Commutator subspace

In mathematics, the commutator subspace of a two-sided ideal of bounded linear operators on a separable Hilbert space is the linear subspace spanned by commutators of operators in the ideal with bounded operators. Modern characterisation of the commutator subspace is through the Calkin correspondence and it involves the invariance of the Calkin sequence space of an operator ideal to taking Cesàro means. This explicit spectral characterisation reduces problems and questions about commutators and traces on two-sided ideals to (more resolvable) problems and conditions on sequence spaces.


Commutators of linear operators on Hilbert spaces came to prominence in the 1930s as they featured in the matrix mechanics, or Heisenberg, formulation of quantum mechanics. Commutator subspaces, though, received sparse attention until the 1970s. American mathematician Paul Halmos in 1954 showed that every bounded operator on a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space is the sum of two commutators of bounded operators.[1] In 1971 Carl Pearcy and David Topping revisited the topic and studied commutator subspaces for Schatten ideals.[2] As a student American mathematician Gary Weiss began to investigate spectral conditions for commutators of Hilbert–Schmidt operators.[3][4] British mathematician Nigel Kalton, noticing the spectral condition of Weiss, characterised all trace class commutators.[5] Kalton's result forms the basis for the modern characterisation of the commutator subspace. In 2004 Ken Dykema, Tadeusz Figiel, Gary Weiss and Mariusz Wodzicki published the spectral characterisation of normal operators in the commutator subspace for every two-sided ideal of compact operators.[6]


The commutator subspace of a two-sided ideal J of the bounded linear operators B(H) on a separable Hilbert space H is the linear span of operators in J of the form [A,B] = AB  BA for all operators A from J and B from B(H).

The commutator subspace of J is a linear subspace of J denoted by Com(J) or [B(H),J].

Spectral characterisation

The Calkin correspondence states that a compact operator A belongs to a two-sided ideal J if and only if the singular values μ(A) of A belongs to the Calkin sequence space j associated to J. Normal operators that belong to the commutator subspace Com(J) can characterised as those A such that μ(A) belongs to j and the Cesàro mean of the sequence μ(A) belongs to j.[6] The following theorem is a slight extension to differences of normal operators[7] (setting B = 0 in the following gives the statement of the previous sentence).

Theorem. Suppose A,B are compact normal operators that belong to a two-sided ideal J. Then A  B belongs to the commutator subspace Com(J) if and only if
 \left\{ \frac{1}{1+n} \sum_{k=0}^n \left( \mu(k,A) - \mu(k,B) \right) \right\}_{n=0}^\infty  \in j
where j is the Calkin sequence space corresponding to J and μ(A), μ(B) are the singular values of A and B, respectively.

Provided that the eigenvalue sequences of all operators in J belong to the Calkin sequence space j there is a spectral characterisation for arbitrary (non-normal) operators. It is not valid for every two-sided ideal but necessary and sufficient conditions are known. Nigel Kalton and American mathematician Ken Dykema introduced the condition first for countably generated ideals.[8][9] Uzbek and Australian mathematicians Fedor Sukochev and Dmitriy Zanin completed the eigenvalue characterisation.[10]

Theorem. Suppose J is a two-sided ideal such that a bounded operator A belongs to J whenever there is a bounded operator B in J such that

 \prod_{k=0}^n \mu(k,A) \leq  \prod_{k=0}^n \mu(k,B), \quad n=0,1,2, \ldots .





( 1 )

If the bounded operator A and B belong to J then A  B belongs to the commutator subspace Com(J) if and only if
 \left\{ \frac{1}{1+n} \sum_{k=0}^n \left( \lambda(k,A) - \lambda(k,B) \right) \right\}_{n=0}^\infty  \in j
where j is the Calkin sequence space corresponding to J and λ(A), λ(B) are the sequence of eigenvalues of the operators A and B, respectively, rearranged so that the absolute value of the eigenvalues is decreasing.

Most two-sided ideals satisfy the condition in the Theorem, included all Banach ideals and quasi-Banach ideals.

Consequences of the characterisation

Application to traces

Main article: Singular trace

A trace φ on a two-sided ideal J of B(H) is a linear functional φ:J → ℂ that vanishes on Com(J). The consequences above imply


Suppose H is a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space.

 \left\{ \frac{a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n}{n} \right\}_{n=1}^\infty  \in c_{00}
occurs if and only if
  a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_N = 0
for the sequence (a1, a2, ... , aN, 0, 0 , ...) in c00. The kernel of the operator trace Tr on F(H) and the commutator subspace of the finite rank operators are equal, ker Tr = Com(F(H))  F(H).
 \left\{ \frac{a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n}{n} \right\}_{n=1}^\infty  \in \ell_{1}
is stronger than the condition that a1 + a2 ... = 0. An example is the sequence with
 a_n = \frac{1}{n \log^2(n)} , \quad n \geq 2 .
 a_1 = - \sum_{n=2}^\infty a_n.

which has sum zero but does not have a summable sequence of Cesàro means. Hence Com(L1) ⊊ ker Tr ⊊ L1.

 \left\{ \frac{a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n}{n} \right\}_{n=1}^\infty  \in \ell_{1,\infty}
or equivalently
 \left\{ a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n \right\}_{n=1}^\infty  = O(1)

it is immediate that Com(L1,∞)+ = (L1)+. The commutator subspace of the weak trace class operators contains the trace class operators. The harmonic sequence 1,1/2,1/3,...,1/n,... belongs to l1,∞ and it is has a divergent series, and therefore the Cesàro means of the harmonic sequence do not belong to l1,∞. In summary, L1 Com(L1,∞) ⊊ L1,∞.


  1. P. Halmos (1954). "Commutators of operators. II". Amer. J. Math. 76: 191–198. doi:10.2307/2372409.
  2. C. Pearcy and D. Topping (1971). "On commutators in ideals of compact operators". Michigan Math. J. 18: 247–252. doi:10.1307/mmj/1029000686.
  3. G. Weiss (1980). "Commutators of Hilbert–Schmidt Operators, II". Integral Equations and Operator Theory 4: 574–600.
  4. G. Weiss (1986). "Commutators of Hilbert–Schmidt Operators, I". Integral Equations and Operator Theory 9: 877–892. doi:10.1007/bf01202521.
  5. N. J. Kalton (1989). "Trace-class operators and commutators" (PDF). J. Functional Analysis 86: 41–74. doi:10.1016/0022-1236(89)90064-5.
  6. 1 2 K. Dykema, T. Figiel, G. Weiss, M. Wodzicki (2004). "Commutator structure of operator ideals" (PDF). Adv. Math. 185: 1–79. doi:10.1016/s0001-8708(03)00141-5.
  7. N. J. Kalton, S. Lord, D. Potapov, F. Sukochev (2013). "Traces of compact operators and the noncommutative residue" (PDF). Adv. Math. 235: 1–55. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2012.11.007.
  8. N. J. Kalton (1998). "Spectral characterization of sums of commutators, I". J. Reine Angew. Math. 504: 115–125.
  9. K. Dykema, N. J. Kalton (1998). "Spectral characterization of sums of commutators, II". J. Reine Angew. Math. 504: 127–137.


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