Communist Party of Iceland (Marxist–Leninist)

Communist Party of Iceland (Marxist–Leninist) (in Icelandic: Kommúnistaflokkur Íslands (m-l)), was a political party in Iceland. It was established in April 1976 by 30 delegates. Initially known as Communist Movement M-L (Kommúnistahreyfingin M-L; KHML), from 1972 until 1976 Kommúnistasamtökin marxistarnir-lenínistarnir (KSML). Published Stéttabaráttan (Class Struggle). Publication was initiated in 1972 and ceased in 1980. Chairman was Gunnar Andrésson and General Secretary Kristján Guðlaugsson.

The party was linked to the Swedish KPML(r).


Further reading

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