Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on issues of ecological policy

Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy, Nature Resources Utilization and Elimination of the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe
Committee overview
Formed June 28, 1990 (1990-06-28)
Jurisdiction Ukraine
Employees 15 deputies[1]
Committee executive

The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy, Nature Resources Utilization and Elimination of the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe (Ukrainian: Комітет з питань екологічної політики, природокористування та ліквідації наслідків Чорнобильської катастрофи, Komitet Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy z pytan’ ekolohichnoi polityky, pryrodokorystuvannia ta likvidatsii naslidkiv Chornobyl’s’koi katastrofy) is a standing committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's unicameral parliament. The committee consists of 15 people's deputies in the parliament's 8th convocation.[2] Its entire composition was approved on December 4, 2014.

It was created on June 28, 1990 during the twelfth convocation of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (first convocation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) as the "Permanent Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR on issues of ecology and sustainable use of natural resources" (Ukrainian: Комісія у питаннях екології та раціонального природокористування).[3] At the time, the commission of the Verkhovna Rada on issues of the Chornobyl disaster was a separate commission, which was merged with the commission on issues of ecology during the parliament's third convocation.


Mykola Tomenko, of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, is the committee's current chairman.

On December 4, 2014, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on issues of ecological policy's composition was approved by the Verkhovna Rada. Its presidium consists of five deputies:[1]

Office MP Since Party
Chairman Mykola Tomenko December 4, 2014 Petro Poroshenko Bloc
First Deputy Chairman Anatoliy Dyriv People's Front
Deputy Chairman Oleksiy Lenskyi Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko
Deputy Chairman Oleh Nedava Petro Poroshenko Bloc
Secretary Ostap Yednak Self Reliance


The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on issues of ecological policy's scope is recognized as follows:[4]

  • protection, conservation, use, and recovery of natural resources, including mineral resources, forests, water, air, plant and animal wildlife, natural landscapes;
  • conservation and sustainable use of natural resources of the maritime economic zone, the continental shelf, and space exploration;
  • environmental safety, prevention and elimination of natural disasters, industrial accidents and disasters, the activities of public emergency services;
  • radiation and fire safety;
  • civil protection;
  • legal regime of environmental emergency zones;

  • state policy on waste, including radioactive and toxic waste;
  • state monitoring of the environment;
  • administrative and economic penalties for environmental pollution;
  • creation, protection and development of natural reserve fund of Ukraine;
  • terms of recovery, including consent to be bound by international treaties of Ukraine on these issues;
  • social protection of citizens affected by the Chornobyl disaster;
  • environmental insurance and environmental audits;


The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on issues of ecological policy consists of the following subcommittees:[5]

  • Subcommittee on the protection and rational use of mineral and water resources
  • Subcommittee on the forest resources of flora/fauna, landscapes and natural reserve fund
  • Subcommittee on the state environmental monitoring

  • Subcommittee on the public policy in the field of waste management
  • Subcommittee on the Chornobyl, social protection of victims of the Chornobyl disaster
  • Subcommittee on the civil protection and disaster relief of man-made or natural disasters

See also


External links

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