorithm shows how the presence of a cyclic structure in a DNA code reduces the complexity of the problem of testing the codewords for secondary structures.
Novel constructions of such codes include using cyclic reversible extended Goppa codes, generalized Hadamard matrices, and a binary approach. Before diving into these constructions, we shall revisit certain fundamental genetic terminology. The motivation for the theorems presented in this article, is that they concur with the Nussinov - Jacobson algorithm, in that the existence of cyclic structure helps in reducing complexity and thus prevents secondary structure formation. i.e. these algorithms satisfy some or all the design requirements for DNA oligonucleotides at the time of hybridization (which is the core of the DNA computing process) and hence do not suffer from the problems of self - hybridization.
A DNA code is simply a set of sequences over the alphabet .
Each purine base is the Watson-Crick complement of a unique pyrimidine base (and vice versa) – adenine and thymine form a complementary pair, as do guanine and cytosine. This pairing can be described as follows – .
Such pairing is chemically very stable and strong. However, pairing of mismatching bases does occur at times due to biological mutations.
Most of the focus on DNA coding has been on constructing large sets of DNA codewords with prescribed minimum distance properties. For this purpose let us lay down the required groundwork to proceed further.
Let be a word of length
over the alphabet
. For
, we will use the notation
to denote the subsequence
. Furthermore, the sequence obtained by reversing
will be denoted as
. The Watson-Crick complement, or the reverse-complement of q, is defined to be
, where
denotes the Watson-Crick complement base pair of
For any pair of length- words
, the Hamming distance
is the number of positions
at which
. Further, define reverse-Hamming distance as
. Similarly, reverse-complement Hamming distance is
. (where
stands for reverse complement)
Another important code design consideration linked to the process of oligonucleotide hybridization pertains to the GC content of sequences in a DNA code. The GC-content, , of a DNA sequence
is defined to be the number of indices
such that
. A DNA code in which all codewords have the same GC-content,
, is called a constant GC-content code.
A generalized Hadamard matrix ) is an
square matrix with entries taken from the set of
th roots of unity,
= 0, ...,
, that satisfies
. Here
denotes the identity matrix of order
, while * stands for complex-congugation. We will only concern ourselves with the case
for some prime
. A necessary condition for the existence of generalized Hadamard matrices
is that
. The exponent matrix,
, of
is the
matrix with the entries in
, is obtained by replacing each entry
by the exponent
The elements of the Hadamard exponent matrix lie in the Galois field , and its row vectors constitute the codewords of what shall be called a generalized Hadamard code.
Here, the elements of lie in the Galois field
By definition, a generalized Hadamard matrix in its standard form has only 1s in its first row and column. The
square matrix formed by the remaining entries of
is called the core of
, and the corresponding submatrix of the exponent matrix
is called the core of construction. Thus, by omission of the all-zero first column cyclic generalized Hadamard codes are possible,
whose codewords are the row vectors of the punctured matrix.
Also, the rows of such an exponent matrix satisfy the following two properties: (i) in each of the nonzero rows of the exponent matrix, each element of appears a constant number,
, of times; and (ii) the Hamming distance between any two rows is
Property U
Let be the cyclic group generated by
, where
is a complex primitive
th root of unity, and
is a fixed prime. Further, let
denote arbitrary vectors over
which are of length
, where
is a positive integer. Define the collection of differences between exponents
, where
is the multiplicity of element
which appears in
Vector is said to satisfy Property U iff each element
appears in
times (
The following lemma is of fundamental importance in constructing generalized Hadamard codes.
Lemma. Orthogonality of vectors over - For fixed primes
, arbitrary vectors
of length
, whose elements are from
, are orthogonal if the vector
satisfies Property U, where
is the collection of differences
between the Hadamard exponents associated with
M sequences
Let be an arbitrary vector of length
whose elements are in the finite field
, where
is a prime. Let the elements of vector
constitute the first period of an infinite sequence
which is periodic of period
. If
is the smallest period for conceiving a subsequence, the sequence is called an M-sequence, or a sequence of maximal least period obtained by cycling
elements. If, when the elements of the ordered set
are permuted arbitrarily to yield
, the sequence
is an M-sequence, the sequence
is called M-invariant.
The theorems that follow present conditions that ensure invariance in an M sequence. In conjunction with a certain uniformity property of
polynomial coeffecients, these conditions yield a simple method by which complex Hadamard matrices with cyclic core can be constructed.
The goal as outlined at the head of this article is to find cyclic matrix whose elements are in Galois field
and whose dimension is
. The rows of
will be the nonzero codewords of a linear cyclic code
, if and only if there is polynomial
with coefficients in
, which is a proper divisor of
and which generates
In order to have
nonzero codewords,
must be of degree
. Further, in order to generate a cyclic Hadamard core, the vector (of coefficients of)
when operated upon with the cyclic shift operation must be of period
, and the vector difference of two arbitrary rows of
(augmented with zero) must satisfy the uniformity condition of Butson,[5] previously referred to as Property U.
One necessary condition for
-peridoicity is that
, where
is monic irreducible over.[6]
The approach here is to replace the last requirement with the condition that the coefficients of the vector
be uniformly distributed over
, each residue
appears the same number of times (Property U). This heuristic approach has succeeded for all cases tried, and a proof that it always produces a cyclic core is given below.
Examples of code construction
1. Code construction using complex Hadamard matrices
Construction algorithm
Consider all monic irreducible polynomials over
which are of degree
, and which permit a suitable companion
of degree
such that
, where also vector
satisfies Property U. This requires only a simple computer algorithm for long division over
. Since
, the ideal generated by
, will be a cyclic code
. Moreover, Property U guarantees the nonzero codewords form a cyclic matrix, each row being of period
under cyclic permutation, which serves as a cyclic core
for Hadamard matrix
As an example, a cyclic core for
results from the companions
. The coefficients of
indicate that
is the relative difference set,
Let be a prime and
, with
a monic polynomial of degree
whose extended vector of coefficients
are elements of
. The conditions are as follows:
(1) vector satisfies the property U explained above,
(2) , where
is a monic irreducible polynomial of degree
, guarantee the existence of a p-ary, linear cyclic code
: of blocksize
, such that the augmented code
is the Hadamard exponent, for Hadamard matrix
, with
, where the core of
is cyclic matrix.
First, we note that since is monic, it divides
, and has degree =
. Now, we need to show that the matrix
whose rows are the nonzero codewords, constitutes a cyclic core for some complex Hadamard matrix
Given: we know that satisfies property U. Hence, all of the nonzero residues of
lie in C. By cycling through
, we get the desired exponent matrix
where we can get every codeword in
by cycling the first codeword. (This is because the sequence obtained by cycling through
is an M-invariant sequence.)
We also see that augmentation of each codeword of by adding a leading zero element produces a vector which satisfies Property U. Also, since the code is linear, the
vector difference of two arbitrary codewords is also a codeword and thus satisfy Property U. Therefore, the row vectors of the augmented code
form a Hadamard exponent. Thus,
is the standard form of some complex Hadamard matrix
Thus from the above property, we see that the core of is a circulant matrix consisting of all the
cyclic shifts of its first row. Such a core is called a cyclic core where in each element of
appears in each row of
times, and the Hamming distance between any two rows is exactly
. The
rows of the core
form a constant-composition code - one consisting of
cyclic shifts of some length
over the set
. Hamming distance between any two codewords in
The following can be inferred from the theorem as explained above. (For more detailed reading, the reader is referred to the paper by Heng and Cooke.[4])
Let for
prime and
. Let
be a monic polynomial over
, of degree N - k such that
, for some monic irreducible polynomial
. Suppose that the vector
, with
for (N - k) < i < N, has the property that it contains each element of
the same number of times. Then, the
cyclic shifts of the vector
form the core of the exponent matrix of some Hadamard matrix .
DNA codes with constant GC-content can obviously be constructed from constant-composition codes (A constant composition code over a k-ary alphabet has the property that the numbers of occurrences of the k symbols within a codeword is the same for each codeword) over by mapping the symbols of
to the symbols of the DNA alphabet,
. For example, using cyclic constant composition code of length
guaranteed by the theorem proved above and the resulting property, and using the mapping that takes
, we obtain a DNA code
and a GC-content of
. Clearly
and in fact since
and no codeword in
contains no symbol
, we also have
This is summarized in the following corollary.[4]
For any , there exists DNA codes
codewords of length
, constant GC-content
and in which every codeword is a cyclic shift of a fixed generator codeword
Each of the following vectors generates a cyclic core of a Hadamard matrix (where
, and
in this example):[4]
Where, .
Thus, we see how DNA codes can be obtained from such generators by mapping onto
. The actual choice of mapping plays a major role in secondary structure formations in the codewords.
We see that all such mappings yield codes with essentially the same parameters. However the actual choice of mapping has a strong influence on the secondary structure of the codewords. For example, the codeword illustrated was obtained from via the mapping
, while the codeword
was obtained from the same generator
via the mapping
2. Code construction via a Binary Mapping
Perhaps a simpler approach to building/designing DNA codewords is by having a binary mapping by looking at the design problem as that of constructing the codewords as binary codes. i.e. map the DNA codeword alphabet onto the set of 2-bit length binary words as shown:
As we can see, the first bit of a binary image clearly determines which complementary pair it belongs to.
Let be a DNA sequence. The sequence
obtained by applying the mapping given above to
, is called the binary image of
Now, let =
Now, let the subsequence =
be called the even subsequence of
, and
be called the odd subsequence of
Thus, for example, for =
, then,
will then be =
Let us define an even component as , and an odd component as
From this choice of binary mapping, the GC-content of DNA sequence = Hamming weight of
Hence, a DNA code is a constant GC-content codeword if and only if its even component
is a constant-weight code.
Let be a binary code consisting of
codewords of length
and minimum distance
, such that
implies that
For , consider the constant-weight subcode
, where
denotes Hamming weight.
such that
, and consider a DNA code,
, with the following choice for its even and odd components:
Where < denotes lexicographic ordering. The
in the definition of
ensures that if
, then
, so that distinct codewords in
cannot be reverse-complements of each other.
The code has
codewords of length
and constant weight
Furthermore, and
( this is because
is a subset of the codewords in
Also, .
Note that and
both have weight
. This implies that
have weight
And due to the weight constraint on , we must have for all
Thus, the code has
codewords of length
From this, we see that
(because of the fact that the component codewords of
are taken from
Similarly, .
Therefore, the DNA code
with , has
codewords of length
and satisfies
From the examples listed above, one can wonder what could be the future potential of DNA-based computers?
Despite its enormous potential, this method is highly unlikely to be implemented in home computers or even computers at offices, etc. because of the sheer flexibility and speed as well as cost factors that favor silicon chip based devices used for the computers today.[2]
However, such a method could be used in situations where the only available method is this and requires the accuracy associated with the DNA hybridization mechanism; applications which require operations to be performed with a high degree of reliability.
Currently, there are several software packages, such as the Vienna package,[7] which can predict secondary structure formations in single stranded DNAs (i.e. oligonucleotides) or RNA sequences.
See also
- ↑ Adleman, L. (1994). "Molecular computation of solutions to combinatorial problem" (PDF). Science 266 (5187): 1021–4. doi:10.1126/science.7973651. PMID 7973651.
- 1 2 Mansuripur, M.; Khulbe, P.K.; Kuebler, S.M.; Perry, J.W.; Giridhar, M.S.; Peyghambarian, N. (2003). "Information storage and retrieval using macromolecules as storage media". Optical Society of America Technical Digest Series.
- ↑ Milenkovic, Olgica; Kashyap, Navin (14–18 March 2005). On the Design of codes for DNA computing. International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography. Bergen, Norway. doi:10.1007/11779360_9.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Cooke, C. (1999). "Polynomial construction of complex Hadamard matrices with cyclic core". Applied Mathematics Letters 12: 87–93. doi:10.1016/S0893-9659(98)00131-1.
- ↑ Adámek, Jiří (1991). Foundations of coding: theory and applications of error-correcting codes, with an introduction to cryptography and information theory. Chichester: Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118033265. ISBN 978-0-471-62187-4.
- ↑ Zierler, N. (1959). "Linear recurring sequences". J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 7: 31–48. doi:10.1137/0107003.
- ↑ "The Vienna RNA secondary structure package".