Colonia Caroya
Colony Caroya is a city of the centre of the province of Córdoba, Argentina, in the department Columbus, on the RN 9, to 50 km north of the provincial capital. Has a surface of 6.970 hectares of which 575 belong to the urban zone. It is a linear city, crossed by the Saint Avenue Martín, artery of 9 kilometres of extension covered of centenarian bananas (the longest of the country with this characteristic).
Colony Caroya arises by initiative of the Argentinian president Nicolás Avellaneda (famous impulsor of the European immigration to the Argentina), that afterwards to visit the zone for the inauguration of the FF.CC. North head office, that joined Córdoba with Tucumán goes through the earths of the stay of Caroya founded by the jesuitas in 1616.
It explains the history that Nicolás Avellaneda like student of the School of Monserrat had happened a lot of holidays in said stay by which interested in the zone and asked that it could do by her, to which received the suggestion of his prime and fellow Nemesi Ferrari, owner of the stay Saint Isidro, to found a colony with irrigation with Italian agriculturalists. To his return to Buenos Aires Avellaneda remitted to the Congress the project of law, creating the colony, by Law of 10 July 1876, for which allocated part of the earths of the ancient stay. Through the General Department of Immigration and by means of the Embassy of the Realm of Italy did a called formal to the Italian villages to establish in the new colony.
Around the middle of September 1877 hired a contingent of Friulian families that shipped in December in the port of Génova, to travel to the Argentinian agricultural colonies. These Friulian immigrants arrived to the port of Buenos Aires a 14 January 1878.
The most numerous part of this contingent was allocated to the National Colony “President Avellaneda” (Prov. Of Saint Faith); another group was sent to Chaco and the remaining remained waiting in the Hotel of Immigrants of Buenos Aires. Recently to ends of February, decided rent some wagons of load to the railway and send to the third group of families to the earths of Caroya where arrived the afternoon of 15 March 1878 (foundational date of the Colony).
The casona of the stay of Caroya, housed to the group of colonos until they could build his first houses. The first years were very hard by the conditions of the place since it was a dry zone and cover of mountain, but the tenacity of these immigrants in few years, attained to transform the earth, building a system of channels of irrigation that changed for ever the physiognomy of the place and where before there were mountains arose earths covered of sembradíos and frutales.
The stay of Caroya was the first rural establishment organised by the Company of Jesús in 1616. In 1661 the purchase the priest doctor Ignacio Duarte and Quirós, founder of the School Convictorio of Monserrat, donándola afterwards to the educational establishment to help to keep the school and like residence on holiday of the confined. Between 1814 and 1816 it works in her the Factory of white arms for the north Army, during the battles by the Argentinian independence. In 1854 raisin to the National Government and in the presidency of Nicolás Avellaneda as we saw founds the colony.
The Stay Jesuítica Caroya comprises: the residence, the wide claustro central, the chapel, the perchel, the cutwater, the mill (ruins) and the acequias. It represents a relicto of residential architecture in the half rural, for being a casona centred in a big playground and his claustro, with dependencies for the students of the School Convictorio of Monserrat and a small chapel of stone, in honour to Saint Ignacio de Loyola.
Inside the important work made by the jesuitas in the colonial period, the called “stays” constitute one of his high points like works of architecture. Situated in the province of Córdoba, said establishments did not present neither the organisation neither the ends of the reductions situated in the noreste Argentinian. They conformed rural establishments of economic support to the institutions educacionales that the religious had founded in the city of Córdoba in the first years of the 17th century.
It has 16.168 inhabitants (INDEC, 2010), what represents an increase of 17% in front of the 13.806 inhabitants (INDEC, 2001) of the previous census. It forms an urban agglomerate with the city of Jesús María, designated Jesús María - Colony Caroya, which has 47.770 inhabitants (INDEC, 2010).
The region possesses half seismicity; and his last expressions produced :
- 22 September 1908 (107 years), to the 17.00 UTC−3, with 6,5 Richter, scale of Mercalli VII; location 30°30′0″S 64°30′0″W / 30.50000°S 64.50000°W 30°30′0″S 64°30′0″W / 30.50000°S 64.50000°W / -30.50000, 30°30′0″S 64°30′0″W / 30.50000°S 64.50000°W; depth: 100 km ; it produced damages in Deán Funes, Cruz of the Axis and Soto, province of Córdoba, and in the south of the provinces of Santiago of the Estero, The Rioja and Catamarca30°30′0″S 64°30′0″W / 30.50000°S 64.50000°W[1]
- 16 January 1947 (68 years), to the 2.37 UTC−3, with a magnitude roughly of 5,5 in the scale of Richter (earthquake of Córdoba of 1947)[2]
- 28 March 1955 (60 years), to the 6.20 UTC−3 with 6,9 Richter: in addition to the physical gravity of the phenomenon joined the absolute ignorance of the population to these recurrent events (earthquake of Villa Giardino of 1955)
- 7 September 2004 (11 years), to the 8.53 UTC−3 with 4,1 Richter
Colony Caroya has the 24% of the companies of the Department Columbus, concentrating 50 of the 235 microempresas; and 20 of the 57 SMEs. In the ejido municipal find two big companies: Arcor Chocolates and Guma. Arcor, exports to all the world and has a plantel of work of more than 800 people. In so much Guma (José Guma S.A.) whose activity is the preparation of soaps and products of cleaning. Being exporting of the same. At present it occupies a plantel of 400 employees.
Preparation of wines, sweet, preserves, stuffings (cecinas, codeguines, salamis, hams ), Alfajor (Latin America)|alfajor]]is, repostería, panificación, pastes, honey, crops no traditional, aromatic, crops under cover, child of lower livestock.
Production of the salami
This chacinado is "the" typical product of the Colony. His production no only has kept, but it also has grown by the existent demand and the new technologies applied, although the recipes and the process of preparation use old methods and secrets. In the actuality exist 18 producers that devote to the preparation of the salami, that produce annually more than 315 one thousand kilos in total.
Production of the wine
The produccion of the wine was, in the past, the main economic activity of the Colony, ready such that in the decade of the ´70, the place appeared like one of the municipalities with greater per capita entry in the world, thanks to his production of wine. The cellars that have kept an important preparation of wine are three, Cellar The Caroyense, Cellar Nanini and Cellar Bell.
Rural production
The earths caroyenses have a good fertility, of frank structure-arcillo-sandy, the whole is under hectares allocate to crops of harvest, like corn, soya and wheat.
Historical tourism
Taking into account that this city characterises by the maintenance of his traditions friulanas, the visitors arrive with the aim to know historical places. In the actuality, the museums, churches and chapels and the cellars, are points of reference to the hour to know Colony Caroya.
The Stay Jesuítica Caroya and the Museum Marries Copetti reflect still as it was the life of the first colonos that arrived to these earths.
Know "The way of the wine" is one of the main alternative to the hour to know the history of the city. The four that today work in the production of wine (The Caroyense, Nanini, Don Coco and Bell) have time of weekly visits, and until his own museums, with the tools with which worked at the beginning of the 20th century.
Gastronomic tourism
In addition to carrying the wines and the salamis of the Colony, the visitors also arrive to taste the typical dishes of the city. In the actuality, there is a big variety of canteens and restaurants that offer, mainly, home-made pastes.
The capacity hotelera is not important, due to the fact that Colony Caroya characterises for being a city in passing, and no of permanence of tourists. The same they work five hotels and accommodations (the majority, very next to the city of Jesús María).
Parties caroyenses
With the aim of homenajear the work of the friulanos, so much in the kitchen, in the fifth, as also in his moments of recreation with the singing and the dance, make parties that every time take more importance and attract to thousands of tourists.
The Provincial Party of the Vintage and National of the Frutihorticultura, the Sagra national of the Grape, the Party of the Codeguín, the International Meeting of accordionists, the Party of the Typical Foods Caroyenses and the Party of the Home-made salami are some of the options.
In the last years the integrated group by youngsters caroyenses Ducj Insieme (in friulano all together) proposed recover old habits that were losing along the time, which are: the career of chanchos, the fogata of San Pedro and Saint Pablo and the party of the wine (more known like the stepped of grape).
The career of chanchos celebrates the last Sunday of September, consists of a circuit called "purchitódromo" (of the friulano purchit = chancho/pig) in which the same largan and are run by his owners until arriving to put it. They have to surpass diverse obstacles, and the "false " put" that it is a way without exit. In the 2014 ran the 11º career of chanchos.
The fogata of San Pedro and saint Pablo celebrates on 29 June, is a celebration in which it drinks hot wine and eats sweet potatoes around an enormous fogata, also there is live music and games in which it can participate any person that wish it. The party of the wine is around the middle of November, in this celebration the people steps grapes to extract the juice and do the wine, always in some surroundings of games and humour do competitions and explain jokes.
They exist in the place 9 educational establishments of primary level public and one private. They exist also 4 schools of secondary level and 2 schools for adults (one in each level) and 1 institute of special education.
Secondary schools
- I.P.And.M. Number 349 "Giovanni Bosco"
- And.F.To School of the Family Agricola
- Annex I.P.And.M. Number 69
- Educational association Pío León
Schools of tertiary level
- University school IES
Roads of communication
- Roads: it communicates with the city of Córdoba by three roads: the RN 9, that also joins it with NOA; the provincial route RP And53, that visits the tourist cities more important of Saw them Girls and finishes in Colony Caroya; and the RP To74, that goes through Colony Tirolesa and arrives until Jesús María.
- FFCC: Transport of loads by the General Railway Belgrano
- ↑ "Fenómenos de licuefacción asociados a terremotos históricos. Su análisis en la evaluación del peligro sísmico en la Argentina". Retrieved 24 September 2012.
- ↑ "Listado de Terremotos Históricos". Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sísmica. Retrieved 9 March 2009.